Hu Jiaojiao slept for half a month.

Wang Chen also guarded by her side for half a month, so that he missed the law discussion meeting at Qingyun Palace in Taiwu Mountain.

But to Wang Chen, this is completely indifferent.

What he cares most is whether Hu Jiaojiao can survive this test.

According to Yao Lao, transformation is the most difficult hurdle for a ferocious beast to break through. If it fails, it will lose all its cultivation, and in severe cases, it will die on the spot.

At this time, Hu Jiaojiao was curled up on the bed, emitting a faint light, and an invisible wave centered on her and spread in all directions, containing a strange charm.

Wang Chen didn't leave even an inch, and he realized something in his heart.

Although the power level of the Wushan Realm is far lower than that of the Haotian Realm, it has its own set of strict laws.

Wang Chen has cultivated from an ordinary person to an extraordinary level in just one year, and he has already touched the origin of this world, and he has also received the blessing of luck.

He faintly felt that Hu Jiaojiao had reached the most critical moment!

The next moment, Wang Chen suddenly opened his eyes.

Hu Jiaojiao suddenly floated up, her eyes closed tightly and her limbs stretched out, her beautiful fox tail swaying slightly behind her.

A bright white fox shadow quietly opened, penetrating through the wall and roof without a sound, and appearing on the house!

This is the characteristic of a fierce beast that is about to take shape.

Her breath can't be hidden!

Those strong men hiding in Taiwu City immediately sensed it, and they left the residence in surprise, looking for the source of their heart palpitations, and soon found Hu Jiaojiao's manifested fox shadow.

The shape of a beast!

Many people immediately understood.

Although the form of a fierce beast is rare, the manifestation of the fox shadow is too eye-catching. Even if you have never seen it with your own eyes before, you know what happened.

A high-level ferocious beast turned into a form in Taiwu City?

These powerhouses feel incredible.

Figures quickly surrounded Wang Chen's residence.

Some of these strong men in Taiwu City are out of curiosity, some are based on the responsibility of guarding the city, but most of them are greedy and coveted.

For warriors and even monks, ferocious beasts can be said to be treasures, skin, hair, meat, tendons, bones, blood, claws, scales, etc. are all useful.

It is an important cultivation resource.

And the value of a high-level ferocious beast that can transform itself is unimaginable!

The most important thing is that this is Taiwu City, if they are still indifferent to this, they will really be kicked in the head by a donkey.

Of course, Wang Chen sensed the dangerous aura coming from all directions, he immediately left the quiet room, jumped onto the roof, and shouted in a deep voice: "Stop coming, or you will bear the consequences!"

While speaking, Wang Chen held the sunset bow with his hand.

He obtained a lot of good things from Yao Lao's secret library, such as the essence of high-level ferocious beasts, part of which was fed to Hu Jiaojiao to help her transform, and the other part was injected into Sumeru Ring from the spiritual energy.

Therefore, the function of this storage equipment has been restored a lot.

"There are ferocious beasts here, which are related to the safety of Taiwu City. It is my duty to come and kill them!"

A cold voice sounded: "If your Excellency wants to forcibly block it, then you will bear the consequences!"

Wang Chen raised his eyebrows, and replied: "This fierce beast is my beast pet. It has been registered with the Chief Secretary, and there is a record for investigation."

When Wang Chen first came to Taiwu City, he had gone through the relevant procedures for the white fox, which caused a small disturbance, but after Mo Han, the governor of Taiwu Pavilion, came forward, the matter was easily resolved. solved.

Even the behind-the-scenes messenger who coveted the white fox was severely punished!

"Your pet?"

The cold voice was surprised: "How is it possible?"

"What is impossible!"

Wang Chen said lightly: "Do you want to check the nameplate of the document?"

"Brother Bai, don't talk nonsense with him!"

At this moment, another rough voice sounded: "He is stalling for time. Once the beast transforms successfully, Taiwu City will face a catastrophe!"

"Yes, that's right!"

Responses came one after another, and more and more figures appeared around Wang Chen's residence.

Some of them approached the courtyard wall, and some jumped onto the roof of the nearby house. One by one, they were either fierce, aggressive, or deep, locking Wang Chen firmly.

There are a few of them that are obscure, and they are monks who have stepped into the extraordinary level!

Hu Jiaojiao's commotion in disguise was really too great.

"I only say what I say once."

Wang Chen holds a bow in his hand, expressionless: "Trespassers die!"


As soon as Wang Chen's words fell, a bright and cold light suddenly shot out, and the sharp edge was aimed at his throat.

Some people can't bear it anymore.


Wang Chen suddenly drew the bow and set the arrow, and let go of the bowstring towards the direction of the attacker.


The arrow infused with innate qi was like a shooting star, flying over a distance of hundreds of steps in an instant.

The sneak attacker was actually at the back, and he never expected that he would be the first to suffer. Seeing the sharp arrow being shot, he was shocked and turned pale, instinctively wanting to dodge.

However, just as his thought came to him, before his body had time to react correctly, he was shot in the throat by the arrow.


A huge blood hole suddenly appeared on the neck of this innate strong man, and he fell backwards with his eyes bulging.

He didn't even have time to show his tyrannical strength, but he was killed by a small arrow!

[Qi and blood +200000]

Wang Chen drew the sunset bow again, and buckled the second arrow.

He had obtained three magic weapons before, and when he left Chibi City, he gave the Overlord Spear and Zhanyue Sword to Senior Brother Cheap, and he only kept the Sunset Bow.

This precious bow had been dusty for a long time, and it was only in his hands that it was able to shine again.

Although due to the extreme lack of spiritual energy in the world, this magic weapon cannot exert its true power, but Wang Chen only needs to stimulate one ten thousandth of its power, it is enough to deal with these warriors.

"Go together!"

The tragic death of a congenital strong man did not frighten others, but aroused everyone's mentality of fighting against the enemy, and those who can achieve congenital status are all those who are determined and resolute, and brazenly launched a siege on Wang Chen.

call out! call out! call out!

The two sides completely tore their skins apart, so Wang Chen no longer showed mercy, and shot arrows in quick succession, destroying souls and killing each other!

No one could block or even dodge Wang Chen's arrow.

Anyone who is targeted by Wang Chen will definitely be killed by the arrow, which is comparable to the death reminder posted by the king of Hades.

What's even more frightening is that Wang Chen's archery speed is extremely fast. In just a few breaths, he shot five sharp arrows in a row.

The lives of five innate powerhouses were taken away!

Although the number of innate powerhouses in Taiwu City was not very good, the casualties were so appalling that several people were deterred and involuntarily slowed down the pace of the siege.

But there were also people who approached Wang Chen's side, and a sword pierced thousands of frosty lights, covering his whole body! ——

The first one is sent.

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