Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 928: The First Step to Conquer the World (Part 1)

"Are you out of customs?"

In the study room of the guard, Pang Tai, the chief banner, reviewed the official documents, and said to Wang Chen with a smile, "I think the harvest is not small, right?"

For Wang Chen, a young flag, Pang Tai was more and more appreciative of him, and with the thought of loving talent in his heart, he let Wang Chen dormant in the guard for more than three months, so as not to be harmed by the Qianlong Society.

Wang Chen replied respectfully: "According to the auspicious words of the lord, this subordinate succeeded in breaking through the situation by luck!"


With a flash in his eyes, Pang Tai immediately put down the brush in his hand and asked, "Then what are you now?"

Without thinking, Wang Chen activated the four evil wheels of Shigou, Fushi, Sparrow Yin and Swallowing Thieves at the same time, and the murderous aura suddenly came out of his body.


Pang Tai's eyes suddenly became fierce, and he clenched his fists subconsciously.

This is the instinctive reaction of a general!

But Wang Chen's momentum disappeared as soon as he released it, and the pressure on Pang Tai disappeared instantly.

The corners of Pang Tai's eyes twitched involuntarily: "Military commander rank!"

It is easy to distinguish a warrior from an ordinary person, but after entering the rank of a martial artist, one's life energy is hidden, and unless one reveals one's own initiative, it is difficult to see through one's true cultivation.

Previously, Pang Tai knew that Wang Chen was a third-tier martial artist.

A sixteen-year-old martial artist is enough to be called a "genius". This is also one of the important reasons why Wang Chen was able to be promoted in an exceptional way.

But Pang Tai never expected that in just a few months, Wang Chen would be promoted to the fourth rank general!

He thought that what Wang Chen said about breaking the realm was only a small realm.


You must know that it took Pang Tai more than thirty years to step into this level!

Because he was too shocked, the chief flag was speechless for a while.

After a while, he smiled wryly and shook his head: "A sixteen-year-old military general is the pride of heaven in Daye. How can I, Pang Taihe De, have such a talent like you under my command!"

Daye is the capital of Daliang, with a population of millions, countless aristocratic families, outstanding people, hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and the gathering of talents from all over the world!

Pang Tai believes that a person like Wang Chen will emerge quickly even if he goes to Daye.

The general flag is clear in his heart, the small pond in Linjiang definitely cannot hold a dragon!

With a decision in his heart, his attitude became more kind: "Ling Zhiyuan, what do you want to do with me?"

Wang Chen thought for a while and said: "My lord, I have been submerged in the guard for more than three months, and now I have broken through to the fourth level, so I can't continue to work without exerting any effort, and please assign missions to my subordinates! "

Previously, for the purpose of protecting Wang Chen, the guard let him practice in the guard for such a long time without arranging any work tasks.

But Wang Chen didn't do anything with the salary of a small flag, and there was no problem in a short period of time, but it was easy to be criticized for a long time.

In addition, he also needs to accumulate meritorious service and ascend to a higher position!

"I was going to tell you about this..."

In fact, even if Wang Chen didn't open his mouth, Pang Tai couldn't have let him hide in the guard all the time: "I originally planned to find an opportunity to transfer you to Fucheng to work, but now that you have the ability to protect yourself, you can return to your post to perform your duties." Bar."


Pang Tai said with some embarrassment: "Currently there is no manpower available for you. We have to wait for the next batch of new guards to arrive. Can you wait?"

The Linjiang Guard Office was originally composed of one general banner and five small banners. Later, because of Huang Lianjue's troubles, Fucheng added a small banner position, which happened to be given to Wang Chen who had made great contributions.

But the Fucheng General Guard did not give manpower to the establishment, and Linjiang Guard was already stretched in this regard, and the five teams did not have a full staff, so how could they deploy manpower to fill Wang Chen's team.

It's just that Wang Chen has been cultivating in the guard during this time, so he naturally put this question aside.

Now Pang Tai felt a headache.

If he transfers people from other small banners, everyone will probably rebel!

But what Pang Tai didn't expect was that Wang Chen's answer was actually: "My lord, this subordinate feels that I am enough alone!"

Pang Tai was shocked: "Do you want to be a lone wolf?"

The Lone Wolf is a very special existence in the Blood Clothes Guard.

As the name suggests, a lone wolf likes to walk alone, but there are characters who are as fierce as wolves. They are unwilling to obey the command of others and choose one person to complete various dangerous tasks.

"The subordinates just don't want to involve others."

Wang Chen explained: "It's safer for a person to fight and run if he wants to."

In fact, with his current real strength, it obviously doesn't make much sense to lead a team of warrior-level blood-clothed guards, and he has to take care of their safety when encountering strong enemies.

In addition, it is not easy for Wang Chen to reveal his secrets alone.

"It also makes sense."

Pang Tai thought of Qianlong's assassination of Wang Chen, and he said in relief, "That's fine, I will assign you suitable tasks, but you must pay attention to safety, protecting yourself is the most important thing."

Wang Chen took a step back, clasped his fists and saluted, "Thank you, my lord!"

After bidding farewell to Pang Tai, Wang Chen left the Linjiang guard and came to a blacksmith shop in the south of the city.

There are four or five blacksmith shops in Linjiang City, and this one is the largest with the strongest craftsmanship.

In the workshop, the fire was raging, and several muscular men were struggling to beat the iron embryo. It was a busy scene.

"grown ups!"

Seeing Wang Chen in the flying fish suit, a dark-skinned craftsman immediately greeted him with a smile on his face: "You are here."

Wang Chen nodded and asked, "Is everything I want ready?"

"OK OK."

The master craftsman nodded his head, then turned around and said, "Xiao Liu, quickly bring Master Ling's custom casing!"

Soon a simple-looking apprentice brought over a large package of metal pipes.

There are a total of ten casings, five long and five short, and the surface of each casing has been carefully polished to present a beautiful metallic texture and texture.

Wang Chen picked up one and examined it carefully.

The craftsman next to him sighed: "My lord, it is really not easy to drill these thousands of wrought refined iron into casings. Three of my meteorite iron drill bits have been drilled. Fortunately, it didn't delay your business."

Although the craftsman meant to ask for credit, what he said was the truth.

The items Wang Chen customized were very special. He had never taken such an order before, and it took a lot of effort to get it done.

After checking all the items carefully, Wang Chen showed a satisfied smile: "Not bad, thank you for your hard work."

He took out a silver ticket and stuffed it into the other party's hand: "It's more for you."

The craftsman saw the denomination of the bank note, and immediately smiled: "Thank you for your generous reward!"

Wang Chen smiled, patted the other person on the shoulder, and left the blacksmith shop.

He walked around the city, and went to two other blacksmith shops, a wood workshop, a pharmacy and a tailor shop.

Finally, he returned to his residence with a large bag of things.


The first one is sent.

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