Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 892 Training in the Mountains (Part 2)

In the cave, Wang Chen opened his eyes.

His upper body was completely naked, and he only wore a pair of shorts underneath. The surface of his skin was flushed with a strange texture.

But soon the blanking returned to normal.

Wang Chen has just completed the first level of cultivation of the Xuantian Seven Sharks.

For Wang Chen, this exercise is undoubtedly very strange, and it is very different from the body training and martial arts skills he has mastered in the past.

Although this body has been cultivated into a corpse dog wheel.

But in fact, Wang Chen can be said to have learned from scratch, integrating the memory of the original owner into his own perception bit by bit.

Because only in this way can he truly display the power of this technique in battle.

【Name: Wang Chen (Ling Zhiyuan)】

【Age: 15】

【Cultivation: Martial Apprentice】

[Cultivation method: Xuantian Seven Sharks (Corpse Dog): 47/100]

【Potential: 79】

After some training, the experience value of the Xuantian Seven Sharks increased by 1 point, but the potential value cost 2 points!

Wang Chen already understood.

The martial artist's life energy does not appear out of thin air, its source is human potential, and this potential comes from daily diet in all likelihood.

In Ling Zhiyuan's memory, there is a deep impression of the food he ate during martial arts training, which had a strong medicinal smell!

The Ling family is a big family in Anyang City. Ling Zhiyuan usually eats rich clothes and fine food. Not only are the ingredients exquisite, but also specially prepared medicines are nourishing, so as to strengthen the flesh and bones to increase the potential, and then generate life energy to condense the wheel.

A complete set of martial arts methods!

It's just that Ling Zhiyuan had to learn the Xuantian Seven Shaluns because he liked literature and disliked martial arts, and he didn't pay attention to and study these martial arts common sense at all.

Wang Chen had no choice but to analyze and explore by himself.

Just for normal practice, 1 point of skill experience needs to consume 2 points of potential, which is twice as much as adding points directly!

Wang Chen thought for a while, and then added 1 point to the Xuantian Seven Sharks.

【Cultivation method: Xuantian seven evil wheels (corpse dog): 48/100】

【Potential: 78】

After adding some points, he obviously felt a little strange, the vitality in his body grew stronger, and at the same time, there were some signs of disorder.

Adding points to this technique really can't be added randomly!

In the following days, Wang Chen hunted and killed the fish in the pond every day to satisfy his hunger, and then devoted most of his time to cultivation.

He improves his cultivation at the rate of consuming 3 points of potential and adding 2 points of experience every day.

Half a month later, the experience value of the first level of the Xuantian Seven Sharks reached 78 points, which is still 22 points away from the full level.

At the same time, his potential value has also dropped to 44 points.

During this period, the potential has only increased by 1 point!

This is obviously because Wang Chen eats fish every day, so it is no problem to maintain his life, but it is difficult to increase his potential.

Wanting more potential, Wang Chen needs better food or supplements!

After realizing this, Wang Chen no longer focused on dealing with the fish in the pool.

In fact, after half a month, he has almost killed all the big fish here, and the trapping method has long since failed, and he needs to dive into the water to hunt and kill to get any results.

Wang Chen expanded the scope of hunting and began to search for nearby beasts.

Soon, some small animals like snakes, hares, and badgers appeared in Wang Chen's recipes.

He even hunted down a sika deer!

As a result, Wang Chen's potential increased by 2 points on the night after drinking deer blood and eating deer meat!

It is a pity that the original body has no knowledge of survival in the wild, and does not understand herbal medicine at all. As a result, Wang Chen is unable to collect medicinal materials to nourish his body and Qi in this vast mountain.

He didn't dare to try it randomly, if he ate poisonous weeds, he might die!

Persisting like this, the area between Wang Chen's eyebrows swelled more and more, as if something was about to break out.

This is a sign that Fushiya Wheel is about to condense.

The dead dog is at the top, the arrow is at the eyebrows, the sparrow is at the throat, the thief is at the heart, the non-poison is at the navel, the impurity is at the root, the smelly lung is at the bottom, and the seven chakras are hidden in the body. fundamental method.

In fact, only men can complete this technique!

Seeing that the breakthrough was imminent, Wang Chen calmed down instead, no longer adding points directly, but laying a solid foundation step by step.

One month after he settled in Xiaogu, the experience value of the Xuantian Seven Sharks reached 99 points!

On this day, Wang Chen cooked a pot full of bacon accumulated from his usual hunting in a stone pot, and ate it clean with his belly open.

That night, he began to attack the second floor of the Xuantian Seven Sharks.

Ling Zhiyuan's martial arts talent is very good, and Wang Chen has this talent while inheriting his body and memory.

And Wang Chen's will and experience are far higher than Ling Zhiyuan's. Combined with this talent, although the progress of cultivation is fast, there is no sign of collapse.

On the contrary, it is quite solid and stable.

On this basis, Wang Chen did not use the simplest method of adding points to break through the level to advance, but completely followed the method of the Xuantian Seven Sharks to break through himself.

In the cave, next to the firepit, Wang Chen's muscles were tense all over his body, and his skin surface was almost magically reddish red. Big tendons twisted under the skin membrane, and his whole body exuded dense heat.

This is the characteristic of life energy being stimulated to the extreme!

And between his brows, a round wheel suddenly protruded, as red as a wheel of blood!


Accompanied by a deep drink, Wang Chen suddenly opened his eyes, with a breathtaking light flashing in his eyes.

The circle between his brows expanded instantly, and then contracted back, a faint silver-white phantom appeared, hanging above it for a long time.

The life energy in Wang Chen's body was like a storm sweeping through the internal organs and limbs, washing every inch of flesh and bones, and then reintegrated little by little.

[Cultivation technique: Xuantian Seven Shark Wheels (Fushi): 0/200]

It worked!

Fushiya wheel was condensed, and Wang Chen announced that he had officially entered the second level of warriors—the warrior realm.

He stood up long, and the joints all over his body suddenly made intensive friction sounds, and the muscles in his body swelled a lot.

The whole person is an inch or two taller.

This technique obviously also has a powerful effect of changing the physique.

Wang Chen clenched his fist, feeling that his strength had at least increased several times compared to before.

His life-saving capital in this world has greatly increased again!

But troubles are not without, Wang Chen soon found that the shorts he was wearing had been torn, and the coat was obviously too small, and it was indescribably awkward to wear on his body.

Although this problem is not impossible to solve, but after thinking about it, he decided to leave here.

For the past month, Wang Chen has eaten nothing but tasteless food.

Without salt, there will be no major problems in the short term, but various problems will inevitably appear after a long time.

Ling Zhiyuan's memory told Wang Chen that table salt in this world is not cheap, especially the price of refined salt is quite expensive.

In addition, Wang Chen's potential value is almost exhausted, and he needs more and better sources of ingredients.

Staying in this small valley all the time, these are unobtainable.


The second one is delivered.

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