Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 344 War Demon Cultivator (Part 2)

The skull that the black-robed monk just crushed is a special spiritual weapon that he refined with his own blood.

Also known as a blood vessel.

There is a dead blood light sealed inside this blood vessel, which has a very strong attacking ability, and can cut through the body protection spells or magical tools of the cultivators of the Zifu.

Once the body is cut by the Nirvana Blood Light, it will have the effect of burning blood and burning the body.

Burn alive to ashes with his blood as fuel!

This is the black-robed monk's strongest trump card. If he hadn't been almost crushed by Wang Chen's Vajra Fist, he would not have used this trump card easily.

After all, it is a one-time artifact.

But the black-robed monk never expected that his trump card would fail on Wang Chen.

"Dharma-rectification of Tianlong King Kong!"

The black-robed monk squeezed out a few words between his teeth, and the hatred in his eyes almost turned into substance.

His experience is extremely rich, and he can tell at a glance that Wang Chen has practiced the Tianlong King Kong Zhengfa at Tianlong Temple in the Western Regions, and he has cultivated this body training method to a very high level.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to resist his Nirvana Blood Light!

Mere junior...

The black-robed monk also saw that Wang Chen's real cultivation was no more than the elementary level of the Zifu. In the previous peak period, he could easily deal with monks of this level without much effort.

But now I feel helpless!

Seeing the dire situation, the black-robed monk gritted his teeth, raised his right palm and was about to slap it down heavily.

However, at this moment, a bright sword light instantly came into view.

Flying sword!

The black-robed monk couldn't help but let out a strange cry, the mana in his body swelled, the robe he was wearing suddenly swelled up, and bloody tentacles as thick as arms emerged from his back out of thin air.

Intertwined to meet the wind and thunder sword that Wang Chen just issued!

call out! call out! call out!

The sword energy was vertical and horizontal, cutting off sections of bloody tentacles, and splashing raindrops of dirty blood.

Although the Fenglei sword was sharp, the bloody tentacles that the black-robed cultivator spurred seemed endless, cutting off one and spawning two, protecting himself extremely tightly.

Wang Chen was secretly startled.

He can now be 100% sure that this black-robed monk is a demon cultivator.

Moxiu is like a mouse crossing the street in the world of cultivating immortals. He is an existence that everyone shouts and beats, and is hated even more than evil cultivators.

Because Moxiu likes to use the flesh and blood of other monks to practice spells, or to refine magic weapons, elixirs, etc.

The most important thing is that demonic cultivators are not as easy to identify as evil cultivators. They also have seven emotions and six desires. As long as they hide or disguise their mana aura, they can easily mix into the fairy city or even sects.

Once the demon cultivators make trouble, corpses are often scattered all over the ground, and there are many examples of destroying a city!

Due to the great harm, as long as they encounter the magic cultivator, the Nascent Soul True Immortal would not mind attacking the junior qi practitioners.

It will never damage your reputation.

Therefore, there are very few demon cultivators who show their real bodies in public. The sects of demon cultivators are all hidden from the world, and their whereabouts are even more strange.

Wang Chen didn't know why this magic cultivator hid underground in the mine, and what kind of connection he had with the gray wolf thief, but he knew very well that it would be bad for him to continue to stand still.

Because the opponent is undoubtedly the strongest opponent he has encountered so far!

With a flash of thought in his mind, Wang Chen swung his hands violently, and typed out more than a dozen Firefall Talismans in one go!

These talismans exploded suddenly after flying more than a dozen steps before, turning into balls of scorching fire, all blasting towards the black-robed monk on the altar.

But Wang Chen didn't expect that the mere first-order magic talisman could hurt a highly cultivated demon cultivator. The moment he hit the meteor fire talisman, his body flew towards the altar like an arrow leaving the string.

Shrinking the ground two inches in a row, Wang Chen appeared in front of the black-robed monk.

At this time, the black-robed cultivator had just blocked a dozen meteorites, and Wang Chen was killed in front of him. Although he was not shocked, he immediately reached out and grabbed Wang Chen's vitals.

His right hand transformed into a blood claw in an instant, shaped like an eagle's claw with a sharp hook!

The black-robed monk shot extremely fast, and Wang Chen's Vajra Fist came even faster.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the claws of the two collided.


The blood claws of the black-robed monk instantly shattered, his right arm snapped off on the spot, and the blood shield fluctuated violently, and was about to be annihilated.


He immediately opened his mouth and sprayed a cloud of dark red blood mist towards Wang Chen.

This cloud of blood mist is extremely poisonous, and has a strong corrosive effect on magic weapons and spiritual weapons. As long as it is contaminated with a little bit, it will be corroded and corroded, and it is almost impossible to dissolve.

If it is inhaled by a monk, it will turn into pus within three breaths!

This mouthful of poisonous energy and blood spurted out, and the black-robed cultivator's cultivation immediately dropped by 30%, and his expression became a lot more sluggish.

It wasn't that he was driven to a desperate situation, and he wouldn't spit out the blood of his own life.

And at the moment when the black-robed monk spewed blood mist, Wang Chen suddenly felt a creepy feeling.

The hairs all over his body stood on end, and his intuition was crazily warning!

But at this time, Wang Chen had no choice but to retreat.

He didn't want to retreat either, so he exhaled immediately and said, "Drink!"

A stream of light suddenly shot out, instantly piercing through the dark red blood mist, and piercing the black-robed monk's forehead.

It was the sword pill that Wang Chen had sealed in his body.

Jianwan's unfurled blade was corroded by half of its edge in the process of penetrating the blood mist, but it still pierced through the head of the black-robed monk and destroyed his sea of ​​consciousness.

While Wang Chen spit out the sword pill, his figure suddenly flew backwards.

Can barely avoid the oncoming blood mist.

The dark red blood mist continued to fly ten steps away without the control of the black-robed monk, and immediately turned into spots of dirty blood and fell on the altar, corroding deep holes one by one.


The black-robed monk fell backwards, his hands and feet twitched a few times and then remained silent.


Wang Chen thought that the other party was dead, but he didn't see the prompt of obtaining the Heavenly Skill.

He immediately activated the Fenglei sword suspended in the air, ready to cut off the head of the demon cultivator.

Even if the opponent's vitality is extremely tenacious, it is impossible to survive with a different head.

However, just when the flying sword was about to hit the neck of the black-robed monk, Wang Chen stopped moving.

After thinking about it, he took out a dark golden rope from the storage bag and threw it out.

This rope was like a spirit snake, quickly entangled the black-robed monk on the ground tightly, and tied it tightly.

But this was obviously not enough, Wang Chen took another action to seal the opponent's Qihai Dantian and Zenith Daqiao.

During this process, the black-robed monk remained unresponsive.

Entered a state of suspended animation!

Immediately afterwards, Wang Chen took out a silver shuttle from the storage bag.

When he injected mana, the silver shuttle immediately buzzed and flew away from his hand.

In an instant, it turned into a stream of light, pierced upwards through the thick rock and disappeared.

Wang Chen sat down unhurriedly, guarding the black-robed monk on the ground, waiting silently while moving his luck.

He is waiting for someone to come! ——

The second one is delivered.

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