On Dujie Peak.

A huge swirling cloud is condensing above the mountain peak, and the black ground seems to be pouring down at any moment, and blue-purple electric lights are swimming in the clouds, a scene of the end of the world.

In Chang'an City not far away, countless people saw this scene on Dujie Peak.

But no one could see Wang Chen sitting on it.

Wang Chen wore a white robe, looked up at the sky where the thunder flashed, and his heart was calm.

Ascension was imminent, but he was unusually calm.

This is because three years ago, Wang Chen survived a thunder disaster, and now he is facing the test of the sky disaster again, so he already has experience.

Most importantly, his current strength and cultivation base are far stronger than those three years ago!

But Wang Chen didn't have the slightest arrogance, because he knew very well that the catastrophe this time was definitely ten times stronger than it was three years ago.

bring it on!

Wang Chen's eyes were fixed, and he raised his hand and took out a bronze-colored metal umbrella.


Almost at the same moment, a thunderbolt as thick as a bucket suddenly fell from the sky and hit Wang Chen squarely on the head.

It turned out to be blocked by this copper umbrella!

Because the power contained in the sky thunder is too strong, this magic weapon only resisted for a few breaths, and immediately melted into copper water and splashed in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, one after another more powerful thunder bombarded down.

The catastrophe that Wang Chen was facing showed extremely ferocious fangs from the very beginning.

It was as if the world wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to vent all the grievances that had arisen because of him over the past few years.

Never allow Wang Chen to pass easily!

For such a situation, Wang Chen had been prepared for a long time. He took out one magic weapon after another from the Sumeru Ring and sacrificed it to fight against the thunder.

Most of these magic weapons come from the secret library of Qingyun Palace, and some of them are enshrined by Taiji Palace over the years.

After Wang Chen got it, he injected the essence of the high-level ferocious beast to restore its power, and then sacrificed it a little. At this moment, it was all consumed as a shield against the catastrophe.

It has to be said that such a "prodigal" behavior is not an ordinary luxury.

You must know that every magic weapon has its origin, and some may be traced back thousands of years ago. If it can be brought back to Haotian Realm and restore its full power, its value will be immeasurable.

But for Wang Chen, nothing is more important than overcoming the catastrophe!

The tribulation thunder seemed endless, and as time went by, the bombardment density became higher and higher, almost completely covering the entire mountain, and putting Wang Chen on it under increasing pressure.

He had to sacrifice multiple magic weapons at once to resist.

No matter how many magic weapons are stored in the Sumeru Ring, it is impossible to consume them endlessly, not to mention that Wang Chen only prepared a hundred or so.

He had to increase the consumption of real qi in his body to enhance the resistance of the magic weapon.

Even so, after persisting for a stick of incense, the magic weapon in the Sumeru ring was exhausted!

But such a high price was paid in exchange for part of the Jieyun dissipating.

Sky mines continued to bombard, but their intensity and density decreased to varying degrees.

Not only that, Wang Chen also felt that with the repeated bombardment of the sky thunder, a gap was cut between the sky and the earth.

Ascension channel appeared!

It's just such a thin line of space that can barely accommodate bugs to pass through, but it is absolutely impossible for Wang Chen to use this to soar.

He immediately stood up, looked up at the sky and sacrificed the last magic weapon.

A flying sword!

The sword pierced the sky like a rainbow, piercing into Jieyun in an instant, and even dispersed several thunderstorms that were brewing.

Now the whole world was enraged, the robbery cloud that had been receding suddenly increased sharply, and the thunder broke out and instantly crushed the flying sword, and it fell towards Wang Chen.

Moreover, the sky thunder showed a purple color, which was quite different from the previous one, and the power contained in it was even more terrifying.

Wang Chen knew that the most difficult test was coming!


He exhaled and opened his voice, and greeted the falling thunder with his fist.

This punch condensed 100% of its strength, and the explosive force directly shattered Tianlei.

It's just that the scattered thunder still followed the trend and completely engulfed Wang Chen.

Wang Chen was shocked, and he carried it down.

Even though 99% of its power was shattered, the feeling of being washed by thunderstorms was not pleasant. The whole body was penetrated by a powerful electric current, and every inch of the body's muscles, bones, and muscles were under a huge test.

He can carry it down without moving, relying entirely on his strong will and the physique forged by Tianlong King Kong!

The problem is that there is more than one such tribulation thunder.

Wang Chen punched the sky, punched, and punched again.

Every punch consumes a large amount of innate qi, and quickly drains the savings in Dantian.

Wang Chen can only continue to maintain it by burning his qi and blood.

He finally understood why no one could ascend to the upper realm throughout the ages, including those monks who came down from the upper realm.

This foggy mountain world is simply a desperate place for monks!

And at this point, Wang Chen has no possibility of backing down.

His feet sank deep into the hard rock, and he stood unwaveringly on the top of Dujie Peak, punching the sky again and again, smashing the thunder that fell towards him.

At the same time, you have to bear the baptism of robbery and thunder!

Even Wang Chen's will was extremely firm, and it gradually reached its limit.

There is no sign of the sky thunder ending this day, but the expansion of the ascension channel is extremely slow, giving people hope and despair.

In the end, Wang Chen didn't know how many thunderbolts he had smashed.

The whole person is numb.

But he gritted his teeth and persisted, not bowing his head or admitting defeat!

In the city of Chang'an at this moment, countless people stood on the streets, on the pavilions, and on the roofs, staring dumbfounded at the spectacle that took place on Dujie Peak.

Everyone didn't understand what was going on and felt panic and anxiety.

Suddenly a voice came to everyone's ears clearly: "That's Supreme Saint Master Wang Xianshi is crossing the catastrophe!"

Supreme Saint Master crossing the catastrophe?

Everyone cheered in unison, and exclamations erupted from the crowd.

At this time, a white-haired old man suddenly knelt down and prayed: "May the holy master survive the catastrophe!"

When the others saw it, they also knelt down and prayed.

"May the saint survive the catastrophe!"

"Survive the catastrophe!"

At first, it was one sound, counting dozens of sounds, and then it became hundreds of sounds.

What the people want, the hearts of the people are churning!

Over the years, Wang Chen has not only built the Great City of Chang'an and the Taiji Palace, but also widely spread benevolent policies to benefit all people, and countless ordinary people have received his favor.

Many people secretly enshrined Wang Chen's longevity tablet and regarded him as a living god.

This boundless human spirit gathered again at this time into an unprecedented torrent of humanity.

Flock to Dujie Peak!

Wang Chen, who was about to be unable to hold on, suddenly felt the pressure lighten, and a wave of new strength poured into his body.

In an instant, he was blessed to the heart, and suddenly he punched the sky.


With both fists thrown out, the passage through the sky and the earth was blasted away in an instant.

Wang Chen's figure flashed, and he was instantly submerged by the boundless lightning, and he disappeared completely! ——

The second one is delivered.

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