Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 930 Mountain Village Phantom

In the bathroom, the mist was dense and there was a strong smell of medicine.

Wang Chen sat in a vat half as tall as a person, his whole body soaked in the dark brown liquid medicine.

The charcoal fire under the bucket is booming.

This large wooden barrel is wrapped in iron sheets and is specially used for warriors' medicinal baths.

Many descendants of aristocratic families have soaked in medicinal baths since childhood to strengthen their muscles and bones, and their martial arts starting point is much higher than that of ordinary people.

Poor culture and rich military is the truest portrayal of this world!

And the medicated bath that Wang Chen soaked in was far more precious than those used by ordinary aristocratic children.

This bucket of medicinal liquid contains ginseng, ganoderma lucidum, rhinoceros horn, deer antler, gastrodia elata, snow lotus and other medicinal materials from the previous year, worth more than five hundred taels of silver!

With the circulation of life energy in Wang Chen's body, the rich and strong medicine power was continuously absorbed into the skin, muscles and bones, and finally turned into potential and stored.

In the past, this process took one or two hours to completely absorb the power of a bucket of medicinal liquid.

But now that Wang Chen has broken through the realm of the fifth-rank Martial Ancestor, he has condensed a martial artist's dantian, and his ability to absorb the power of medicine has increased dramatically.

Therefore, the soaking time is compressed into one stick of incense!

When the color of the liquid medicine in the vat turned light brown, Wang Chen suddenly jumped up high with water vapor all over his body, and then landed steadily on the ground.

The moment his feet touched the ground, the water droplets on his body evaporated instantly.

Taking out clothes and uniforms from the storage space and changing them on, Wang Chen left his residence and headed out of the city on a yellow puma.

He ran west for tens of miles, and then turned into a narrow and rugged mountain road.

After running for more than ten miles, a mountain village appeared in front of him.

Backing the mountain village.

Just this morning, Wang Chen received a task assignment from the guard.

Seventy miles away from the county seat, Kaoshan Village was suspected of being plagued by evil spirits, so he went to investigate and investigate.

Wang Chen readily accepted the order.

Riding his horse to the entrance of the village, Wang Chen noticed several villagers standing by the side of the road.

For the arrival of Wang Chen, who was dressed in fresh clothes and angry horse, they seemed very panicked, and they all backed away.

Wang Chen raised his eyebrows, took the rein to rein in the yellow puma, and asked in a deep voice, "Is this Kaoshan Village?"

He found this place according to the map of Linjiang County distributed by the guard, but he was not sure that he went to the wrong place.

After all, the distributed map is relatively crude.

The villagers looked at each other in blank dismay, and one of them dared to answer: "This is the mountain village, what can you do, sir?"

"Where is your village?"

Wang Chen said: "I was ordered to investigate the evil spirits in your village!"


A few villagers seemed to wake up from a dream, bowed and bowed, and panicked: "Small, the villain will take the adults to see the village leader immediately."

Under the guidance of these villagers, Wang Chen quickly met the head of the village, the head of the village.

The village chief was gray-haired and very old. He could clearly recognize the grade of the flying fish suit Wang Chen was wearing, and hurriedly saluted him: "Little citizen Zhang Ziwu, my lord!"

The village official is usually held by a highly respected person in the village, and is not an official official. Seeing Wang Chen, a blood-clothed guard Xiaoqi from the seventh rank, he is naturally sincere and frightened.

"No need to be polite."

Wang Chen stretched out his hand to help him up: "Take me to see what's going on."


The old village chief immediately brought Wang Chen to an adobe house at the west end of the village, and said in a trembling voice, "This is Zhang Xiaoqi's family in our village. There are four people in total. The neighbors found the door open at dusk yesterday. Went in and had a look..."

It turned out that all four members of the family had encountered an accident. After the old village chief found out, he immediately sent someone to the county seat to report the news.

Wang Chen nodded after listening, and then entered the house.

The house is not big, and there are two bedrooms in total. A middle-aged couple is lying on the bed in one of them. Both of them are pale, staring at each other.

The other room is the residence of the two children, and the death is even worse!

Wang Chen checked the corpse and found that there were two rows of blood on the neck of this family, as if bitten by the canine teeth of some kind of animal, which looked quite oozing.


A name instantly appeared in Wang Chen's mind.

Vampire fangs are low-level demons. Like all demons, they are good at disguising. They hide among ordinary people and survive by sucking human or animal blood.

Some vampires even secretly imprisoned and raised humans to satisfy their blood-sucking addiction.

Wang Chen had received professional training from the Blood Clothes Guards before, and had mastered a lot of knowledge about demons, so he could draw correct conclusions through comparative analysis.

He asked the old village head: "Has this happened in your village before?"

The old village head nodded: "It happened once more than ten years ago, and a family died that time, and the adults in the county also came to see it."

But after reading it, there is no more text.

But after that incident, Kaoshan Village has been safe and sound and nothing happened, and everyone has long forgotten it.

But the old village head still remembers it clearly, and there is a look of fear in his eyes: "It, they are back!"

This villager has lived for sixty or seventy years, and has seen evil disasters more than once or twice, and knows the horror of evil spirits!

Wang Chen thought for a while and asked, "How many families are there in your village?"

The old village head swallowed, and replied: "A total of 179 households, 683 people, including Zhang Xiaoqi's family."

"Call them all together."

Wang Chen said in a deep voice: "I want to screen again!"


The old village head was a little dumbfounded: "You, can you do it alone?"

Wang Chen looked really young. Although he was wearing a flying fish suit, he was alone now. What if he faced the monster head-on and died in the village?

Wang Chen looked at the other party and said nothing - are you teaching me what to do?

The old village head counseled in seconds: "Xiaomin obeys the order."

Clang, clang!

The loud copper bell soon broke the tranquility of this small mountain village.

The villagers who heard the sound rushed from the fields and homes to the entrance of the village, making the open space lively and noisy.

Wang Chen asked the old village head to arrange the people of the village protection team to maintain order, and then counted the list one by one.

They passed in front of him one by one.

In Wang Chen's hand, he held a talisman.

Demon Appreciation Talisman!

This talisman can be used to identify monsters, and it was a gift from Wang Chen's master Wang Hui, asking him to carry it on his body to guard against monsters.

It's just that there is a limit on the number of times the Magic Appreciation Talisman can be used, and the "shelf life" is not long.

This kind of talisman contains a weak spiritual energy, which will slowly be lost over time.

Since Wang Chen has storage space, putting it inside can avoid this problem.

And he has also studied magic appreciating talismans.

The villagers of Kaoshan Village passed the screening one by one, and Wang Chen did not find anything unusual until the last person passed by.

"There are still fifteen people left."

He said to the old village chief, "Where did these people go?"

Wang Chen clearly remembered the number of villagers reported by the other party just now!

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