Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 817: The Way of Entering the World (Part 2)

"Iron egg bastard!"

Pushing open the dilapidated wooden door, Ruan Ah dashed into his hut.

"The child's father?"

The commoner woman who was sitting by the bed was stunned: "Why are you back?"

On the bed on her right side lay a half-grown child, with a sallow face and thin limbs, but a bulging belly.

It looks very intrusive.

"I got the medicine!"

Ruan Ada couldn't wait to take out the pills from his arms: "Go get a bowl of water!"

The commoner woman hurriedly poured water, and asked at the same time, "How much did it cost?"

Ruan Ada wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied, "Ten bone coins!"


The commoner woman was stunned, and the light that had just appeared in her eyes quickly dimmed: "Can such a cheap medicine cure Tiedan's disease?"

In the simple concept of ordinary people, you get what you pay for, and you need to use good medicine for serious illness.

The children of the two were seriously ill, and the prescription prescribed by the doctor who had been consulted before also conformed to this common sense.

Now that Ruan Ada said that she had spent ten bone coins, the commoner woman did not believe that such a cheap medicine could cure her child.

"Take a dead horse as a living horse doctor."

Ruan Ada smiled wryly and said, "I bought it in a newly opened medical center, try it if it works."

Why did he believe that this medicine is effective!

The clothed woman quickly brought water, and Ruan Ada pried open his son's clenched teeth, stuffed a dark brown pill into the latter's mouth, and then poured water to help him swallow it.

After feeding the medicine, the husband and wife looked at each other and sighed at the same time.

"The child's father!"

The commoner woman threw herself into Ruan Ada's arms with tears streaming down her face.

Ruan Ada hugged his wife tightly, his eyes were red: "This is fate..."

Cuckoo ~

Just as the husband and wife were hugging each other and crying, there was suddenly a loud borborygmus next to them.

The two turned their heads together to look, and saw the child lying on the bed opened his eyes and said weakly: "Father, mother, I, I want to shit..."

The commoner woman sat down on the ground with a plop.

Ruan Ada was stunned at first, then overjoyed, and pulled his wife up forcefully without thinking: "Go and bring the clean bucket here."

When the commoner woman hurriedly brought the bucket, her child could hardly hold back.

Then, accompanied by a crackling sound, a foul smell suddenly filled the room.

But neither Ruan Ada nor his wife had any dislike.

The two protected their son Tiedan in the middle, one on the left and the other on the right.

Weeping with joy.

When Tiedan finished pulling, most of his stomach was deflated, his spirit recovered a lot, and he began to cry hungry again.

Ruan Ada hurriedly asked his wife to empty the bucket, while he went to his neighbor's house to borrow some leftovers to make porridge.

"Brother Zhuzi, my iron egg is saved!"

"Really? Did you get the medicine?"

"That's right, a new medical clinic called Cishitang opened in the city today, and it prescribed medicine for my Tiedan, and it only cost ten bone coins."

"Ten bone coins, how is this possible!"

"Really, what am I lying to you for? Come and see if you don't believe me."

"Oh my God!"

Because Ruan A's family made a lot of noise, and he went to the neighbor's house to borrow rice porridge, so the neighbors came to watch the fun.

When everyone knew that Ruan Ada bought the good medicine for the treatment of bloating for only ten bone coins, everyone felt incredible and suspected that Ruan Ada was fooling himself.

It wasn't until Ruan Ada swears and swears, and sees Tiedan, who is looking good and eating porridge, that the neighbors are skeptical.

But there were also quick-witted guys who ran away immediately after asking for the address of Cishitang.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are common occurrences. The lives of ordinary people are difficult, and it is common for them to be sick. The cost of seeing a doctor and taking medicine is too expensive.

Now that I heard that there is such a conscientious medical clinic, how could those who have patients at home be indifferent!

Taiwu City can be divided into upper, middle and lower urban areas. Ruan Ada's home is located in the lower urban area where a large number of common people live, so the news spread quickly.

At the same time, Wang Chen, who was sitting in front of the alchemy furnace in the alchemy room of the pharmacy behind the Cishitang medical hall, flashed his eyes.

Thoughtfully, he stopped what he was doing.

The attendant on the side asked cautiously: "Master Immortal?"

Wang Chen came back to his senses, smiled and said: "It's okay, you continue."

At that moment just now, he once again sensed the mysterious spiritual thoughts from somewhere.

This made Wang Chen sure that the way he chose to enter the world was correct!

He put all the medicinal materials he had just prepared into the alchemy furnace in front of him.

When he was in the Mountain Sea Realm and the Haotian Realm, Wang Chen had practiced the skills of talisman making and weapon refining, and had reached a very high level, but he had never been involved in alchemy.

However, the pills in this world are not at the same level as the pills in the world of cultivating immortals.

It took Wang Chen only a few days to go from beginner to proficient.

It's nothing more than spending more medicinal materials.

First of all, his cultivation base is extremely high, he can perfectly grasp the heat and timing of alchemy, and there will be no mistakes in every step.

Secondly, Wang Chen had the guidance of Yao Lao, a real master of alchemy.

And the pills he refined were not magic pills, they were all pills for ordinary people's various diseases.

Physicians in this world divide diseases into cold, heat, gu, poison, tuberculosis, miasma, deficiency, decline, injury, swelling and so on.

Wang Chen purchased a large amount of medicinal materials through Mo's family, and then used the prescriptions given by Yao Lao to refine batches of pills for different diseases and put them for sale in the Hall of Mercy.

Although the Cishitang was established for a short time, Wang Chen who is serious is undoubtedly terrifying.

He didn't sleep, he was in the alchemy room day and night, devoting all his energy to the refining of the elixir.

With the soaring proficiency, Wang Chen refined more and more pills with higher quality!

But he didn't spend so much time and energy refining the elixir to make money.

On the contrary, Wang Chen also formulated the rules of "robbing the rich and helping the poor" for the Cishitang, and determining the drug fee according to the patient's family situation.

As for the consultation fee for the sitting doctor, all will be waived!

In this way, even the poorest people can afford medical treatment and medicine.

It is foreseeable that as the reputation of Cishitang spreads, the losses of Cishitang will become more and more serious.

But Wang Chen didn't care at all.

Because he is not short of money at all - Yao Lao has a lot of money in his secret treasury, no matter how he loses, he will not lose!

Soon, another furnace of elixir was refined, and the room was filled with a strong elixir fragrance.

"Immortal Master, Immortal Master!"

At this moment, an attendant ran in from the outside and said in a panic, "Outside, there are a lot of people coming outside, blocking the street!"

Wang Chen smiled slightly.

He had anticipated such a situation, and was fully prepared for it!


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