Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 916: The First Demonic Appearance

【Potential +1】

Wang Chen ignored the information prompts that flashed in his field of vision, and called out the panel.

【Name: Wang Chen (Ling Zhiyuan)】

【Age: 16】

【Cultivation level: military commander】

【Cultivation method: Xuantian seven evil wheels (swallowing thieves): 37/400】

【Potential: 971】

When condensing the fourth brake wheel, he had consumed a large amount of potential points, but now he not only made up for it completely, but also reached a record-breaking nearly thousand points.

Wang Chen had a vague feeling that if his potential points reached 1,000 points, some kind of change might happen!

Wang Chen definitely doesn't know what kind of change it is.

But he was very much looking forward to it.

To be honest, it is bitter and tiring to boil and drink medicine every day, and it is not easy to persevere every day.


At this moment, a sharp whistling sound suddenly entered Wang Chen's ears.

He was startled, jumped out of the open window without thinking, and landed in the small courtyard outside.


Wang Chen looked up and saw a ball of gorgeous fireworks exploding in the sky.

Bloody Clothes Summoning Order!

This is the signal for the blood-clothed guards to summon their colleagues. Once something important happens, all guards who see the fireworks signal must rush to the gathering place as soon as possible.

The direction in which the fireworks rose was the county guard.

Wang Chen immediately rode on the yellow pussy horse tied to the door, and ran quickly towards the guard.

Ordinary people are strictly forbidden to ride horses on the streets of the county, because it is easy to hurt innocent passers-by.

But the Blood Clothes Guards were not prohibited, so every time Wang Chen went to the house he rented, he used his mount instead.

With only a cup of tea, he rushed to the guard.

As a result, as soon as Wang Chen came to the door and got off his horse, he saw Lao Qiu leading people out in a hurry.

One of the blood-clothed guards immediately frowned when he saw Wang Chen: "Ling Zhiyuan, why don't you stay in the guard and go outside all day, what do you look like!"

Wang Chen ignored the other party and only looked at Xiaoqi Laoqiu.

This guy's name was Dong Zhihui, and he belonged to Lao Qiu's team like Wang Chen, but from the day the two met, he disliked Wang Chen and made trouble for him several times overtly and secretly.

But Wang Chen was only busy with his own affairs, and didn't bother to care about the other party. In addition, Lao Qiu had always had a good impression of him, so Dong Zhihui couldn't make any troubles.

I didn't expect this guy to get caught up in a trivial matter, and find fault with him in public!

Lao Qiu said in a deep voice: "Stop arguing, the task is important, you all go with me!"

In fact, he didn't like Dong Zhihui very much. He was a man of great ambition and talent, but he was pretentious, and his strength was mediocre. He had been in the guard for several years and was only a seal guard.

In fact, Dong Zhihui disliked Wang Chen, which was the reason.

On the surface, Lao Qiu looks like a good old man, and looks a little weak, but how can a really cowardly person be a bloody guard flag!

He blocked Dong Zhihui's mouth with a few words, and then rushed to the scene of the incident with three blood-clothed guards, including Wang Chen, and a yellow capillary dog.

The iron hooves knocked on the bluestone slabs, and the four riders galloped across the long street, causing passers-by to retreat in shock.

The place where the accident happened was a tailor shop in the west of the city. When Siqi arrived, there were many spectators in front of the shop.

Two police officers in Tsing Yi guarded the door to maintain order.


Lao Qiu reined in the horse, picked up the dog and jumped off the horse.

Seeing the arrival of the blood-clothed guard, the surrounding spectators dispersed immediately, and no one dared to come closer.

The two policemen hurriedly saluted: "Lord Qiu!"

"Don't be too polite!"

Lao Qiu waved his hand and led Wang Chen and the three into the shop.

This tailor's shop has the layout of the front shop and the backyard. The front is a shop for external business, and the back is a house where a family lives.

The door of the main room was opened, and a strong smell of blood diffused from the inside.

There were also two policemen in the room, one of whom was Catcher Li, whom Wang Chen had dealt with before.

When Wang Chen stepped into the back room, the first thing he saw was a corpse lying on the ground.

A corpse whose skin had been stripped to reveal its muscles!

The deceased had obviously suffered a great deal of pain during his lifetime, his hands and feet were all distorted, even if he lost his face, he could still tell his miserable state at that time.

On the bed next to it, there were two corpses that had also been skinned off!

Such a tragic scene is enough to make people have nightmares at night!

A foreman is examining the dead body on the ground.

"Painted Skin Demon!"

The pupils of Lao Qiu's eyes shrank suddenly, and his expression showed a bit of ferocity: "How dare you, it appeared again!"

It is said that there was only one kind of demon in the first place, and that was the heavenly demon.

But when the original demon came to this world, and continued to infect and occupy the soul and body of human beings, different types were derived for thousands of years.

Painted Skin Demon is one of them.

This kind of demon likes to skin people alive, and then repaints the peeled off human skin and puts it on themselves, pretending to be another person.

Painted Skin Demons tend to hoard several or even dozens of human skins and mix among the crowd with different identities.

Find new targets!

This kind of demon is extremely ferocious, and it is not easy to find, so once it appears, it will be very harmful.

The Painted Skin Demon had appeared in Linjiang County before, but it quickly disappeared under the vigorous search of the Blood Clothes Guards, and never appeared again.

Appeared now!

"Just now, the inspector inspected it. These people should have been killed at Haishi last night!"

Li Butou said in a deep voice: "It was discovered when someone came to pick up the clothes in the morning. Tailor Lin has a family of five. We found four skinned corpses. All four adults were there, except for the five-year-old daughter who was missing."

"I have already sent people to search the area carefully, and it may be taken away by the Painted Skin Demon..."

As he spoke, he clenched his fists involuntarily, showing the anger in his heart.

Although this head catcher is not a good person, seeing the misfortune of Lin Tailor's family, a fellow villager, can't help but feel sad.

Demons are the common enemy of human beings!


At this moment, the little dog, which had been sniffing here and there after being brought in by Lao Qiu, suddenly barked towards the outside of the door, and then jumped out quickly.


Lao Qiu waved his hand.

The little dog he raised has an extremely sensitive sense of smell, and can smell demons, and has helped him solve murders several times.

Therefore, Lao Qiu trusted it very much.

A group of people followed out.

The dog ran out of the door, and then jumped into an alley.

Everyone followed it all the way to the root of the city wall, and then this guy barked towards the top of the city wall.

Lao Qiu lifted it up, hugged it in his arms and said, "Go out of the city and chase after it."

The four blood-clothed guards returned to the tailor shop, remounted their mounts, and came to the previous corresponding position after leaving the city.

Put down the puppy again.

This time the dog ran towards the north, and ran into the dense forest! ——

The second one is delivered.

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