Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 941 Real name after knowing cause and effect (Part 2)

"Uncle Ninth."

Facing this majestic clan elder, Wang Chen smiled and said, "I'm here today to recover my father's blood debt. Are you sure you want to take care of this matter?"

This clan elder has always favored Ling Hongfeng, and everyone in the Ling family knows it!

Ninth Uncle's breathing suddenly became stagnant.

Although Wang Chen had a smile on his face, his eyes were icy cold, looking at him as if he was looking at a dead person.

For Uncle Jiu, Ling Zhiyuan, who loved literature and disliked martial arts, was never an ideal candidate to inherit the family business. His relationship with Ling Hongyun was also tense, and he even hated Ling Zhiyuan.

So even though Ling Zhiyuan came very suddenly today, and he was still wearing a bloody sweater, he still wanted to put on the posture of a clan elder, to see if he could suppress the former with his own prestige.

Uncle Jiu's reason is also very good - the family ugliness must not be publicized, and the Ling family can no longer have civil strife!

However, even though he had various reasons, facing the changed Wang Chen, the clan elder felt a sudden chill, and swallowed back what he wanted to say.

But Wang Chen didn't pay attention to the old guy any more, glanced around the hall, and said loudly: "Everyone, I, Ling Zhiyuan, are here today to settle karma, so don't bother irrelevant people, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?"

Before Wang Chen finished speaking, a middle-aged man in a purple robe stepped forward and said in a cold voice: "As a junior, you have no elders in your eyes, and if you commit rebellious acts, you should really put on the skin of a blood-clothed guard. So you can do whatever you want in Anyang City?"

Clap clap!

As soon as his words fell, the applause immediately rang out.

It was Wang Chen who applauded: "Tong Wanshan, you and Ling Hongfeng hired murderers to assassinate my father, and you also want to annex my Ling family through marriage. Who are you showing such a sanctimonious appearance?"

Previously, Yao Peng, the governor of Xueyiwei in Donglu Mansion, gave Wang Chen a secret letter, in which he clearly pointed out that the real culprit behind the assassination of Ling Hongyun was the Tong family and Ling Hongfeng.

Moreover, the Tong family intends to annex the Ling family, and started planning early.

Blood Yiwei's intelligence system is undoubtedly very terrifying. Although the Tong family is very secretive, they cannot escape the former's detection.

In fact, if Wang Chen hadn't been involved, Xue Yiwei would not have cared about the open and secret struggles among the great families.

This is also a favor from Yao Peng to Wang Chen.

As soon as Wang Chen's words fell, the audience was in an uproar!

Tong Wanshan, the current head of the Tong family in Anyang, is also the father of Tong Baodai.

In terms of strength and influence, the current Tong family is much higher than the Ling family, so many people say that Tong Baodai's marriage to Ling Hongfeng is a marriage, and the Ling family has gained a lot.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows that the Tong family's advantage is so easy to take advantage of!

It's just that everyone didn't expect that Wang Chen, a mere teenage boy, not only dared to confront Tong Wanshan head-on, but also accused Tong Wanshan of killing Ling Hongyun with Ling Hongfeng, which would be a big deal.

You must know that Ling Hongyun encountered an accident when he was out hunting, and it is still an unsolved case until now.

Wang Chen accuses Tong Wanshan of being the real culprit, that is an endless hatred!


Tong Wanshan was furious: "Ling Zhiyuan, I think you have lost your mind and are talking nonsense here, come here, send him out, I will bear all the consequences!"

As the head of the Tong family, Tong Wanshan not only has the cultivation strength of a fourth-tier general, but also has a strong network in Anyang and a powerful force.

Not to mention that Ling Zhiyuan is a young man, even if he is really a blood-clothed guard, Tong Wanshan is not afraid!


Dozens of guards and warriors appeared together, surrounded Wang Chen and others, and put on a fighting posture.

The atmosphere at the scene immediately became tense.

The corner of Tong Wanshan's mouth showed a hint of sarcasm. He wanted everyone to know that he was determined to be the Ling family!


At this moment, the bride next to her suddenly lifted her red hijab and shouted loudly, "Why isn't it over yet? What's the matter, hurry up!"

This bride's makeup is exquisite and pretty, but unfortunately, the hostility between the brows has greatly damaged her temperament.

Tong Wanshan also had a headache for his daughter, and said, "Don't worry, Dai'er, Daddy will drive these guys away immediately."

He yelled at a group of guards: "What are you doing in a daze? Do it!"

"Tong Yuanwai is so majestic!"

A voice suddenly came from the outside, and it was heard clearly in everyone's ears: "Even our blood-clothed guards don't pay attention to it, just hurry up and fight as soon as you say it, it's amazing!"

The visitor had a strange look, but Tong Wanshan suddenly changed his expression: "Guo Qianhu!"

Yuan Wai Lang is his official title, and the fake official bought with money is just a status symbol.

But this Guo Qianhu is a powerful figure in the Anyang Duwei Yamen!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Qianhu, a thick-backed blood-clothed guard, stepped into the lobby.

He came to Wang Chen's side, stretched out his hand and patted the latter's shoulder, and said loudly: "This Ling Baihu is a young hero that our commanders and envoys admire very much, and it's not something you, Tong Yuanwai, can knead at will! "

Tong Wanshan was silent.

He knew Guo Qianhu, but he had no friendship with Guo Qianhu, and he didn't know much about him.

But Tong Wanshan had heard people say that this Guo Qianhu was just a smelly and hard stone in the latrine, but he won the trust of the commander of the capital guard and entrusted him with a heavy responsibility.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, Tong Wanshan really does not want to have a direct conflict with such a character!

However, he absolutely cannot admit to the crime of murdering Ling Hongyun.

"Guo Qianhu!"

Tong Wanshan's face darkened again: "There is no evidence, please don't talk about it, if you want to protect this kid today, then I have nothing to say, and I will ask Lord Qianhu for advice later!"

Regarding Tong Wanshan's harsh words, Guo Qianhu sneered and said, "There's no need to look back, let's do it now, do you dare to say that this matter has nothing to do with you?"

Tong Wanshan didn't want to entangle any more, and immediately shouted: "Let's go!"

The bride next to her suddenly panicked: "Daddy!"

If Tong Wanshan left, how could her wedding go on—even if she had worshiped heaven and earth!


Guo Qianhu glanced at the bride, and said meaningfully: "This bride has just made a bow to heaven and earth, and her child's womb is dark. No wonder she is so anxious to get married."

The Ling family hall was in an uproar again!

Tong Baodai is pregnant?

Many people suddenly realized that it was no wonder that this eldest lady wanted to marry Ling Hongfeng.

This is taking the big idiot of the Ling family to top the vat!

But Ling Hongfeng almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, his face became even more distorted, and a layer of black air appeared faintly on his forehead.

It's just that everyone's attention is not on him, and no one cares about greetings.

"You're talking nonsense!"

When Tong Baodai heard this, she was extremely ashamed, wishing she could swallow Guo Qianhu alive.

Her reputation is ruined!


The second one is delivered.

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