
In the dense forest, there was a loud barking sound suddenly.

Immediately, several mountain dogs rushed out.

Mountain dogs are slender in size and extremely alert in temperament. They are good at searching and rounding up prey in the jungle. They are the best partners and helpers of hunters.

The next moment, accompanied by panting sounds of "Hang Chi" and "Hang Chi", a strong black-haired wild boar chased it out.

This wild boar is not only unusually large in size, but also has two very long tusks protruding from the corners of its mouth, showing a silver-gray metallic color, and the tips are extremely sharp.

This is a Tier 1 long-toothed wild boar, a small overlord in the mountains and forests. Its skin is extremely tough and hard, invulnerable to fire and water, and it is extremely powerful and wild.

An idle hunter would shy away from a long-tusked wild boar, not daring to try the power of its long tusks.

The most frightening thing is that once the long-tusked wild boars appear, it must be a litter or even a group.

Behind this long-toothed wild boar, there are more than a dozen of its kind, large and small.

They rumbled away the vines and small trees blocking the front, and followed their leader to hunt down the fleeing mountain dogs.

However, at the moment when all the pigs rushed out of the woods, a sudden change occurred!

call out! call out! call out!

Black and black arrows suddenly struck through the air, and the triangular arrows shone with a dark golden light. They flew over a distance of hundreds of steps in an instant, and collided head-on with the wild boars.

Puchi! Puchi! Puchi!

Although the pigskin of the long-toothed wild boar is comparable to the armor of a warrior, and its toughness is even more amazing, but these arrows obviously have a special piercing power, as long as they hit, they will surely penetrate.

Moreover, the archers who ambushed the herd of pigs had excellent archery skills, less than one-tenth of the arrows they shot missed. On average, a wild boar hit three or four arrows, and the leader of the wild boar who rushed to the front was even shot into a hedgehog.

They howled in pain, lost their balance and fell to the ground, plowing deep marks one after another.

Bright red blood gushed out from the wound, quickly infecting a large area of ​​soil.

In the jungle not far away, a series of vigorous figures jumped out.

They held long bows and carried sabers on their backs, and wore animal leather armor that was very similar in color to the bushes, exuding a sturdy aura.


The blood-soaked wild boar leader let out an angry and unwilling roar. It struggled to get up from the ground, and rushed towards the hunters with red eyes, assuming a desperate posture.

call out!

Another arrow shot like lightning, hit the wild boar leader's left eye, and immediately penetrated into the brain without stagnation.

The wild boar leader fell to the ground without a sound.


The hunters cheered in unison, and some even whistled.

"Brother Xiao's arrow skills are too powerful!"

"No. 1 in Ota Village!"

"It's not just Datian Village that is number one, it's all ten miles and eight townships."

"That's right, that's right..."


A burly and middle-aged hunter smiled and said, "Stop bragging, and get rid of these wild boars quickly."


A group of hunters put away their longbows and ran over laughingly to deal with the spoils.

Monsters are full of treasures, and the long-toothed wild boar is no exception. Pig skin can be used to tan leather boots and leather armor, muscles and bones are materials for alchemy, pork is a tonic for strengthening qi and blood, and there is also a medicinal diet made from pig offal...

A wild boar with long tusks weighing several hundred catties can buy a lot of spirit stones in Wancheng.

Especially now that winter is approaching, these wild boars are all fat and strong, which is the time when the value is the highest.

The hunters cooperated with each other and hung the carcasses of wild boars upside down from the trees with ropes.

While the pig's blood is being drained, the pig hair covered with sludge is shaved and scraped clean.

Some hunters feel extremely refreshed after drinking a few mouthfuls of hot pig's blood.

When they were busy, the hunter surnamed Xiao turned around and skimmed through the bushes, and came to Wang Chen in an instant, bowed and saluted: "My lord, all the prey have been taken!"

"very good."

Wang Chen nodded: "Let everyone hurry up, let's go ahead and explore again."

The respectful hunter in front of him is Xiao Hong, the captain of the Datian Village Guard Team established not long ago.

The guard team of Datian Village consisted of 50 people, most of them were young people from the village, most of them were warriors and some of them were monks.

After some training, Wang Chen took them to the mountains to hunt.

A few times down, great results!

Now Wang Chen basically does not interfere with the escort's hunting operations, allowing them to play freely, and at most provide the necessary help in searching for prey.

Unless you encounter an unmatched monster, you will never intervene in battle.

As the saying goes, it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. If the hunters are allowed to form a habitual dependence on Wang Chen, then after he leaves in the future, the previously established rules and regulations will inevitably collapse!

Xiao Hong respectfully: "Yes!"

His respect and admiration for Wang Chen comes from the heart, without any moisture.

Xiao Hong was originally a hunter in Datian Village, and his hunting skills are second to none in the village.

But because he has a foreign surname, he has always been squeezed out by Huang Deqi and others, and the eldest is still a widow.

The arrival of Wang Chen, the new village head, changed everything. The mighty Huang Deqi fell, and the three surnames lost their support. He was selected as the captain of the guard...

Two days ago, the matchmaker in the village came to the door and said that several families had taken a fancy to him.

He wants to recruit Xiao Hong as his son-in-law.

No dowry! !

During this time, Xiao Hong felt like he was dreaming.

In order not to let this dream come to nothing, he used all his strength to lead the guards to hunt monsters in the mountains.

The reason why Xiao Hong admires Wang Chen is that the latter provided the guards with a batch of hunting bows, armor-piercing arrows and animal skin armor purchased from Wancheng, and also took out more than a dozen storage bags for the guards. used by monks.

These excellent weapons and equipment have made the combat effectiveness of the guards soar, and it is easy to hunt long-tusked pigs.

I never dared to dream of it before!

When other people are village chiefs, they try to find wealth to meet their own cultivation needs, but Wang Chen does the opposite. Instead of squeezing the villagers, he spends a lot of spiritual stones to subsidize the village.

Xiao Hong sincerely hopes that he can continue to serve as the village head.

With incomparable emotion, Xiao Hong returned to the hunters and handled the prey with everyone.

The processed wild boars were put into storage bags to keep them fresh. The guards rested in place for half an hour, ate some dry food to replenish their strength, and then continued to march deep into the mountains.

According to the plan, they will store a large amount of wild game before winter, so that everyone in Datian Village will have meat to eat.

With Wang Chen, a cultivator from the Zifu, leading the battle, everyone was full of courage and confidence.

Several mountain dogs rushed to the front, nimbly shuttled among the trees, using their keen sense of smell to search for prey.

Today is destined to be a day that will not be peaceful! ——

The first one is sent.

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