Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 820 Rebound (Part 2)

When walking out of the Mercy Hall, Zhu Fengchun couldn't help but look back at the signboard hanging on the lintel of the medical hall.

The three golden characters of "Ci Shi Tang" are shining brightly.

But the eyes of the head shopkeeper of Huichuntang were full of resentment and resentment.

He broke up with Wang Chen.

Although Wang Chen gave in a step, Zhu Fengchun couldn't agree for many colleagues in Taiwu City.

Because the business profits of ordinary people are also very large, there is no reason to give up letting the Cishitang swallow it.

However, Wang Chen refused to give in any more, and his words did not take him seriously as the master shopkeeper of Huichun Hall!

Zhu Fengchun felt that he had been humiliated like never before.

It's just that he was afraid of the identity of monk Wang Chen, so he didn't turn his face on the spot, but secretly made up his mind.

"Just wait and see!"

As soon as Zhu Fengchun left, a young man with a capable temperament came to Wang Chen's side and said, "Master Immortal, this Zhu Fengchun is quite powerful. If he can't achieve his goal, he will definitely not let it go."

"No problem."

Wang Chen smiled and said: "Let him use any tricks, and I will follow them all!"

He said to the young man: "Xiao Mo, I have to pay close attention to alchemy these few days, so you should spend more energy watching the medical center."

The other party was also from the Mo family, and was also Mo Han's cousin, who was sent by Mo Han to Wang Chen's side as a servant, serving as a servant.

Although Xiao Mo was very young, he was smart and capable, and he knew a lot about the medical industry, so Wang Chen asked him to manage the daily operations of Huichuntang, while he could concentrate on refining elixir.

Xiao Mo patted his chest and said, "Don't worry!"

In the next few days, the weather was calm, but the number of people who came to Cishitang to seek medical consultation continued to increase.

Since the number plates released every day are limited, scalpers actually appeared when there were too many monks and too little food.

However, Wang Chen had expected this, and asked the guards who were in charge of distributing the number plates to send them directly to the patients, and then matched the number to the person.

Wang Chen's painstaking efforts to earn merits are not for the profit of the scalpers.

And will the patients who paid a high price to come in be grateful to him?

There will be a meeting, and it is impossible to have many!

Scalpers are just a trivial matter, and it is not difficult to solve them, but those colleagues whose interests have been touched are not so easy to deal with.

The backlash from Zhu Fengchun and others appeared soon!

"Fairy Master."

In the alchemy room, Xiao Mo wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "You guessed right, the major medicine shops in the city no longer sell medicinal materials to us, and some of them have increased their prices by three or four times." !"

There is no division of medicine, and medicine is inseparable from illness and injury. The sources of medicinal materials in Taiwu City are mainly divided into two categories.

One type is wild picking, that is, it is collected in the wild, and the second type is planted in the medicine field.

The medicinal effects of the two are quite different, but the latter is superior in that it has a large number of reliable sources.

Most of the medicine fields are outside the city, and these medicine fields are basically controlled by big families and big business houses, and Ci Shitang can only purchase the materials needed to refine the elixir through the medicine shop.

What the medicine store is doing now is tantamount to choking Ci Shitang by the throat.

But how could Wang Chen not be prepared!

"No problem."

Wang Chen said lightly, "Let's go and see what's going on at the medicine shop."

As early as a few days ago, Wang Chen took out a large sum of purple gold coins and entrusted the Mo family to send people to other cities to purchase medicinal materials.

The elixir he refined, as well as the materials he had hoarded earlier, were enough to support Cishitang for a long time.

So it's useless for Zhu Fengchun to play such a trick.

But Wang Chen's real plan is not in this Taiwu City - the Hall of Mercy is too small.

How much merit can a mere medical clinic, three or five physicians generate?

As early as the establishment of Cishitang, he planned to purchase a large amount of land outside the city to grow various medicinal materials.

Not only that, but Wang Chen is also planning to move the Cishitang to the pharmacy outside the city, and build a larger pharmacy at the same time.

This work is always in progress!

Since Wang Chen was willing to spend money, the purple gold coins were thrown away like they were picked up for nothing. The construction speed of the medicine farm was very fast, and the thousands of acres of medicine fields were also planted with different herbs, carefully cared for by experienced medicine farmers.

No matter how powerful Zhu Fengchun and others are, they can't control the remote places outside the city.

Unless we meet in battle.

But what Wang Chen is not afraid of the most is fighting!

Not only that, he also built a college next to the pharmacy.

White Hart Academy.

After the completion of this academy, it will absorb a large number of poor children to learn literature and martial arts. Not only will tuition fees be waived, but lunch and dinner will also be included, and generous rewards will be provided for those who are outstanding in their studies!

Healing people, educating talents, Wang Chen wants to set off a flood of humanity in this world, and send himself straight to the blue sky!

Except for Hu Jiaojiao, no one knew about his ambitions.

But many people watched with astonishment, the completion and operation of Cishi Pharmacy and Bailu College.

Hundreds of poor patients have been treated, and an even greater number of poor children have had the opportunity to change their fate.

Wang Chen hired a large number of experienced doctors and martial artists at a high price, and built a large hospital and a vocational education school outside Taiwu City, benefiting countless families inside and outside the city!

There were also many twists and turns during the period, but they were easily resolved by Wang Chen with his strong financial resources and strength.

It's just that the scale of Cishi Pharmacy and Bailu College has continued to grow, which has also made some people feel restless!

"Immortal Master Ji Yun..."

In a secret room in Qingyun Palace of Qingyun Peak, Zhu Fengchun cried bitterly to the monk sitting on the cloud couch: "If you don't come forward to uphold justice, our medical center and drugstore will not be able to operate!"

The shopkeeper of the Huichun Hall seemed to have lost dozens of catties compared to last year, but he did not appear to be strong or weak, and the aura of a congenital warrior was much dimmed, giving him a pitiful appearance.

Although his words were exaggerated, they did not deviate too much from the truth.

At present, Mercy Pharmacy employs more than a hundred doctors, and it also trains new doctors by itself. It receives thousands of patients every day, robbing more than half of the business of medical clinics and pharmacies in the city.

Previously, Zhu Fengchun had united with the medicine shops in the city to cut off the medicinal materials of Cishitang, but he did not expect that the latter purchased medicinal materials and built their own medicinal fields, making their banning a joke.

Wang Chen also offered a very high salary, which made some doctors flock to him and join the Cishitang.

In the past year, Zhu Fengchun had tried his best to deal with Cishitang.

As a result, none of them succeeded.

His loss was huge, and the complaints from other medical centers and pharmacies were even louder, and the alliance against Mercy Hall could hardly be maintained.

In desperation, Zhu Fengchun could only find Qingyun Palace through his personal connections.

I hope the immortal master in front of me will uphold justice.

"Wang Chen!"

Master Jiyun snorted coldly, his sallow face was full of resentment: "I see, you go back and wait and see."


The second one is delivered.

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