Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 805 Night Battle in All Directions (Part 1)

Under the dark water, Wang Chen dived out of the long channel like a fish swimming in an instant.

Return to Huansha River again.

But he immediately felt something was wrong.

Mottled light and shadows are projected from above the river surface, illuminating the deep river water.

Then one after another, the large nets broke through the water, and the cover fell down with a clatter, covering all the river within a hundred steps.

Plop! Plop!

Immediately afterwards, another person jumped into the river.

Realizing that Wang Chen, who was trapped in the siege, was not in the slightest panic, he jumped up suddenly, and swung his dagger at the moment when Kankan was about to fall into the net.

Although this dagger is not a divine weapon, it is extremely sharp. After infused with innate energy, the blade reveals a sharp cold light, and it cuts open the big net in an instant.

In fact, this kind of fishing net used to catch people is made of special materials. Ordinary swords and weapons are hard to hurt. Once caught by it, even a powerful beast cannot break free.

But under Wang Chen's hands, it was like paper.

He rushed to the surface of the water through the broken hole, and leaped high into the air!

The moment he came out of the water, Wang Chen took a deep breath.

His body suddenly swelled up, stretching his originally loose clothes into tight clothes, muscles in his thighs, chest, and arms swelled, and even his face was covered with flesh.

It looks completely different from the original!

At this moment, both sides of the Huansha River were full of spectators, including many warriors in black shirts.

Seeing Wang Chen coming out of the water, there was an exclamation all around.

"Take it!"

Accompanied by a sharp shout, more than a dozen black-clothed warriors threw out chains shining with black light, and chased and entwined towards Wang Chen in the air.

They cooperated extremely tacitly, and the long chain flew like a python, covering the sky in an instant.

However, Wang Chen stepped on his right foot with his left foot, stepped on his left foot with his right foot, stepped on alternately with both feet, and suddenly raised several feet up, avoiding all the iron chains.

The exclamations on both sides of the Huansha River became louder, and countless people who witnessed this scene opened their eyes wide, as if seeing a god.

This is incredible!

In fact, Wang Chen created this kind of effect of ladder cloud vertical flying with the help of spells.

Wang Chen turned and stepped in the air, and landed lightly in a red building.

There were a few playboys Yong Ji drinking and watching the fun, but Wang Chen barged in, and they were all stunned.


Wang Chen waved his hand.

Those young people who drank flower wine suddenly felt amnesty, they all left the female Ji in their arms and ran away with their heads in their arms.

It frightened the three or five beauties so that their faces paled.

Of course Wang Chen would not embarrass these errant women, and sat down at a desk on his own.

"My lord, do you need a little girl to serve wine?"

Hearing this timid voice, Wang Chen who had just picked up the flagon was a little curious: "They all ran away, why didn't you run away?"

In a short time, the concubines, musicians and maids in the pavilion basically ran away.

There was only one young woman holding a pipa left behind, and she didn't know if she was frightened or not, but she was still sitting in her original position.


The pipa girl showed a bitter smile: "Although Taiwu City is big, where can the little girl go?"

She plucked up her courage and looked at Wang Chen: "And my lord's miraculous skills are world-class, so I don't think I will care about the little girl."

Wang Chen laughed: "Yes, although you are a weak woman, you are much stronger than many men."

He poured a glass of wine on his own, and said: "You don't need to serve the wine, just play a piece of music for me, and you will be rewarded if you play well."


The pipa girl Yingying bowed, and then lightly plucked the strings with her slender fingers, and the sound was like silver beads rolling on a jade plate, which touched the ears and soul.

Wang Chen took a sip from his wine glass and tapped the beat with his left hand on the table.

"Boy, why don't you run away?"

It was Elder Yao who asked Wang Chen. This Nascent Soul Immortal was very puzzled by Wang Chen's current behavior: "I have everything."

With Wang Chen's physical strength, he was able to break out of the encirclement just now, and then return to his residence without anyone noticing.

He just hid in this extremely conspicuous red building.

While Wang Chen was drinking and listening to music, a group of elite warriors appeared outside the red building.

Together with the men in black, they dispersed the crowd of onlookers, and quickly set up a net in the nearby streets and alleys and buildings, forming a tight encirclement.

Some of these warriors carried heavy crossbows. They jumped onto the high wall or the roof of the building, and their sharp eyes locked on the red building where Wang Chen was.


Wang Chen replied calmly, "Why did you run?"

Yao Lao was dumbfounded.

Wang Chen drank the wine in the glass, closed his eyes and listened to the piano music quietly.

Although the pipa girl was not beautiful in appearance, she was very good at playing the piano, which gradually fascinated him.

Regrettably, before the end of the song, the sound of the piano stopped abruptly!

A swordsman in Tsing Yi stepped into the pavilion.

The visitor was in his thirties and forties, with a thin body and a vicissitudes of face, but his eyes were extremely sharp. The whole person was like a sharp sword drawn from its sheath, revealing an invincible edge.

The pipa girl was shocked, curled up tremblingly.

After ten steps away, the swordsman in green stopped, and his eyes fell on Wang Chen.

"Your Excellency is very capable and courageous!"

His voice was hoarse like metal rubbing, rough and ugly: "Someone asked me to ask you, what did you get from Yao Gong's treasure?"

Hearing the other party's words, Wang Chen immediately understood, and communicated with Yao Lao with his consciousness: "Senior, it turns out that your secret library has been discovered long ago."

Yao Lao sneered: "So what if you find out? They can't open it, and they don't dare to force it open."

Undoubtedly, after Yao Lao's secret vault was discovered, and he was not sure about opening it, he set up a magic circle and waited for someone who could open it, and then a mantis catching cicadas and orioles followed.

This is also a character!

Wang Chen asked the swordsman in blue: "Who is your master?"

The corners of the swordsman's eyes twitched, and he replied in a cold voice: "Hand over the treasure, and then cut off your own arm, and you can leave alive."

Wang Chen smiled.

With a flick of his finger, he hit the empty wine glass on the table.

There was only a shattering sound of "pa", and the valuable blue and white porcelain cup was instantly torn apart, and the large and small pieces shot towards the swordsman in blue through the air.

The swordsman in Tsing Yi fixed his eyes and drew his sword brazenly.

In an instant, the light of the sword was shining, and the sound of ding ding ding could be heard endlessly.

When the sword light dissipated, the swordsman in blue stood with his sword in his hand, his gaze was cold.

There was a shallow scar on his cheek, and the bright red blood was slowly oozing out.

Although his face was expressionless, at this moment the swordsman in blue had a huge turmoil in his heart.

His swordsmanship ranks at least in the top ten in Taiwu City, but he can't stop the fragments of a small porcelain cup from flying.

How strong is Wang Chen's true strength?


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