When entering the city, Wang Chen encountered trouble.

The gate of Taiwu City is extremely tall and thick, and there is a small gate under the gate for businessmen and travelers to enter and exit.

There are heavily armed warrior guards inside and outside the city gate, checking passers-by.

There is no need to pay any fees to enter the city, but outsiders like Wang Chen are subject to quite strict inspections.

"Open your package."

A samurai pointed to the burden Wang Chen was carrying with a blank expression.

After hesitating for a moment, Wang Chen took off his package and opened it. The white fox hidden inside immediately revealed its head.


The city guard warrior was startled, and subconsciously pulled out the long sword at his waist.

"What's up?"

The few warriors next to him reacted quickly, and immediately surrounded them, staring at Wang Chen.

Wang Chen patted the little fox's head calmly, and said, "Everyone, don't panic, this is my pet white fox, which has been raised since childhood."

The white fox "beeped" a few times cooperatively, and pressed his face tightly against Wang Chen's palm.

A harmless and cute appearance.

The warriors felt relieved and put away their weapons one after another.

The martial artist who was in charge of inspecting Wang Chen frowned and said, "There is a rule in Taiwu City that private animal pets must be registered in the register, otherwise they will be captured and killed by wild animals. I think you will let it go for the first time." , but you must go to the Chief Secretary’s Office to handle it.”

Wang Chen nodded: "Understood."

The samurai waved his hand: "Go in."

Wang Chen: "Thank you."

What Wang Chen didn't expect was that he had just stepped through the wide doorway, and before he had walked a few steps into the city, someone chased him from behind: "Your Excellency, please stay!"

Wang Chen stopped in doubt: "What's the matter?"

The other party was a gentle middle-aged man, and he said with a smile: "The white fox you raise is very interesting. My master was quite happy to see it just now. I wonder if you are willing to part with it?"

Actually want to buy a white fox!

Wang Chen shook his head and said, "I can't give up what I love, forgive me."

After finishing speaking, he was about to leave, but was stopped by the other party: "Your Excellency, the price is negotiable, how about three thousand jade coins?"

The middle-aged man raised three fingers unwillingly, with an expression of "you've made a lot of money".

Suddenly there was a soft cry from around, and many people looked at Wang Chen with envy in their eyes.

Just now because of the white fox negotiating with the city guard warriors, Wang Chen was watched by many people. No one expected that someone would pay such a sky-high price of three thousand jade coins to buy a beast pet.

Wang Chen became impatient: "Not for sale!"

What he hates the most is such a pestering guy.

The middle-aged man was face-swept in public, and immediately sullen his face: "Your Excellency, you know..."

As a result, before he finished speaking, Wang Chen was no longer in front of his eyes.

The middle-aged man rubbed his eyes in disbelief, then looked left and right to find nothing, and finally had to return to a luxury carriage parked by the roadside resentfully.


He reported tremblingly, "That man refused to sell, so he ran away now."

"What a waste!"

A shrill voice came from inside the carriage: "This white fox looks very intelligent, Miss Shangguan must like it, I don't care what method you use, you must find him, otherwise..."

"Come see me again with your head in your hands!"

The middle-aged man lowered his head: "Yes!"

At this moment, Wang Chen didn't know that someone regarded Hu Jiaojiao as a must-have. He was following the bustling crowd on the main road of the city.

Taiwu City is the largest city in the Wushan world, not only the largest city, but also the largest population.

It is said that there are millions of people living in the city with a radius of hundreds of miles!

Wang Chen had only heard about Taiwu's reputation before, but today he truly experienced its prosperity and prosperity.

And the people here, whether they are business travelers, city residents, farmers, or shop assistants and maids standing in front of shops, are full of energy and spirit.

The proportion of warriors is extremely high.

Along the way, Wang Chen has perceived several acquired masters!

In other cities, Houtian master is the top character next to the city lord, but it is very common in Taiwu City.

Yao Lao told Wang Chen that those monks who have entered the Tao seldom settled in the city. Most of them opened up caves in the depths of Taiwu Mountain and a few established sects.

Unlike Chibi City, which has a relatively simple power structure, the structure of Taiwu City is very complicated. Many forces such as government offices, sects, families, and martial arts are intertwined with each other, and the entanglements between them are extremely deep.

But Wang Chen didn't come here to conquer this city. Once he found Xuanhuling, he and Hu Jiaojiao would definitely leave, so he didn't care much about these things.

For Wang Chen, the most important thing right now is to find a foothold.

This matter was quite simple, because the commerce in Taiwu City was extremely developed, and there were many dental intermediaries. Wang Chen found a house to inquire, and soon rented a good house in the east area of ​​the city.

This house is small in size, but it also has a front yard, main room, wing room, kitchen, etc. Although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs and furnishings.

It's just that the rent is staggeringly high, more than ten times that of the same house in Chibi City!

But Wang Chen didn't lie in this "little money". He immediately signed a contract with Yaren and the landlord, and paid the rent for one year at a time.

When he left Chibi City, Wang Chen brought a lot of purple gold coins.

If it's not that there is no storage equipment, it is impossible to take away what is hidden in Yao Lao's secret vault, otherwise let alone renting a house, it is easy to buy a house bigger than this.

It is impossible for Wang Chen to bring these coins back when he returns to the Haotian Realm in the future, so naturally he doesn't feel bad about spending them.

Seeing Wang Chen's extravagant spending, Yaren was overjoyed, and asked, "Dear guest, do you need any servants in the house? The villain can arrange for you some capable maidservants to come over."


Wang Chen threw a purple gold coin to the other party: "This is your reward."

After dismissing the toothpaste, Wang Chen closed the door and walked around to look inside and out again.

It's really settled down.

Yao Lao suddenly said: "Boy, there is a secret storehouse of mine in this city, do you want to go and have a look?"

He specifically emphasized: "The biggest!"

Wang Chen suddenly became interested: "Is there any pill that can help Jiaojiao improve her rank?"

Yao Lao: "There are no pills, but there must be medicinal materials!"

That's good!

Wang Chen made a decision immediately: "Let's go and have a look tomorrow."

The next moment, the white fox who followed Wang Chen around jumped into his arms and rubbed his head affectionately.

Wang Chen caressed the tail of the fox, thinking in his heart who would have the Xuanhu Ling, and when would the little fox in his arms feel it again.


The second one is delivered.

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