Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 802 Strength is the Respect


The shrill screams suddenly sounded in the teahouse.

It can be heard clearly from three miles away.

But that's just the beginning!

I saw a white shadow shuttle back and forth among the people in Tsing Yi, dazzled as fast as lightning, splashing hot blood in all directions.

Even the middle-aged man who retreated ten steps away was spattered with blood all over his face.

One after another, the people in Tsing Yi screamed and fell to the ground. There were torn scars on their arms and feet, their clothes were torn and their flesh turned up, and the big tendons inside were cut off!

Such an injury is not fatal, but to a martial artist, it is more terrifying than death.

If the tendons in the hands and feet are picked, even if it is lucky to get it back, unless it is treated with extremely precious intermittent pills, it can only be reduced to a disabled person.

But how can such a pill be obtained by these thugs!

In just a few breaths of time, more than a dozen people in Tsing Yi who were in the realm of blood refining and marrow refining fell into a pool of blood.

They struggled, twitched, and howled in pain, turning the small teahouse into a purgatory on earth!

As for the middle-aged man who started it, his eyes were broken and he was trembling.

He never dreamed that the elite team he brought would fall under the paws of the opponent's pets without even touching a single hair of the master.

That's right, it wasn't Wang Chen who just dealt with more than a dozen people in Tsing Yi.

It's a white fox!

It jumped back into Wang Chen's arms with a "whoosh", curled up its body again, and licked its clean paws leisurely.

It seemed that the blood on the ground had nothing to do with it.

Ten steps away, the middle-aged man knelt down on the ground with a thud, and stammered: "Small, a villain has eyes but doesn't know Taiwu Mountain, big, my lord..."


With a wave of Wang Chen's hand, the latter was immediately hit by an invisible force, and his whole body was sent flying.

When it fell to the ground, it had turned into a pig's head, and half of its teeth were missing.

And this is already the result of Wang Chen's mercy!

"My name is Wang Chen."

Wang Chen said lightly: "Currently living in Kuanliu Lane, if you are not convinced, you can find someone to come back and see if you can take my white fox away!"

Originally, he wanted to kill someone, but Hu Jiaojiao made the first move.

This is also good, the deterrent effect is not bad at all!

After speaking, Wang Chen got up and left.

When he walked out of the teahouse, he stopped and reached out and knocked on the counter.

The shopkeeper who was hiding inside braced himself and stood up tremblingly: "Gui, what's your order?"

"Sorry for messing up your place."

Wang Chen threw down a few purple gold coins and said, "These can be regarded as compensation."

The shopkeeper wanted to refuse, but when he looked up, Wang Chen's figure had disappeared.

And such a big incident happened in the teahouse next to the Chief Secretary's Yamen, and there was no way to hide it.

Not to mention that not all the tea drinkers ran away, and a few bold ones hid in a corner to witness the whole process of the incident.

Although the middle-aged man did not declare his family name, there happened to be someone who knew him.

So Wang Chen's name, together with someone from a certain family embezzling other people's animal pets, resulted in an "interesting story" full of heads, which quickly spread as if they had grown wings.

It caused quite a stir in Taiwu City!

And Wang Chen originally planned to go to Yao Lao's secret library after going through the registration procedures today.

As a result, it was difficult to continue to act after such a incident, so he returned to his home first.

In the evening, a group of heavily armed men appeared at the door of Wang Chen's house.

The people who came were wearing dark blue strong shirts, all of them were sturdy, among them the leading warrior had dark skin and a resolute face, there was a deep scar on his left cheek, and his eyes were extremely sharp.

Since the door of Wang Chen's house was open, he broke in first, and shouted in a deep voice: "Wang Chen, something happened to you, if you don't want to die, just obediently grab your hands!"

At this time, Wang Chen was sitting on the armchair reading a book, and the white fox was lying on his lap.

He put down the book when he heard the sound, and said with a smile, "My business? What is my business?"

"What did you do, you know it in your heart!"

The leading warrior said proudly: "I am Qi Yao, the chief arresting officer. Don't think that you are born with the ability to do whatever you want. This Taiwu City is not a place for you to run wild!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the arresters behind him waved the dragon chains in their hands.

This kind of strange weapon is the exclusive weapon of the police, it is specially used to lock up the criminals, and it can also form a battle formation to round up powerful opponents.

Qi Yao himself is an innate strong man, and among the subordinates he brought are three acquired masters.

Speaking is naturally very confident.

In the eyes of this head catcher, Wang Chen at this time is the turtle in the urn.

To be honest, Qi Yao was secretly surprised by Wang Chen's youth, and even had some regrets.

Such a genius should have been able to shine the brightest in Taiwu, but his youthful vigor offended the powerful, his fate is already doomed!

Thinking in his heart, Qi Yao mobilized his innate qi and prepared to cooperate with his men to capture Wang Chen.

As explained above, it is best to capture alive!

However, at the next moment, Qi Yao's pupils shrank suddenly, revealing an expression of incomparable shock.

He hurriedly opened his arms and shouted, "Stop!"

Before the siege of the arresters even started, it was abruptly interrupted.

Qi Yao's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he asked in a deep voice: "Dare to ask Shangxian, is there any misunderstanding?"

Shangxian is the respectful title mortals give to monks!

At this moment, Wang Chen was still sitting on the chair.

It's just that he opened his left hand, and a ball of crimson flame jumped out of his palm, burning soundlessly.


A spell that only monks can master!

What kind of person Qi Yao is, how could he fail to recognize Wang Chen's methods.

He immediately realized that he had hit an iron plate this time!

There is a saying in Taiwu City - monks cannot be punished, ordinary rules are useless to monks.

Although Qi Yao is an innate strong man, without the order of Taiwu Pavilion and the support of a monk, he is not qualified to arrest Wang Chen.


Wang Chen smiled: "There is no misunderstanding, it's just that someone wanted to steal my things, I taught him a little lesson, is there any problem?"


Qi Yao shook his head without thinking: "Shangxian Shengming, I was misled by others, please forgive me for offending the family!"

As he spoke, he saluted Wang Chen.

Wang Chen put his five fingers together and extinguished the flame in his palm.

"never mind."

He waved his hand and said, "Those who don't know don't blame, you go back and report the truth."


Qi Yao retreated respectfully, and led a group of his men out of the door.

Wang Chen touched the white fox in the words, and smiled: "Sure enough, in the land of Taiwu, strength is the most important thing."

Even if he is a newcomer who has no roots and no bottom, as long as he shows super strength, then everything will not be a problem! ——

The second one is delivered.

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