Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 880: Hunting Evil Creatures (Part 2)


The evil insect let out a proud roar, and suddenly opened its bloody mouth and bit at Wang Chen, trying to swallow him in one gulp!

However, Wang Chen suddenly took a step forward, his figure swayed slightly, and his whole body disappeared instantly in place.

Thousands of miles away!

The most powerful part of this spell is its ability to break spells and barriers. The restraints imposed on Wang Chen by the evil insects are obviously not enough to suppress its power.


The evil insects bit the mud and rocks with their mouths full.

At the same time, Wang Chen appeared a hundred steps away, and a silver flying sword was hovering above his head.

Dragon Yuan Sword Out!

The evil insect's body is covered with thick rock armor, which makes it highly resistant to thunder spells.

The effect of fire attack is estimated to be even worse!

To deal with such an enemy, real restraint can only be formed by using wood phase spells.

However, among the wood phase spells that Wang Chen has mastered, there are only a few that can be used to cultivate spiritual fields, and none of them can be used.

Therefore, he decisively summoned the Flying Sword of Flying Flying Sword.

Strong kill!


Wang Chen's sword pointed at the direction, and the Long Yuan sword turned into a flash of light and flew out, covering a distance of hundreds of steps in an instant.


A deep sword mark immediately appeared on the evil insect's huge head.

The defense of this evil insect's head is no weaker than that of the body covered by the rock armor, and even the top cover is the strongest and thickest place.

However, Wang Chen used the golden core and true essence to drive the natal flying sword, arousing the true power of this magic weapon. The invincible sword energy cut through the hard skull and penetrated deep into the inside.

A stream of miserable green stinky liquid spewed out!


The evil insect yelled in pain and instinctively rolled over.

However, the Longyuan Sword is like a maggot attached to a bone, swirling up and down around it, chopping, cutting, cutting, and stabbing in turn, only to see the sword light criss-crossing, and there are bursts of thunder and howling from time to time!

What Wang Chen used was the Benlei swordsmanship.

The Benlei swordsmanship is not a high-level flying swordsmanship. This swordsmanship has the highest Qi training at the beginning, and it is better than the most basic swordsmanship.

But the biggest feature of this sword technique is its speed. It is as swift and agile as lightning. When cultivated to the highest level, it can arouse the thunderous sword energy.

Wang Chen's attainments in the Benlei swordsmanship had already reached the Dzogchen level, and he performed this low-level swordsmanship with the golden core cultivation base, and easily brought the characteristics of the Benlei swordsmanship to the extreme.

The most important thing is that Wang Chen's powerful spiritual sense is enough to ensure precise control even when the sword is super fast!

The evil insect's defense is extremely strong, but its huge size also affects its ability to respond. Facing the violent attack of Long Yuan's flying sword, it ignores one thing and loses another, and the scars on its body continue to increase.

Wang Chen was very experienced and patient in dealing with such ultra-high defense targets.

He didn't seek to kill the enemy with one blow, and concentrated on manipulating the flying sword, just like peeling off the shells of bamboo shoots, weakening the target's defense layer by layer.

Over time, the rock armor covering the evil worm's body began to break apart, and the relatively weak worm shell inside had to face the sharpness of the Longyuan Sword.

It's not that the evil insect doesn't want to fight back, it's a third-order "fierce" existence after all, but once this guy tries to attack Wang Chen, he will be hit like a storm immediately!

In just half a cup of tea, the evil insects had hundreds of scars from the beginning to the end.

That is to say, its rock armor is really thick and strong, and it can also gather the surrounding soil to repair it, otherwise it would have been dismembered if it was replaced by another third-order evil beast!

Even so, the evil insect couldn't stand such a passive situation, it roared and turned around, and quickly jumped towards the hole it had drilled out earlier.

want to run?

How could Wang Chen watch the prey in his mouth run away!

With one step shrinking to an inch, he teleported to the front of the cave, and pressed his left palm down heavily at the same time.

Heavenly Dragon Vajra Palm!


The bottomless hole collapsed instantly under the impact of the powerful palm force.

And the soft soil turned into hard rock in an instant.

Turn mud into stone!

This is the low-level spell that Wang Chen is most familiar with and good at.


The evil insect hit the ground with its head, and the most violent collision occurred between its head and the extremely hard rock.

Although the rock solidified by the spell was cracked, the evil insect's hope of escaping back to the ground was also interrupted!

Before it could react, a large net suddenly covered the sky and fell towards it.

Tian Luo Punishes Evil Net!

Wang Chen has not used this treasure to deal with evil spirits and monsters for a long time.

Today is all about bringing it back to life!

The evil worm couldn't dodge in time, and was completely wrapped in the evil net, and the net ropes were strangled into the deep sword marks, touching the inner body of the evil worm.

The evil power in the evil insect's body was immediately absorbed and devoured continuously by the Tianluo Punishment Net.

Only then did the evil insect realize that something was wrong. When it tried to break free from the ruthless shackles, it ended up incurring even harsher suppression and control.

If the evil insects were in their full bloom, then with Wang Chen's evil net in hand, it would not be easy to take it down.

But now it is more like a dog in the water. It has been beaten and squeezed out of its surplus value!

The evil insect struggled fiercely, and the more evil power absorbed by the Tianluo Xiexie Net, when it tried to get out of trouble with the last strength, it sadly found that it had been strangled into a rice dumpling by this big net!

Wang Chen held the net rope in his left hand, constantly suppressing the resistance of the evil insects, while his right hand was still manipulating the flying sword, guarding against possible evil spirits and monsters around him.

Sure enough, shadows appeared.

But what kind of person is Wang Chen, so he might be confused by this little trick, so he immediately drove Feijian to kill the enemy.

Wang Chen was distracted and multitasking, but he was still able to do a job with ease. Before the ghost that just emerged started to make trouble, it became the added character value in his panel.

There are really not many times when it is so easy to make money, so naturally you have to do it all at once to make enough money!

Without any suspense, as more and more evil power was lost from the body, the originally ferocious evil insects became weak and weak, and the movement of struggling and resisting became smaller and smaller, and it was almost on the verge of exhaustion.


Realizing that he could not escape, the evil insect let out a low growl, its body suddenly curled up, and a dark red light glowed on its surface.

Its power is gathering!


Wang Chen immediately understood what this guy wanted to do, so he injected 100% of his power into the evil net without hesitation, raising the latter's "firepower" to the extreme.

The net ropes savagely squeezed the shattered carapace of the evil insect, tore the muscles in its body, and the power of devouring climbed to an unprecedented level. It can be said that it is smashing the bones and sucking the marrow!

The red light on the evil insect's body suddenly became dim, and then it never regained its strength.

Because it has been sucked dry!

In less than a hundred breaths, this powerful evil insect was reduced to a dead dog, its body shrunk by half, and it didn't have much sound.

The next moment, a bright sword glow descended from the sky, piercing through the evil insect's head! ——

The second one is delivered.

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