Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 839 Crossing the Tribulation

Chang'an City, Tai Chi Palace.

The Taiji Palace located in the center of the city was built in a very short period of time, only four years. No matter the background or the fame, it is incomparable with the Qingyun Palace on Qingyun Peak.

However, the vigor and vigor displayed by this Dao Palace from scratch is beyond Qingyun Palace's reach.

The latter is like an old man in his twilight years. Although he has profound accumulation and strength, his limbs are rigid and his mind is dizzy, and there are many strict rules and regulations. He is also like a prison in a swamp.

The ethos of Taiji Palace is extremely open, except for the most basic rules, there are no rules and regulations, so it attracts a large number of monks to exchange and learn.

Many monks have found their place in this Taoist palace, and they have also developed a sense of belonging to Chang'an City.

And the one who can really unite people's hearts is the Lord of Chang'an who sits in the Tai Chi Palace--Saint Master Wang Chen!

Not only is Wang Chen's strength unfathomable, but he is also willing to pass on his career and teach the way. No matter who asks him for advice, he will get a satisfactory answer.

At the beginning of the establishment of Taiji Palace, Wang Chen gave public lectures in the dojo every once in a while, and the number of monks who came to listen to the Dharma increased from two or three at the beginning to hundreds later.

Even some monks who practiced in Taiwu Mountain would secretly come to listen to the lectures in disguise!

Over the past few years, the prestige of Saint Master Wang Chen has been increasing day by day among the monks, but Qingyun Palace, which has a great discord with him, has no way to stop it.

Regrettably, in the past two years, Wang Chen has made fewer and fewer public appearances, usually only once a month to teach the Fa.

But this did not affect his prestige in the slightest.

Many people speculate that Wang Chen's cultivation has most likely reached the peak level of Taoism, and he is currently hitting the supreme realm.

Of course, whether this guess is correct has yet to be confirmed.

However, when Qingyun Palace is acting as a shrinking turtle, who would dare to jump out and be this outstanding bird?

The more mysterious Wang Chen is, the more dreadful he is.

His reputation even spread to cities tens of thousands of miles away with the footsteps of the merchants!


On this day, the sky over Chang'an City suddenly became cloudy, and a bolt of lightning accompanied by rumbling thunder passed through the clouds, illuminating the nine-storey pavilion below.

In the Taiji Palace, on the Lingyan Pavilion, Wang Chen, who was sitting cross-legged on the heaven and earth ceremonial plate, suddenly opened his eyes.

There are countless tiny electric lights shining in his pitch-black eyes.

Immediately returned to silence.

Wang Chen got up and walked out of the room, and went to the observatory outside.

He looked up at the sky, his gaze extremely dignified.

But at this very moment, thunder and lightning were raging, accompanied by dark clouds, as if they were about to descend and destroy the city!

Wang Chen felt the fangs that this world showed to him!

As early as three years ago, Wang Chen's cultivation and strength had reached the peak level of Taoism, and he began to try to hit the Supreme Realm.

It's just that there is no one before this road, and even Yao Lao, who is the 12th reincarnation, can't figure out the way. He has no previous method to follow, and it all depends on his own exploration and perception.

But by continuously absorbing the spirit of humanity and condensing the aura of humanity, Wang Chen gradually saw the direction ahead.

At this moment, he sensed the hostility of this world.

In the beginning, this kind of natural hostility from heaven and earth was so subtle that it was impossible to notice it without paying attention.

But as the aura of humanity in his body continued to condense, the world's hostility increased simultaneously.

Now, in Wang Chen's qi sea dantian, there has been condensed a cloud of aura that calls itself "Yuantai", this kind of hostility has reached a certain limit.

At this moment, Wang Chen felt that this world was about to be unable to bear his presence.

Lightning and thunder are warnings from heaven and earth!

"You have to break through."

Yao Lao's voice sounded in his mind: "If you don't advance, you will retreat, if you retreat, you will die!"

Although this Nascent Soul Immortal could not help Wang Chen break through the Supreme Realm, his incomparably rich experience and experience also provided Wang Chen with excellent help.

Otherwise, Wang Chen would not have reached the peak of Taoism so quickly.

"Old Yao!"

Wang Chen was pleasantly surprised.

Because over the years, Mr. Yao communicated with him less and less often, and the time became shorter and shorter.

Three years ago, this Nascent Soul True Immortal fell into silence and never spoke again.

until today!

"I'm fine."

Yao Lao didn't give Wang Chen a chance to reminisce about the past, and continued: "The ultimate Tao, there must be a catastrophe, a catastrophe, a catastrophe, you should quickly prepare for the catastrophe, if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent!"

After speaking, the Nascent Soul Immortal fell silent.

Wang Chen was dumbfounded.

it's time!

He looked up at the sky again, and called softly, "Jiaojiao."

After a while, a graceful figure appeared behind him silently, and wrapped his arms around his waist.

Wang Chen turned around and hugged the beauty into his arms.

Seven years have passed, and Hu Jiaojiao has completely transformed. Not only has her body and appearance returned to her original appearance, but she can also maintain her human form for a long time, and practice in the Tai Chi Palace in her human body.

Following Wang Chen, she also shared a lot of humanity, and her current cultivation level is not much worse than Wang Chen's.

Close to the ninth level!

And the ninth-level ferocious beast, just like the supreme monk, only exists in legends.

It is precisely because of Hu Jiaojiao's existence that Chang'an City has never been attacked by beast hordes since its establishment, and the process of expanding its territory went smoothly. The cultivation resources of Tai Chi Palace monks!

After enjoying the tenderness for a moment, Wang Chen asked, "Are you ready?"

Hu Jiaojiao nodded vigorously.

For seven years, she has been preparing for today all the time!


Wang Chen probed to take pictures of the heaven and earth rites in the room, and put them into the Xumi ring.

This magic weapon to assist cultivation was obtained from Yao Lao's secret treasury. Sitting on it can greatly speed up the speed of cultivation, and it also has the effect of concentrating energy and resisting inner demons.

He hugged Hu Jiaojiao's willow waist tightly, and suddenly jumped up high.

When they were in the air, a pair of light blue wings spread out behind Wang Chen in an instant, leading them to fly to the distant mountains.

Fenglei Chi, also a magic weapon from Yao Lao's secret library!


The thunder in the sky became dense and loud, and several bolts of lightning suddenly fell down.

One of them flew by Wang Chen's side and almost hit him.

Hu Jiaojiao subconsciously buried her head in Wang Chen's arms—the Yaozu had an instinctive awe and fear of Thunder.

But Wang Chen was fearless, and constantly stimulated the power of Qi and blood to inject into the wind and thunder wings, speeding up to the peak ahead.

Half a moment later, Wang Chen broke through the barriers of thunder and lightning, and landed on a steep peak.

This mountain was fifty miles away from Chang'an City. It had no name at first, but was later named "Dujie Peak" by Wang Chen. It was the place he chose to break through the limit.


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