Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 898: Rivers and Lakes (Part 2)


The door of Tongfu Inn, which had just been closed, was suddenly knocked open by force, and the thick and long door bolt was broken in two on the spot.

A bloody man staggered in and fell to the ground.

"Help, help!"

He uttered a heart-piercing cry for help, and crawled forward with hands and feet together, with a look of fear on his face: "Help me..."

The people around all gasped.

This man was the one who had been taken away by the shopkeeper Tongtong just now because he felt ashamed.

I didn't expect such a big change in a short time.

But what really makes people shudder is not the miserable-looking man on the ground, but the group of people who appear at the door like ghosts at this moment!

Astonishment, fear, doubt, shock...

Under the gaze of a pair of strange eyes, more than a dozen men in heavy clothes and with long knives on their waists filed in.

They wore bamboo hats and dragged dark red cloaks behind them. They acted swiftly and cooperated tacitly, carrying an indescribably murderous aura, which instantly shocked most of the people present.

"Blood Cloth Guard!"

Someone blurted out, and immediately shut his mouth tightly.

And this name seemed to contain a powerful spell, causing everyone to show a look of horror.

Everyone was silent.

The blood-clothed guards are a very special existence in the Daliang Kingdom. They directly control the guards inside and are responsible for protecting the safety of the royal family.

Xue Yiwei only obeys the orders of Emperor Liang, so he has great authority. Since the founding of Daliang, he has made countless contributions and created a great reputation that can stop children from crying at night!

People in the rivers and lakes are all frightened by the news.

The royal family and the government have never had a good impression of uncontrolled quacks. For hundreds of years, countless warriors have died at the hands of the blood-clothed guards, and many of them are Wu Zong and even Wu Zun-level powerhouses!

The most important thing is that the Xueyiwei has the power to mobilize local soldiers to encircle and suppress the bandit Kou Qiangliang, and their own force is also very strong.

So when everyone saw the identity of the visitor, they were all terrified, and some even almost pissed on the spot!

There was no sound in the entire lobby, except for the strong wind and rain outside.

The senior leaders and others sitting in the corner all lowered their heads and dared not look directly, for fear of suffering disaster.

The blood-clothed guards are the elite forces of the Liang Kingdom, and there are not many of them. A small team that suddenly appeared in this wilderness must have a special mission on their shoulders.

Where is it that they can offend!

But Wang Chen took another look and recognized that the leader of this team of blood guards was Xiaoqi.

From a seventh-rank military officer!

Wang Chen's cognition naturally comes from Ling Zhiyuan's memory. After the latter grew up, Ling Hongyun had instilled many taboos in him, even including some Jianghu affairs.

Although Ling Zhiyuan is not interested in these at all, he still has memories.

He also met the Blood Clothes Guards.

Wang Chen recognized it from the color of the suit the other party was wearing.

The blood-clothed guard Xiaoqi was thin and gloomy. After breaking into the inn lobby, he stepped forward without saying a word, and picked up the struggling man on the ground.

Grab the neck and lift it up!


There was only a crisp sound of broken bones, and the unlucky guy was killed on the spot.

Xueyiwei Xiaoqi waved his arm, and threw the corpse out of the door like trash, and was instantly submerged in the darkness and wind and rain.


He waved again: "See if there is any anti-party existence!"


The eleven blood-clothed guards responded in unison, took out a stack of thick rice paper portraits, and checked the people present one by one.

At this time, shopkeeper Tong and her husband came out together when they heard the movement outside, and their faces changed when they saw the scene. The latter also quietly put away the bone-chopping knife in his hand.

The blood-clothed guards were obviously not something the two of them could provoke.

The little flag glanced at the two of them, "hummed" his nostrils, and began to scan the people present with his sinister eyes.

But everyone who was targeted by him was terrified.

Suddenly, the blood-clothed guard Xiaoqi seemed to have discovered something, and strode over...

In front of the boss!

The old man's face was as pale as paper, he almost slipped under the table, his lips trembled a few times: "Officer, officer..."

As a result, Xueyiwei Xiaoqi didn't look at him at all, and said to Wang Chen next to him, "Wipe your face clean."

Wang Chen was silent.

This man's eyesight is so vicious that he could see through the disguise on his face from twenty or thirty steps away.

Wang Chen could feel that the other party's breath had locked onto him firmly, like sharp thorns, piercing his soul with pain.

The strength of this blood-clothed guard Xiaoqi is at least at the general level.

And he's a high-ranking general!

Wang Chen's thoughts turned, and he forced himself to suppress the idea of ​​running away, then dipped his sleeves in rice wine, and wiped off the dirt and plant juices smeared on his face.

Then his fair and handsome face was revealed.

Xueyiwei Xiaoqi's eyes lit up immediately: "Huh?"

Wang Chen felt a chill in his heart.

If this guy has any special hobbies, then he can only fight, at worst, he will give up the mission and return to Haotian Realm.

As a result, the other party quickly looked back: "It turned out to be you, who came here."

Wang Chen was stunned.

The blood-clothed guard Xiaoqi obviously recognized his real body, but in Ling Zhiyuan's memory, the other party did not exist.

"My surname is Zhang."

Xueyiwei Xiaoqi said flatly: "You don't know me, I know your father."

"grown ups."

At this time, a blood-clothed guard came over and reported: "I have searched inside and out, but I haven't found any rebellious party."


Xiaoqi Zhang surnamed nodded: "Brothers have worked hard, sit down and have a drink and something to eat."

He threw a gold ingot on the counter with a flick of his hand: "Shopkeeper, bring up all the good wine and meat, and prepare a Datong shop and two upper rooms!"

Shopkeeper Tong and his wife looked at each other, and then agreed with a low eyebrow.

The blood-clothed guards drove the group of people to one side of the hall, and they occupied four wine tables.

Everyone dared not speak out.

Xiaoqi, surnamed Zhang, occupied a table and asked Wang Chen to stay.

"You don't have to be afraid."

He picked up the rice wine on the table and took a big sip, then said: "I have a little relationship with your father Ling Hongyun, and I know what happened in your family."

After a pause, the blood-clothed guard Xiaoqi said again: "I even drank your full moon wine."

There was a trace of memory on his face: "It's been more than ten years in a flash!"

Wang Chen didn't expect the other party to have such a relationship with him, but he was not the real Ling Zhiyuan after all, so he could only answer from a common sense point of view with a wry smile: "It turned out to be Uncle Zhang. My nephew was in a disaster, so he had to disguise himself. Please Uncle Shi help me keep the secret, my nephew is very grateful!"

"It's okay to keep secrets."

Xiaoqi Zhang surnamed waved his hand and said, "It's just that I have a special status and cannot intervene in your family affairs. If you want to get revenge and return to the Ling family, you have to rely on your own efforts."

He took a deep look at Wang Chen: "But I can give you a chance."


The second one is delivered.

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