Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 887: New World (Part 2)

Wang Chen was taken aback.

He was half lying on the ground, with thick dry grass under him, and he could see the face of the man next to him when he looked up.

The other party looked about thirty or forty years old, with a burly figure and a resolute appearance, but the armor he was wearing was full of gaps from swords, and there was a fresh scar on his face, and the flesh turned up a little scary.

Obviously this man has experienced a tragic fight and was seriously injured.

The reason why Wang Chen was stunned was that he felt that the person in front of him was very familiar, and his name was ready to be pronounced.

But I just can't remember it, I just feel a headache!

"Little Lord."

The man showed a bitter smile and said: "Please excuse my incompetence, I can only accompany the young master here."

His breath became weaker and weaker: "The next road can only be walked by the young master himself, may the Supreme Valkyrie protect you..."

Before he could finish speaking, the man drooped his head.

There is no more sound!


Subconsciously, Wang Chen sat up and reached out to help the other party.

As a result, as soon as his hand touched the man, the latter fell down limply.

It was only at this time that Wang Chen saw that there was a short blade sticking out of the opponent's back, and the dark red blood had already soaked through the armor.

Wang Chen was stunned.

Huge grief and anger instantly overwhelmed him, almost destroying his mind!

At the same time, countless memories flooded Wang Chen's mind.

Convoluted and chaotic, but very clear!

It took a full half an hour for Wang Chen to sort out the memory of this body.

The person he came to occupy in this world was named Ling Zhiyuan, who had just turned fifteen years old this year. He was the eldest son of the Ling family in Anyang City, Jingnan County, Daliang Kingdom, and the only son of the head of the family, Ling Hongyun.

Three nights ago, when Ling Hongyun took Ling Zhiyuan out of the city to worship his ancestors, he was suddenly attacked by a group of masked warriors.

Due to the large number of opponents and their heavy weapons, Ling Hongyun and his guards were outnumbered, causing extremely heavy casualties.

At the end of the fight, the seriously injured Ling Hongyun took the blood-burning medicine powder, aroused his final potential, entangled the strongest among the enemies, and helped the main retainers Dai Peng and Ling Zhiyuan break out of the encirclement.

Dai Peng fled all the way with Ling Zhiyuan, and was almost blocked by people several times. It was only because of his hard work that he escaped into the deep mountains and escaped the vicious pursuers by chance.

During this period, Ling Hongyun was also shot by an arrow, and has been unconscious until now.

The young master of the Ling family has been replaced by Wang Chen!

Wang Chen subconsciously touched his left back shoulder, which was where the arrow was shot.

The arrow had already been pulled out, and Jinchuang medicine was applied and bandaged. Although it hurt a little, it didn't hurt much.

He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, knelt down and kowtowed to Dai Peng three times.

This retainer of the Ling family fully deserves the words "loyalty to the liver, righteousness and courage". Not only did he save Ling Zhiyuan from danger, but he also insisted on dressing him up with a sharp knife in his body.

There was even a bonfire and hay!

However, Dai Peng didn't know that it might be because Ling Zhiyuan's wound was infected and inflamed, or because the arrow was poisoned, the young master of the Ling family lost his wits on the way to escape.

Only a wisp of remnant soul is left in the body!

Now Wang Chen occupies Ling Zhiyuan's body, which is to take over his karma.

In terms of emotion and reason, we must pay great respects to Dai Peng.

"Do not worry."

Wang Chen said silently in his heart: "I will definitely find out the truth for you, and avenge your father and mentor!"

Dai Peng is not only a retainer of the Ling family, but also Ling Zhiyuan's guard and enlightenment teacher.

The relationship between the two was originally very deep!

As soon as his vow was made, the grief, resentment and despair accumulated in his heart immediately dissipated, as if something had left his body, and something had merged into his body.

At this time, Wang Chen felt that there was no barrier between him and this world!

There is no doubt that this is Ling Zhiyuan's reward for him.

And Wang Chen must also fulfill his oath, otherwise the karma he owes will bring serious backlash.


The beginning of this new world is a bit bad!

Anyang City is the county town of Jingnan County in Daliang Kingdom. It has been prosperous and prosperous since ancient times, with a population of over one million.

The Ling family belonged to a well-known family in Anyang City, and the head of the family, Ling Hongyun, was even a strong military commander. As his only son, Ling Zhiyuan had been doted on since he was a child. It can be said that he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth.

But the attack three days ago changed everything. Ling Hongyun said a word to him at the last moment.

"Don't go back to Anyang City!"

It is reasonable to say such a big thing, the most correct way to deal with it should be to flee back to Anyang City immediately to seek the protection of the family, and then use the power of the family to find out the real culprit.

However, Ling Hongyun seemed to understand something, so he had such an order.

According to Ling Hongyun's order, Dai Peng fled in the opposite direction of Anyang City.

Was it the enemy of the Ling family who planned to attack and kill Ling Hongyun, or...

It is a pity that Ling Zhiyuan has been protected too well. For more than ten years, he has lived a carefree life with rich clothes and good food. He knows neither the dangers of the world nor the situation inside and outside the family.

So Wang Chen couldn't find the answer from his memory.

But no matter what, Anyang City can't go back for the time being.

Cangqing Realm is a world where martial arts are respected. Warriors in the world can be divided into seven ranks, warriors, warriors, warriors, generals, warriors, warriors, and warriors.

Above the seventh rank, the supreme warrior, the common belief of hundreds of millions of warriors!

As a Tier 4 general, Ling Hongyun was already very powerful, yet he was besieged and killed by others.

And Ling Zhiyuan is only a first-order warrior at present!

It's not that Ling Zhiyuan's talent is too bad. In fact, he has a high talent in martial arts, but he just doesn't want to practice boxing and physical fitness.

Martial disciples of this level barely stepped into the threshold of martial arts under Ling Hongyun's coercion!

The reason why Ling Hongyun didn't persevere was because the patriarch of the Ling family loved his only son too much.

Ling Zhiyuan looked very similar to his mother, who died shortly after giving birth to him, and Ling Hongyun and his wife had a very deep relationship, and they never remarried after his wife passed away.

As long as the fourth-tier generals don't stimulate their life potential at will, they can live for at least a hundred years. Ling Hongyun is not yet forty. It is the time when he is in the prime of life. He feels that he can take care of his beloved son for the rest of his life, but he can't bear to see him suffer, so he let Ling Zhiyuan abandon martial arts. .

Although Cangqingjie respects martial arts, the status of Confucianism is not low, and Confucian scholars are not the kind of people who have no power to restrain chickens.

Of course, from now on, Ling Hongyun obviously made a wrong choice.

Ling Zhiyuan was only hit by an arrow, and the injury was not at the vital point, and he died in the end.

If he had cultivated to the level of a warrior or even a martial artist early, how could he not be able to bear it!

Wang Chen shook his head, then exhaled out the panel.


The first one is sent.

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