On the second day of Ling Zhiyuan's fifteenth birthday, Ling Hongyun found an excuse and punished him to kneel in the ancestral hall overnight to think about his past.

It's useless to ask anyone for mercy!

And this is not the first time Ling Zhiyuan has received such punishment.

But what was different from before was that when he knelt until late at night and fell asleep, Ling Hongyun quietly appeared.

Take him to this room in the backyard and teach him how to open the mechanism of the secret room!

This secret room is now presented in front of Wang Chen.

The secret room is not big, and the three walls are made of shelves, which are filled with boxes of various sizes.

Wang Chen didn't even look at it, and swept all these boxes into his storage space.

Not one left!

Because what is stored in this secret room is the wealth passed down from generation to generation by the Ling family. In addition to gold, silver, jewelry and antiques, there are also exercises, weapons, medicinal materials and so on.

Considering that he might not come back for a long time, Wang Chen naturally wanted to sweep away.

At worst, after the blood oath is completed, the rest will be handed over to the successor of the Ling family.

In a short while, the secret room became empty.

Wang Chen withdrew and closed the mechanism again, returning everything to the original state before leaving the room.

Of course he didn't forget to put the lock back on.

At this moment, Wang Chen suddenly felt strange, and suddenly turned around.

I saw a gray-haired old man with a lantern standing impressively under the eaves in front of him.

Seeing this person, Wang Chen couldn't help blurting out: "Third Uncle?"

This old man is the caretaker of Ling's ancestral hall and Ling Hongyun's elder.

What surprised Wang Chen was that with his keen eyes and ears, he didn't notice the other party's appearance in advance.

Even so, Wang Chen didn't want to kill.

Because this third uncle has no children, but he is very good to the children in the clan, including Ling Zhiyuan.

Every time Ling Zhiyuan was punished to kneel in the ancestral hall, the third uncle would secretly give him some food and drink.

So even if there is a risk of exposure, Wang Chen will not be cruel to such an octogenarian.

"Xiao Yuan?"

The third uncle was surprised at first, and then waved to him in relief: "Come on, I have something to tell you."

The old man walked to a side room with a lantern in his hand, pushed the door open and entered.

Wang Chen hesitated, but followed.

In the room, the third uncle put the lantern on the table, smiled at Wang Chen and said, "Are you here to pick up what your father left behind?"

Wang Chen nodded: "Yes."

"I knew it."

The third uncle was not surprised at all, and sighed: "Your father has been smart since he was a child, and his martial arts talent is also outstanding. If he hadn't been burdened by family affairs, he would have already achieved the realm of Wuzong."

"He shouldn't have died, but he was too confident."

Wang Chen was silent.

The most content in Ling Zhiyuan's memory is all related to Ling Hongyun.

The latter is like a big mountain, which not only protects Ling Zhiyuan, but also weighs on his head.

The reason why Ling Zhiyuan hates martial arts and loves literature is actually a kind of rebellion against his father-a boy in the second year of middle school.

In Ling Zhiyuan's memory, Ling Hongyun was indeed a very proud figure.

But also smart.

For example, the secret room where the treasure is hidden is placed under the ancestral hall instead of in the heavily guarded Ling Mansion.

In fact, there is also a secret room in Ling's mansion, but it is obviously a deception - it is not normal if there is no one!

Wang Chen took off his mask.

The third uncle was startled - he recognized Ling Zhiyuan just now by the voice.

The old man in the clan sighed: "You have really grown up."

Wang Chen asked: "Third Uncle, do you know who is dealing with my father and our Ling family?"

This time it was Third Uncle's turn to be silent.

After a long time, he finally said: "Zhiyuan, to tell you the truth, Uncle has guessed, but he is not sure. Telling you now, it will only hurt you."

After a pause, the old man in the clan continued: "Zhiyuan, you should go, the farther you go, the better. If you pass on the blood of our Ling family, you will be worthy of our ancestors!"

"As for the idiot Ling Hongfeng, sooner or later he will send the Ling family into someone else's pocket, and he won't live long!"

Wang Chen thought for a while and said, "Third Uncle, I have now joined the Blood Clothes Guard and served under the Duwei Yamen of Jiangyuan City."

"Blood Cloth Guard?"

The third uncle opened his eyes wide in disbelief: "Okay, okay, okay!"

He said three "good" words in a row, and the shock in his heart was evident.

Ling Zhiyuan's lack of self-motivation was widely known in the whole Anyang City. Unexpectedly, less than a year later, this former cowardly boy became a blood-clothed guard who could stop children from crying at night!

If Ling Hongyun hadn't died, and the Ling family was still the original Ling family, then the third uncle would never have approved of Ling Zhiyuan's joining the Bloody Guards and being a court eagle.

But in the current situation, the identity of the Blood Yiwei is Ling Zhiyuan's best blessing!

The old man in the clan couldn't help but grabbed Wang Chen's arm, and said excitedly: "Since you have chosen this path, you must work hard. The higher you climb, the less anyone will dare to touch you. Our Ling family has hope!"

Wang Chen nodded: "Third Uncle, I will definitely work hard."

The third uncle was extremely pleased: "You are much more sensible than before..."

"Then there is one thing I have to tell you. I haven't even told your father, and that is the last two levels of exercises of Xuantian Seven Shaluns, which are hidden in the library pavilion of Dao Palace in Yuntai Mountain."

"After you have the strength of Wu Zong, it is best to ascend to the high position of the blood guard, and then find a way to get it."

Wang Chen's eyes lit up immediately: "Yuntai Mountain Taoist Palace!"

The main purpose of his sneaking back to Anyang City this time is to get back the hidden treasure of the Ling family, because there is a follow-up technique of the Xuantian Seven Sharks in it.

Without follow-up exercises, unless Wang Chen gave up the Xuantian Seven Sharks, he would not be able to break through to the third-tier martial artist realm.

But the Ling family's secret transmission of the Xuantian seven evil wheels only has the first five levels of exercises, and the last two levels are said to have been lost for a long time.

Ling Hongyun has been investigating, but there is no result.

Wang Chen originally planned to find another new kung fu method that would lead to the pinnacle after he had cultivated himself to the level of Wu Zong.

Unexpectedly, the third uncle actually knew the whereabouts of the two layers of exercises behind Xuantian's seven evil wheels.

What a surprise!

"Remember to be careful in everything."

The third uncle said: "No matter what you want to do, you must first protect yourself."

"Go back, don't come back if you don't ascend to a high position!"

Wang Chen respectfully saluted the elder of the clan, and then quietly left the ancestral hall.

After he left, the third uncle came to the ancestral hall and knelt down in front of the ancestral tablet.

"Ancestors and ancestors, I beg you to bless Ling Zhiyuan, and protect him from bad luck to good fortune in the future!"

After praying, he picked up the oil candle on the altar and threw it on the curtain beside him.

The candlelight quickly ignited the curtain and soon spread to the entire ancestral hall.

Surrounded by raging flames, the third uncle who was kneeling on the ground did not feel the slightest fear.

He smiled and closed his eyes.


The second one is delivered.

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