"Don't enter the forest, don't chase after the poor!"

Lao Qiu was afraid that Wang Chen would be young and vigorous, and would chase into the dense forest to catch the murderer, so he quickly added a few more sentences.

Wang Chen nodded: "I understand."

He naturally understands these rivers and lakes experiences.

"Yellow Lotus Sect!"

Lao Qiu wiped the blood from his face, and said bitterly: "One day, our Blood Clothes Guards will uproot it!"

But this is just his words of venting anger.

The Yellow Lotus Sect is one of the largest pagan religions, and has great influence among the people. Although it has suffered several heavy blows, it has revived again and again. How difficult it is to eradicate it!

In fact, those who have studied history know very well that the best way to eradicate this kind of heresy is to change the dynasty.

But this is a great taboo that cannot even be said.

Dong Zhihui asked: "Boss, what shall we do next?"

"Go back to the city." Lao Qiu made a decisive decision: "Xiao Zhuang is injured and must go back for treatment."

He looked at the way he came, showing a trace of worry.

The catastrophe of the tailor shop has now been proven to be a trap set by the Huanglian Sect against the blood-clothed Weibu.

So did the opponent only set up a game?

Lao Qiu faintly had a bad feeling.

When they came, there were four people and four riders. One of the mounts was damaged in the fierce battle just now, and the other was frightened and ran into the forest without a trace.

And the horse that didn't run got an arrow, too, and it was pretty bad.

Only Wang Chen's yellow pussy was very clever, and escaped the disaster of swords and soldiers without any harm.

Since Xiao Zhuang injured his leg and could not move, Wang Chen lent him his yellow pussy horse to ride.

As for the wounded horse, it was specially used to carry the severed human head after drawing out the arrow and applying the golden wound medicine.

The meritorious service system of the blood-clothed guards largely refers to the model of the Daliang army. In battles like this, the credit is usually calculated based on the enemy's head.

Everyone survived from death, of course we can't let go of the credit we got.

There were hundreds of members of the Huanglian Sect who participated in the ambush. After a fierce battle, they left more than 30 corpses.

Lao Qiu carefully put together the heads of the captured people. Those killed by himself belong to himself, and those killed by Dong Zhihui and Xiaozhuang belong to two people. Among them, Wang Chen undoubtedly killed the most enemies.

When this Xiaoqi saw the head of the burly man, he immediately opened his eyes wide: "Black Whirlwind Li Kui!"

Pointing to the head, he said: "This head is worth a little effort!"

Li Kui is one of the important leaders of the Huanglian Sect. He calls himself a hero. This guy is born with supernatural powers and is good at using a pair of Xuanhua axes that weigh a hundred catties. He is famous for his bravery and ferocity.

There are not a few blood-clothed guards who died under Li Kui's axe!

The government has long issued a reward order for this gangster, and the reward is as high as five hundred taels of silver!

You must know that the salary of Linjiang county magistrate is only about two hundred taels a year.

Lao Qiu never expected that Wang Chen would kill this murderer under heavy siege, which is really unimaginable.

He realized that he might have seriously underestimated Wang Chen's strength!

And Dong Zhihui and Xiaozhuang all cast envious and even jealous eyes on Wang Chen.

This is a small feat!

Xun Lao, Minor Gong, Great Gong, and Tian Gong are the four levels of merit of the Blood Clothes Guard. Xun Gong is the lowest and Tian Gong is the highest.

Blood Yiwei's evaluation of credit is extremely strict, like the Huanglian sect that Lao Qiu and others killed just now, a head can only be counted as a meritorious service.

Accumulating 50 meritorious service counts as a small merit!

But once there is a small skill in the body, then ordinary blood-clothed guards can wear a gold medal and have the status of a reserve flag.

As long as you don't make big mistakes, or become disabled suddenly, it's only a matter of time before you become a real Xiaoqi.

If there are people above, this time will be greatly shortened!

The other ten small meritorious deeds will be converted into one major meritorious service, and they will be promoted to the general banner and the reserve hundred households at the same time.

As for Tiangong, it must be obtained by Datian Ting, and it can only be obtained by the imperial pen of the emperor of Liang Dynasty.

There were more than 20 members of the Huanglian Sect who died in Wang Chen's hands, but they were not enough to make up half of the small kung fu. But with the head of Black Whirlwind Li Kui, the situation is completely different.

He almost booked the flag spot!

The reason why Dong Zhihui and Xiaozhuang are envious is because they have stayed in Linjiang County for several years and haven't made enough small achievements.

How long has Wang Chen been here?


Lao Qiu noticed the eyes of the two subordinates, waved his hand and said: "If Ling Zhiyuan hadn't been so brave this time, we might not be able to go back alive. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's go!"

He was reminding these two people, don't just see Wang Chen's credit, don't forget that Wang Chen saved everyone's life!

In such a bad situation before, if Wang Chen hadn't blocked the black whirlwind Li Kui and beheaded him forcefully, how many of them would have survived?

Dong Zhihui looked away awkwardly.

He knew what Lao Qiu said was right, but it was difficult to suppress the strong jealousy and unwillingness in his heart.

A group of people embarked on the return journey.


The thin dog that was missing earlier unexpectedly ran back, wagging its tail desperately around Lao Qiu.

This guy is smarter than the yellow puma, he ran into the bushes and hid at the beginning, and didn't show up until everyone was about to leave.

"damn thing!"

Lao Qiu smiled and kicked it, but not very hard.

Halfway through the walk, suddenly a group of eye-catching fireworks exploded in the distant sky.

It was the call for help from the Blood Clothes Guard!

When he encountered an ambush earlier, Lao Qiu asked Xiao Zhuang to release fire meteors, but until now there was no sign of reinforcements, and he actually saw someone calling for help.

Lao Qiu and the others couldn't help but looked at each other.

It stands to reason that seeing such a signal for help, it must be rushing for reinforcements.

But the place where the interrogation was conducted was far away, and the four of them had no mounts to represent them, and they brought a wounded soldier with them. It was already very good to be able to protect themselves, so how could they have the strength to go to rescue their colleagues.

"do not care!"

Lao Qiu gritted his teeth and said, "Let's talk about it when we go back to the city. Master Zongqi will definitely make arrangements."

As the general banner of the Bloody Guards guarding Linjiang County, Pang Tai is not only qualified to dispatch the county government officers and patrols, but also to seek help from the garrison in case of emergency.

The general banner sits in the county seat, so it is impossible to ignore his subordinates' pleas for help.

Everyone speeded up and returned to Linjiang City smoothly.

The Xueyi Guardhouse in Linjiang County was full of turmoil, and everyone who entered and exited looked nervous.

The first thing Lao Qiu did when he came back was to report the situation to Pang Tai.

Seeing that all four of them had returned, the blood-clothed guard chief flag was greatly relieved: "It's good that you are alive..."

He slapped the table heavily: "Damn Huanglian Sect!"

It turned out that after Lao Qiu and others were sent to investigate the tailor shop murder, another incident suspected of being haunted by demons was discovered in the city, which made Pang Tai send another team to investigate.

But that's just the beginning! ——

The first one is sent.

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