Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 850: Core Formation (Part 1)

Wang Chen stayed in Qinglan Xiaogu.

The area of ​​this valley is only 20 to 30 mu, and it is surrounded by rolling green hills. Apart from waterfalls and pools, the valley is covered with all kinds of exotic flowers and plants, and the environment is extremely elegant.

And beside the water pool, there is also a thatched hut, although it is very simple, but it is very clean and tidy.

Although the time has come, Wang Chen is not in a hurry to form a pill.

He has just returned from the spirit of the Wushan Realm, and after more than ten years of experience in the lower realm, he has already felt a little strange to the Haotian Realm.

Including the main method of self-cultivation.

If it is not eliminated, this is likely to become an obstacle in the process of congealing the pill.

If Wang Chen wants to condense the third-grade golden elixir, there must be no mistakes or flaws!

Therefore, in the following days, Wang Chen got up early every day and climbed the highest mountain nearby to absorb the first ray of purple air in the morning.

Then sit on the rock by the pool and polish your mana little by little.

Although his cultivation base has reached its limit, but through this kind of cultivation, he can gradually raise his own state to the peak.

In the afternoon, Wang Chen went to Zangshu Pavilion to read.

Qingqiu Zangshu Pavilion is located on a mountain peak near Qinglan Xiaogu. It is divided into seven floors, which store Taoist calligraphy books of different ranks and various classics.

What's interesting is that the library is unguarded. Although there are strong restrictions, Wang Chen can come and go freely.

It feels like this library was built for him.

However, he can only enter the first and second floors, and browse and read books below the Jindan stage.

Then Wang Chen discovered that the contents of the Dao Books collected here were all related to the laws of the human race, and had nothing to do with the monster race, and the number of them was staggering.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Chen spends more and more time in Zangshu Pavilion.

He greedily absorbed the knowledge content in these Daoist scriptures, and gained more understanding and cognition of the condensed golden core.

As a result, Wang Chen resolutely suppressed the restless true energy in his body to delay the opportunity to form a pill.

His move is quite risky.

Because most of the peak purple mansions will make all kinds of preparations for the alchemy in advance, and once they realize that the time is coming, they will immediately enter the cave and start to condense the alchemy.

Never procrastinate unless absolutely necessary.

The reason is that opportunities are rare, and the formation of alchemy also pays attention to the right time, place and people. If you miss this opportunity, you may never get back the same feeling in the future, and you can only forcibly condense the alchemy.

And forcibly congealing the pill not only greatly reduces the success rate, even if it is lucky to form a pill, the quality is probably very poor.

The reason why Wang Chen did this was that besides wanting to form alchemy perfectly, the main reason was that he had fake alchemy, and the probability of congealing golden alchemy was inherently higher than others, and he had the strength and background to gamble.

This afternoon, Wang Chen was flipping through Taoist scriptures on the second floor of Zangshu Pavilion, when he suddenly heard a rustling sound from the door.

He turned his head and saw a little girl with a bun on her head, sneaking her head out to peep inside.

As a result, she met Wang Chen's eyes, and she immediately shrank back.

Wang Chen couldn't help smiling.

After a while, the little girl stuck out her head again, looking at Wang Chen curiously.

Wang Chen put down the book and waved to her: "Hello."

This little girl has big eyes, a pointed chin, white skin like jade, and a pair of pointed ears. She is clearly a little fox in shape, she looks very cute.

"who are you?"

The little fox was also bold, and rushed to Wang Chen, tilted his head and asked, "Why have I never seen you before?"

As she spoke, she wrinkled her little nose and sniffed, showing a puzzled look: "Why is your smell different from everyone else's?"

Wang Chen smiled and said, "My name is Wang Chen, and I am a human race."

"Human race?"

The little fox was stunned for a moment, and then turned pale with shock: "Human race!"

Like a frightened rabbit, she jumped three feet high and escaped out of the door in an instant, the speed was jaw-dropping.

Wang Chen was speechless.

He shook his head, picked up the Dao book again and continued reading.

As a result, after a while, the little fox came back again, looking around vigilantly, while leaning towards Wang Chen again.

This made Wang Chen unable to read the book, so he simply made eye contact with the other party, wide-eyed and small-eyed.

The little fox scratched his head suspiciously, and said: "My sisters say that the human race is a villain and cannot talk to the human race, so are you a villain?"

Wang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What do you think?"

The little fox rolled his eyes and grunted: "Do you have something delicious?"


Wang Chen turned over his Xumi ring, and then took out a bunch of spiritual fruits, dried meat and snacks and placed them in front of the other party.

He is used to storing a large amount of food and daily necessities in the sumeru ring for emergencies.

There's even candy!


The little fox's eyes lit up immediately: "So much to eat?"

She looked at Wang Chen expectantly, and asked softly, "Is it all for me?"

Wang Chen smiled and said, "You can take whatever you like."

The value of these things is not cheap, but it is nothing to him.

"Very good!"

The little fox immediately cheered, and immediately opened his arms to take the snacks on the floor into his arms.

She obviously also has storage equipment, and after putting away all of them, she took out one and ate it happily with a smile on her face.

Like a little white rabbit eating radish, with bulging cheeks.

Wang Chen looked interesting and couldn't help asking, "What's your name?"

The man-eating little fox obediently replied: "Hu Feifei, the birds fly."

Wang Chen nodded: "Then do you know Hu Jiaojiao?"

"Of course I know Sister Jiaojiao!"

The little fox rolled one of the boss's eyes, and she suddenly woke up like a dream: "I see, so you are that stinky man who seduced sister Jiaojiao!"

The little fox sniffed vigorously: "No wonder there is a smell."

Wang Chen couldn't laugh or cry: "I'm a man, but I really don't stink, forget it."

What does he care about with a little girl!

Hu Feifei tried hard to swallow the food in his mouth, and then made a super cute face at Wang Chen.

Run away in a hurry!

Wang Chen didn't care, and put the few Daoist books he had read back on the bookshelf.

It's very interesting to say, after chatting and laughing with this little fox, his mood became much more relaxed.

A string that had been crumbling in the deepest part of my heart suddenly disappeared.

The moment Wang Chen stepped out of the Zangshu Pavilion, the magic power in his body surged suddenly, like the tide of the sea, unstoppable!

Wang Chen's expression changed, and he immediately flew into the air with a long roar.

In just a few breaths of time, he landed steadily on the rock by the small valley pool.

At this time, Wang Chen's qi sea dantian was surging, the heaven and earth acupoints opened automatically, and the spiritual energy from the outside world poured in automatically.

Keep going!

This means that the real time has come, and there is no room for another moment of delay.

Wang Chen kept his mind calm and decided to start congealing the pill! ——

The second one is delivered.

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