Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 890 Training in the Mountains (Part 1)

The night in the forest is extremely difficult.

This night, Wang Chen didn't really fall asleep, he kept going back and forth between awake and dazed, and kept vigilant all the time.

Although the pursuers did not appear, there were many beasts lurking in the vast mountains. When night fell, they all left their lairs to hunt for food.

Wang Chen, who was hiding in the tree, could hear beast roars one after another all the time, from far and near from different directions.

And in the middle of the night, something passed under the tree, because the light was too late to see clearly.

Under such circumstances, how could Wang Chen sleep peacefully?

In this way, it was not until the next morning, when the first ray of sunlight fell on the mountain forest through the gaps in the canopy, that Wang Chen climbed down from the tree, judged the general direction and continued on his way.

Now he urgently needs to find a relatively safe place to improve his cultivation and strength.

Only when you have the ability to protect yourself can you proceed to the next step.

As for the next step, Wang Chen hadn't figured it out yet.

Take one step at a time!


"Take it!"

The short knife flew over a distance of more than ten steps in an instant, hit the head of a colorful flower snake, and nailed it to the tree trunk.

Wang Chen walked over and grabbed the flower snake by the seven inches, and then drew out the dagger.

His food was exhausted the day before yesterday, so he could only rely on hunting to satisfy his hunger. This thick-armed flower snake was not the first unlucky one, nor would it be the last.

It can only be blamed for its bad luck, it happened to appear on the road Wang Chen passed by, and instantly became a dead soul under the sword.

Wang Chen peeled off the snake's skin two or three times, and discarded it together with the internal organs, leaving only the crystal white snake meat.

Logically speaking, snake gallbladder should be edible, but he didn't want to take any risks, so he continued to move forward with a dagger in one hand and snake meat in the other.

Soon, Wang Chen found another stream in the forest.

The forest vegetation here is extremely lush, and the air humidity is high. Obviously, the water vapor is very abundant. He has encountered more than one similar stream.

Then Wang Chen walked upstream along the stream.

He maintained extremely high vigilance along the way, because this kind of stream is often a drinking point for wild animals.

Wild beasts are not scary, as long as they are not in groups, Wang Chen is confident to deal with them when he encounters them.

The scary thing is the alien beast!

Alien beasts are alienated beasts. Some have great strength, some have extremely high defense, some can fly into the sky and escape from the ground, and some can spit fire and poison. In short, there is no one to mess with.

Powerful beasts can even compete with high-level warriors!

Wang Chen's little first-level warrior was no match for the weakest alien beast.

But he was not lucky, he went all the way to the source of the stream, and he didn't encounter any ferocious and powerful beasts.

It actually scared away a few deer drinking water.

At the end of the creek is a small valley, a waterfall 20 to 30 feet high hangs down from between the peaks, and the white rushing water splashes into the deep pool, which is the place Wang Chen is familiar with and likes!

The scene in front of him made Wang Chen smile with joy.

The environment here is very good, the aura of heaven and earth is higher than that in the mountains and forests, and with the clean water source, it is perfect as a temporary place to stay and practice.

When Wang Chen came to the edge of the pool, suddenly there was a "splash", and a big fish jumped out of the water.

The silver-white fish scales are particularly eye-catching under the sunlight.

And fish!

Wang Chen was even happier.

He washed the snake meat in water, then found some dry grass and dead branches nearby, and started to cook.

Wang Chen didn't have any flint on him, but it was easy for him to make fire by drilling wood.

Soon, a plume of smoke rose from the pool.

Wang Chen skewered the snake meat on green bark branches and grilled it.

The first episode when he came to this world was considered to be an escape, and the second episode was to survive in the wilderness.

The snow-white snake meat sizzled under the flames, and glistening snake oil came out, the surface began to turn brown, and a strange fragrance wafted in the air.

It further aroused the glutton in Wang Chen's stomach.

After removing the head, skin and internal organs, the flower snake still weighed about two catties. After it was roasted, it was gobbled up by Wang Chen and wiped out in one go.

After drinking a handful of sweet pool water, Wang Chen patted his stomach, still feeling unsatisfied.

He felt like he could eat more.

At this time, Wang Chen could finally take off his dirty clothes and immerse himself in the pool water.

I took a quick shower.

The coat and sweatshirt were also washed, then wrung out and hung on the nearby stones.

Unintentionally, Wang Chen saw his own face reflected in the water.

He was a little confused.

This face is very young, showing a bit of immaturity and weakness, but it has sharp edges and corners, and is so handsome that Wang Chen himself can't believe it!

He couldn't help but recall Ling Zhiyuan's memory.

It turns out that Ling Zhiyuan's mother was once the most beautiful woman in Anyang City, but it's a pity that the confidante died young.

And Ling Zhiyuan inherited his mother's beauty since he was a child, and also has his father's advantages, so he has always been praised in terms of appearance.

A real handsome guy!

Wang Chen was an ordinary person in his previous life. Although he was not ugly, he had nothing to do with being handsome.

His soul pierced through the mountains and seas, and when he was born, he was not very good-looking, and later came to the Wushan realm, and the body he occupied was also very ordinary in appearance.

In the previous and present lives, it was the first time for Wang Chen to become a handsome guy.

He couldn't help touching his face, feeling a little weird.

It's just that whether the appearance is high or low has no effect on Wang Chen's current situation. He quickly put this matter behind him and looked for a shelter nearby.

If you can't find it, you can only build a hut to live in.

But luck once again stood by Wang Chen's side. He found a natural cave not far from the water pool.

The hole is only five feet high, and you need to bend over to get in, but the space inside is quite wide and very deep.

Since there were no suitable tools, Wang Chen just explored near the entrance of the cave, but found no beasts or poisonous snakes.

I saw some bats and upside down stalactites.

As for how deep the cave is, or where it leads, Wang Chen doesn't want to investigate for the time being.

But he can be sure that this cave is not a dead cave, because there is a cool wind blowing out inside, and the air is circulating.

It is worth mentioning that the aura of heaven and earth in the cave is stronger than that of the outside world.

It's just that it's still far from the standard of practice.

Coupled with the fact that the muscles, bones and blood vessels of this body are different, Wang Chen did not have the idea of ​​practicing Dharma.

It is the right way to cultivate the Xuantian seven evil wheels to a higher level!

【Potential +1】

Suddenly, a message popped up in his vision.

Wang Chen was stunned for a moment.

Potential points should correspond to Heavenly Merit and Human Virtue, while the Wushan Realm should correspond to Qi and Blood Value, and regardless of merit or Qi and Blood Value, they can only be obtained by killing!

How could this potential value increase inexplicably? ——

The second one is delivered.

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