"Congratulations to the real person, congratulations to the real person!"

Seeing Wang Chen who returned with the beauty, Wang Xinchen immediately showed a bright smile, stepped forward to salute and said: "Congratulations to the real person for obtaining the golden elixir, the birth of the soul can be expected, and the journey to immortality is boundless!"

A group of entourages behind him bowed down in unison: "Congratulations, Master!"

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person with his hand, the other party's attitude is so polite and respectful, even if Wang Chen is unhappy, he can't face it coldly, and said with a faint smile: "Butler Wang is being polite."

He noticed that next to his shop, there were eight loads of red gifts on the left and right.

Two hundred and eighty-six loads is a very grand etiquette!

Wang Chen opened the store door with a flick of his sleeve: "Come in and talk."

After Wang Xinchen entered the door, he first presented the gift list: "My lord, when my master heard that you were promoted to Jindan, he specially prepared a small gift to show his respect. Please accept it!"


Wang Chen took the gift list and glanced at it, and found that Wang Xinchen's master was very generous.

This congratulatory gift included spiritual rice, spiritual wine, spiritual pills, spiritual robes, and spiritual weapons. Of course, the latter were all of a ritual nature, and there were also 100,000 spiritual stones.

Although Wang Chen didn't care about these gifts, the other party's attitude was so sincere that he couldn't help being curious: "Butler Wang, how did your master know that I was promoted to Jindan?"

This question made the old monk blush a little, coughed and replied: "My lord, I have always paid attention to real people."

Wang Chen understood, and asked with a smile: "Dare to ask your lord's name?"

"My lord, Wang Chenming, the eldest son of the seventh family of the Wang family of Sanyu, is also a Jindan real person."

Wang Xinchen said: "He invited you to meet at the Wangjiang Building tomorrow night. I wonder if the real person would take the time to come?"

Wang Chenming!

Wang Chen remembered the name: "Ke."

"Thank you so much for the face!"

Wang Xinchen was overjoyed immediately, and quickly saluted: "The villain returns to the house immediately to report, and I will come back tomorrow night to pick up the real person to attend the meeting!"

The old butler left contentedly with his retinue, leaving behind a room full of presents.

Wang Chen asked Su Ziling to pack up the presents, and touched his chin thoughtfully.

The courteous people must ask for something, the other party is a descendant of Sanyu Wang's direct line, and he is also Jindan Daoist, it would be absurd to say that there is no inside story to him, an outsider, with such courtesy!

It's just that the other party didn't show any malice, so Wang Chen couldn't turn his face directly.

He planned to meet with Wang Chenming first.

If the other party has other plans, then they can return the sugar-coated shells and ignore them in the future.

If this Wang Chenming is a sincere friend, Wang Chen doesn't mind expanding his network.

After all, he will stay in Qianxing Immortal City for a long time.

"My lord, this spiritual robe is so beautiful!"

The voice from Su Ziling brought Wang Chen back to his senses, and he saw the girl holding a Taoist robe in her hands, full of surprise: "Would you like to try it?"

This Taoist robe was just taken out of the ceremony burden by her.

Wang Chen smiled and said, "Put it away first."

This kind of Taoist robe is well-made and made of exquisite materials, and its value is almost as high as that of a magic weapon. However, it is generally used for dressing up on grand occasions.

Moreover, Wang Chen would not wear it without knowing the details.

In the afternoon of the second day, a four-wheeled cloud-chariot carriage parked steadily in front of the magic weapon shop.

Followed by eight entourage knights, all Zifu war repairers!

The sturdy aura they showed even frightened away the people watching the excitement in the neighbors.

It was still Wang Xinchen who came to pick up Wang Chen.

After Wang Chen boarded the carriage, the old butler waved his hand, and the team immediately rushed along the long street towards the inner city.

Walking all the way across the avenue, from Qiyu to Sanyu, the road was unimpeded, and finally stopped in front of a twelve-story building.

Wangjiang Tower is a very famous restaurant in Qianxing Immortal City. It is said that if you eat a meal there, you will need hundreds or even thousands of spirit stones, and there is no upper limit for the expensive ones.

Wang Chen had heard of the reputation of Wangjiang Tower before, but had never experienced it.

Wang Chen is not bad for Lingshi, he just thinks there is no need for it - he didn't expect that Wang Chenming would invite him to meet the world!

So far, Wang Xinchen has completed the task, and Wang Chen, led by the maid, climbed to the seventh floor of this famous restaurant.

The entire seventh floor of the Wangjiang Tower was occupied by people, and a sumptuous banquet was set up. There were all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas, and there were a few beautiful maids accompanying them, giving people an extremely luxurious feeling.

When Wang Chen stepped into the hall, a middle-aged monk sitting on the main seat got up and smiled and said, "Your Excellency must be Wang Chenwang, Wang Chenming!"

"It turns out that the real person Chen Ming is in person, Wang Chen is being polite!"

After some courtesies, Wang Chen took a seat in the guest seat, and the maid served tea.

At the same time, he took a few glances at Wang Chenming.

This descendant of Sanyu Wang's direct lineage looks to be in his thirties, with a handsome appearance and elegant temperament, wearing a white robe covering his body, giving him a faint sense of elegance.

Wang Chen was keenly aware that the aura exuded by Wang Chenming was mellow and honest, obviously he had stepped into the immortal road many years ago.

At least three or four levels of realm cultivation base!

While Wang Chen was looking at Wang Chenming, Wang Chenming did not neglect to observe and examine Wang Chen.

Both of them had their own thoughts, which inevitably made the atmosphere a little awkward.

But Jiang is still old and hot, Wang Chenming clapped his hands, and immediately a group of musicians and singers came to perform.

Wang Chenming ordered people to open the table again, and soon one after another delicious food was served on the table.

At present, Wang Chen is not polite at all.

He has stayed in the Wushan Realm for twelve years. Although the food he usually eats is not something that ordinary people can have, the taste is really bad, which makes him miss his hometown all the time, and the fairy food here brings together the characteristics of all over the world. Spirit food.

After drinking for three rounds, Wang Chen said: "Master Chen Ming, thank you for the gift, but I have no intention of recognizing my ancestors and returning to my ancestors, please forgive me."

The larger the family, the more intense the internal competition, the water is deep and complicated.

Ordinary people fall into it, and nine times out of ten there will be no bones left!

Wang Chen really didn't want to go into troubled waters, so fortunately he made it clear first, so as not to be difficult to refuse later.

Wang Chenming was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist misunderstood."

He clapped his hands and motioned for all the musicians, singers, and maids to leave, leaving only himself and Wang Chen in the hall.

With a wave of his hands, this direct descendant of the Wang family established a sound-proof art world.

Outside the realm, even Nascent Soul True Immortal would not even want to hear half a word.

Wang Chenming asked: "Really Wang, do you know about the Thousand Stars Club?"

Thousand Stars Club?

Wang Chen shook his head calmly: "I've never heard of it."

Wang Chenming smiled and said, "If fellow daoist is willing, I would like to be the recommender of fellow daoist!"


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