The Mo family is in Taiwu City, and belongs to the upper middle class family.

The strength and influence are not bad, but compared with the top big family like Sikong, it is not at the same level at all.

Therefore, when the Sikong family decided to deal with the Mo family, the Mo family had no ability to resist.

Several families who usually have a good relationship also stood by.

Both Mrs. Mo and Mo Han deeply understood that the Mo family could no longer go back to Taiwu City.

Unless Wang Chen is willing to abandon Bailu College and Mercy Pharmacy and act as their protector at all times.

But that's simply not realistic.

Therefore, the Mo family began to relocate as quickly as possible.

All the things that can be moved are removed, and those that cannot be sold are sold, and those that cannot be sold are kept as a stronghold in the city.

As for the members of the family, the core direct line will definitely leave, and the collateral branch can leave if they want to, and it doesn't matter if they don't want to, but don't expect the main line to help you when you encounter problems in the future.

At the same time, the Mo family took out a large sum of savings to purchase materials and recruit personnel, and started a large-scale construction project next to the White Deer College.

While the Mo family was busy moving, Wang Chen quietly came to Taiwu City.

Go to Taiwu Pavilion!

Taiwu Pavilion is the highest authority of Taiwu City. It is located at the foot of Taiwu Mountain, backed by majestic and high mountains, overlooking the entire huge city. It has a history of thousands of years.

Ancient, majestic, majestic, in the eyes of countless common people in Taiwu City, it is an extremely awe-inspiring existence!

However, in Wang Chen's eyes, although this palace is a spectacle, it exudes a decadent and depraved atmosphere.

"Stop coming!"

Before boarding the gate of Taiwu Pavilion, Wang Chen was blocked by the guard warrior: "Please show the token!"

Although such a small person Wang Chen could be destroyed with a snap of his fingers, he still followed the rules and said in a deep voice: "Wang Chen, the principal of White Deer Academy, is here to pay a visit, please let me know."

Wang Chen, the principal of White Deer Academy!

The two warriors guarding the gate suddenly had their heads buzzing, and subconsciously retreated together, almost falling to the ground.

Three days ago, a major event happened in Taiwu City.

First, the Mo Mansion was surrounded by people, and there was a tendency to ransack the family and exterminate the family, and then Qing Yun Palace sent a powerful team out of the city to attack Bailu College.

Due to the great momentum created by Qingyun Palace, many people watched what happened later.

The result was that the Qingyun Palace, which was unrivaled in everyone's mind, not only failed to win the White Deer Academy, but was beaten by the head of the White Deer Academy, Wang Chen, with heavy casualties.

Countless people witnessed the appearance of monks fleeing in embarrassment in Qingyun Palace!

Although the duration of this battle was very short, the impact it brought was no different from a huge tsunami.

First of all, people realized that those high-ranking monks were not invincible, and stripped of their aura of power, they were not much different from ordinary people.

The second is Wang Chen, the principal of Bailu College, who is simply a god-like existence!

Ordinary civilians may not feel much about this. After all, the monks are too far away from them, and the Battle of White Hart Academy did not affect everyone's daily life.

This matter is mainly discussed as gossip news about tea after dinner, and it has to be said secretly.

However, for the dignitaries of Taiwu City, it is tantamount to a catastrophe!

They knew that Wang Chen was very strong, but they never expected that Wang Chen was so strong that it was so outrageous.

After the defeat of Qingyun Palace, there was no more sound or movement, the silence was so chilling.

And those forces in the city who participated in the suppression of Bailu College and Mo's family couldn't help but be in constant panic, fearing that Wang Chen would suddenly call on them to ask for justice, so how could they deal with it?

In the past few days, the atmosphere in the city has been quite strange.

These two guard warriors are both from big families, and their own strength is not weak, and they have heard a lot of things during this time.

Now that the legendary protagonist suddenly appeared in front of Taiwu Pavilion, how could the two remain calm?

The older warrior had more experience, and seeing that Wang Chen was not about to ask for help, he swallowed his saliva, saluted bravely, and said, "Master Wang, please wait a moment, the villain will go right away." Report to the elder!"

Originally, Wang Chen came to visit in person, so Sikong Deping, the chief governor of Taiwu Pavilion, had to come forward to take on the responsibility.

But Sikong De usually seldom works in Taiwu Pavilion. Three days ago, he was the one who led the team to conquer Bailu Academy. It is said that after a big defeat, he fled back to Qingyun Palace and announced that he had retreated to heal his injuries.

Without Sikong De's flat-top tank, the old man can only be shocked!

There are three elders in Taiwu Pavilion, each of whom is a representative of a big family in the city. Under normal circumstances, the three of them take turns to be on duty, and are responsible for supervising the governors and deacons below.

The old man on duty today is surnamed Chen. He is the elder of the Chen family in Taiwu City.

When he heard that Wang Chen was in front of the gate, he gasped and said with a pale face, "Hurry up, send a message to Qingyun Palace for help!"

This old Chen Ge lifted his trousers and was ready to run.

He can't run away, how can he be a mere old innate martial artist to stop such a god like Wang Chen?

The troubles caused by Sikong Deping will naturally be settled by Sikong Deping himself!

"Master Ge..."

The samurai who came to report hesitated for a moment, but still said: "From my subordinate's point of view, that Headmaster Wang doesn't seem to want to trouble our Taiwu Pavilion."


Chen Ge was taken aback for a while, turned his eyes around and sat down again.

If Wang Chen didn't come here for trouble...

Chen Ge gritted his teeth, and said in a deep voice: "Pass down my order, and all the governors on duty go to the front of the gate to welcome guests, and ring the ancient god bell to open the door of the pavilion!"

The elder's order was conveyed as quickly as possible. "

Immediately afterwards, the majestic bell rang in this ancient palace.

It quickly spread throughout Taiwu City.

The bell rings twelve times, which is the highest etiquette for welcoming distinguished guests!

Elder Chen Gel led all the governors on duty to meet Wang Chen in front of the gate.

This old man is actually very clear that if he does what he does today, he will definitely provoke the dissatisfaction of Qingyun Palace, especially Sikong Deping.

But he really had no choice, he couldn't shut Wang Chen out and be beaten up by the latter, right?

Even the elites of Qingyun Palace are no match for Wang Chen, so what power does Taiwu Pavilion have to stop it!

Chen Ge was thinking about it, and he simply put on his face and showed a flattering smile to Wang Chen: "Old Taiwu Pavilion Elder Chen Zhongjing, I didn't know that Master Wang was here in person, please forgive me for being far away!"

All the guarding governors behind were dumbfounded.

Because everyone has never seen this old man so humble.

Especially when the other party is still a young man.

But thinking about what Wang Chen did, everyone felt that it was completely reasonable, and they also bent down, showing humble and flattering smiles!


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