"Take control!"

Wang Chen scolded lightly, and then pressed his right palm down.

In the forest hundreds of steps away, a monk who was fleeing quickly felt as if struck by lightning, his whole body became extremely stiff, and he lost his balance instantly and fell on the ground full of fallen leaves.

Control is a supernatural ability that can only be mastered by monks of Jindan and above. It is similar to the body-holding technique. It uses its own coercion and aura to shock and produce the effect of restraint or suppression.

Compared with pure coercion and momentum, control only targets a single target, and the distance of action is much farther, and it is also much more precise.

This is the great killing skill of high-level monks against low-level monks.

But for Jindan cultivators, the stronger the alchemy, the higher the power of control.

Although this move was not unbreakable, but the unlucky Zi Fu obviously didn't have such ability, so he was hit on the spot.

Reduced to fish on the chopping board!

Wang Chen raised his palms and raised his fingers, and the Longyuan Sword hovering high in the sky immediately swooped down, cutting off the opponent's head while breathing.

[Tiangong +500]

Wang Chen, who was hanging on the top of a towering tree, looked around. Within the range of his spiritual perception, he could no longer detect the surviving "prey".

Wang Chen breathed out the Immortal Cultivation Panel and glanced at it.

[Tiangong (changing fate): 11200]

Relying on a good performance in Jiuyou City, he caught nearly twenty "fish" and achieved ten thousand heaven skills.

Although there were a few fish that slipped through the net, it was already very good!


A flash of light flashed by, Long Yuanjian flew back to Wang Chen's body, trembling with excitement.

The sword is a fierce soldier, only by fighting and killing can it grow rapidly, revealing a stronger edge and power!

Wang Chen believes that if he does this a few more times, the Longyuan Sword will definitely produce a real weapon spirit.

He smiled slightly, looked towards the southeast with sharp eyes, and shouted in a deep voice: "My fellow Taoist, have you seen enough?"

As soon as Wang Chen's words fell, a tall figure suddenly appeared in the air several miles away.

It is a graceful Kunxiu in a long skirt!

This female cultivator has a dignified appearance, with majesty in her brows and eyes, with a long sword on her back and a whisk in her hand, like a fairy.

Since the other party was hiding far away, Wang Chen had only just become aware of her existence.

But the threat this person brings to him is much greater than that group of rabble just now!

Wang Chen's vigilance has also reached its peak.

"Lingyou Jingyun, I have met fellow Taoist."

Jindan Kunxiu bowed to Wang Chen from afar, and said in a deep voice, "Fellow Daoist, your behavior is not quite fair enough, is it?"

It is undoubtedly a disgrace to the dignified Jindan real person to hunt and kill the monks of the Zifu by means of tricks!

"It turned out to be fellow Taoist Jingyun."

Wang Chen smiled and said: "If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. If they don't have greedy thoughts, how can they kill themselves?"

"You should thank me for helping you clean up the trash in Lingyou Fairy City!"

He has absolutely no guilt for killing these Zifu monks, because there is not a single good thing in it!

Wang Chen is acting on behalf of the heavens, what is not open and aboveboard?

Master Jingyun remained silent.

Of course she knew that these guys deserved no sympathy.

It's just that as the guardian of Lingyou Fairy City, Wang Chen's actions are suspected of slapping her in the face, and he obviously doesn't respect her enough!

In an instant, thousands of thoughts raced through Jindan Kunxiu's mind.

The aura of Wang Chen's golden elixir is extremely fresh, and it looks like it has just formed a elixir, but the strength of the elixir is so strong that it is impossible for ordinary elementary-level golden elixirs to possess.

Master Jingyun suspects that what Wang Chen condenses is the upper third rank golden pill!

As long as there is no fundamental damage to the Dao Foundation, the probability of breaking the elixir and congealing the baby cannot be said to be 100%, and nine out of ten it will be fine.

It can even be expected to transform into a god!

If Wang Chen was an ordinary low-level golden elixir, Jing Yun would have to teach him a profound lesson, letting him know that Lingyou Immortal City should not be insulted, and guarding real people is not a vegetarian.

But in the face of a third-rank golden elixir, Jingyun hesitated and hesitated.

Unless she can kill Wang Chen in one fell swoop, once she forms a grudge with Wang Chen, how can she resist it if the latter breaks Dan Ningying and makes trouble again?

Most importantly, is it worth offending a promising new Jindan monk for the sake of a few Zifu monks with poor character?

After thinking about it, Master Jingyun still sighed and said, "That's right."

She changed the subject: "Fellow Daoist, although our Lingyou is small, we also have the advantages of heaven and earth. If you are willing, Fellow Daoist, you can enshrine the Golden Core and enjoy the treatment of an elder!"

Wang Chen didn't expect the other party's attitude to change so quickly, so he couldn't help but be a little bit dumbfounded: "Thank you, Daoist friend, for your kindness, but I'm used to idle clouds and wild cranes, so I can only accept it."

"All right."

Master Jingyun waved his fly whisk regretfully, and said, "Then we will meet later."

As soon as the words fell, her figure instantly turned into a streak of light and swept towards the direction of Lingyou Fairy City.

It's also very straightforward!

Wang Chen watched the other party disappear and touched his chin.

This Jingyun real person is a bit interesting, he originally wanted to fight with the other party a few tricks, to see the methods of the monks in the same situation.

As a result, this guy didn't want to fight at all, and Wang Chen couldn't fight hard.

With a wave of his robe sleeves, he threw out more than a dozen wooden figurines.

These wooden figures swelled several times the moment they landed, and they jumped forward with their legs and arms swinging, their movements were extremely flexible.

They cleaned up the scene as quickly as possible, collected all the equipment and goods from the Zifu monks who were killed by Wang Chen, and finally handed them over to Wang Chen.

Although mosquitoes are small, they are still meat, and some are better than nothing.

His original savings were almost squandered, and he planned to continue to "feed" the teleportation array in the cave at the bottom of the pond, so he had to find ways to increase revenue and reduce expenditure.

Naturally, these trophies cannot be let go.

As a result, Wang Chen used his consonance to point out the wooden sculpture, which really brought him a little surprise.

Thirty or forty of them were collected just for the storage bags, and there were all kinds of things in them, such as spiritual stones, talismans, spiritual tools, elixirs, etc.

A Zifu may not have a lot of money, otherwise he would not be in such a robbing and powerful job.

But the addition of twenty purple mansions is quite impressive.

Wang Chen was too lazy to count them one by one, so he brought them all back to Wuming Xiaogu and handed them over to Su Ziling to sort them out.

He himself came to the secret room, opened the Sumeru Ring and poured spiritual stones into the sacrificial basin.

Wang Chen didn't believe that he couldn't feed this teleportation circle, and he wouldn't give up until he figured out the latter's teleportation punctuation.

The spirit stones with a total value of more than one million were smashed down, and the sacrificial basins were all collected without a single piece left.

And the light from this teleportation circle brightened a bit, and gave back some incomplete information to Wang Chen.

After simple sorting, Wang Chen deduced that it should be the way to control the teleportation array.

It's a pity that the completeness is still a lot worse!


The first one is sent.

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