Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 957 Killing Demons (End)

Seeing that the man in purple robe was about to fall into the deep hole behind the wall, Wang Chen threw the spear in his hand without hesitation.


The seven-feather spear hit the purple-robed man's right thigh. The tip of the spear penetrated the flesh and pierced the wall, causing his escape movement to be abruptly interrupted and his body to twist in a strange posture.


The purple-robed man who looked like a demon screamed and turned his head suddenly.

His head turned 180 degrees from the front to the back. His originally dark eyes instantly turned scarlet and elongated into vertical pupils!


The next moment, the purple-robed man stuck out his tongue and made a strange sneer.

And his tongue is long and slender, with a bifurcation at the top.

Not only that, layers of black scales appeared under the skin of the purple-robed man's face and neck!

Are you about to reveal your true colors?

Wang Chen sneered and moved forward, reaching out to grab the Qiling Spear.

As a result, the man in purple robe opened his mouth and spit out a stream of miserable green venom, which shot towards Wang Chen's head and face like lightning.

Wang Chen raised his arms and raised his palms, and the evil force came out of his palms, shattering the venom that was shot and sending it flying.

The venom splashed onto the wall behind, and gray smoke suddenly appeared. It was obviously highly corrosive.

At this moment, the man in purple robe can no longer maintain his human form, and his long snake body is breaking free from the shackles of human skin.

However, its tail was nailed to the wall by the Seven Feather Spear, and this part could not move!

A small and exquisite horn protruded from the purple-robed man's forehead, and two long fangs protruded through his lower jaw, but the way he looked at Wang Chen changed at this moment.

What had been filled with sadistic rage and bloodthirsty violence was now filled with fear and suspicion.

The monster couldn't help lowering its head and looking at the seven-feathered spear inserted into its tail.

This spear contains a power that makes it tremble with fear, and it is continuously absorbing its magic power.

Make it unable to exert its strength!

The snake-headed demon tried to break free from its restraints, but as long as its power was transmitted below, it would immediately disappear like a mud cow entering the sea, and it was completely in vain.

For the first time in his life, the snake-headed demon felt the fear of death!


Wang Chen was not in a hurry to retrieve the Seven-Ling Spear. He was keenly aware of the demon's emotional changes and unhurriedly pulled out the Yanling Knife: "Don't be afraid, my knife is very fast and it won't hurt at all." Got it!"

As a result, these words seemed to stab the snake-headed demon in the anus. It suddenly became furious and suddenly opened its bloody mouth towards Wang Chen, spraying a large stream of venom from its throat.

The moment this poison came into contact with the air outside, it immediately turned into green poisonous flames and spread out.

It covered a large area and completely enveloped Wang Chen!

However, Wang Chen remained unafraid and slashed forward with his sword.

The sharp sword light instantly broke through the poisonous flames in the sky and struck the snake-headed monster on the head.


The demon's head was chopped open, and the blade was embedded in the hard skull, unable to penetrate any further.

Although this Yanling knife is of good quality, it is obviously far from sharp enough to deal with a powerful demon.

Wang Chen let go of the handle of the knife and grabbed a long knife from the storage space.

Then he slashed horizontally with his sword and cut off the demon's head in one fell swoop!

[Luck +5]

The information that flashed across his vision made Wang Chen raise his eyebrows.

The monster he killed earlier gave him 2 points of luck, and this one had a full 5 points.


Wang Chen pulled out the seven-feather spear from the snake's tail, and then used the tip of the spear to break open the long snake body. The red and green internal organs immediately poured out, emitting a foul smell.

But a silver-white crystal bead rolled out.

Sure enough, there are magic beads!

Wang Chen nodded with satisfaction.

He held the gun and tapped the magic bead on the ground. The moment the tip of the gun touched the bead, the latter exploded into a ball of white mist with a "bang".

Immediately it was completely absorbed by the head of the Demon-Slaying Spear!

This scene made Wang Chen's heart move.

He knew that the magic beads could replenish the "energy" needed to kill the demon-killing spear head, but the situation this time was obviously different from last time.

Does that mean that if he encounters a demon again in the future, he can kill a demon instantly with one shot of the magic bead?

You must know that magic beads are the life source of demons. Although not all demons are pregnant with magic beads, the demons with pearls in their bodies must be powerful.

But there is a big problem with this idea - how to find the location of the magic beads?

Wang Chen shook his head and put this thought out of his mind.

Next, it is naturally time to clean up the battlefield.

First of all, the demon's head must be packed up. This is a heavy achievement and the basis for his actions tonight.

Next, Wang Chen opened and inspected the boxes stored in the secret room one by one.

It turned out that most of these boxes contained gold and silver jewelry, as well as gold and silver tickets, land deeds, and all kinds of mysterious weapons.

Worth more than a million!

Such an astonishing wealth even surprised Wang Chen, who was worth a fortune.

You must know that what he has gained before is the accumulation of several generations of the Ling family, and according to the information he has, Mudan House has only been operating in Guangping County for more than ten years.

This wealth cannot be all of his income, there is actually so much!

Wang Chen unceremoniously selected a part and estimated that about 50% of the wealth was stored in his storage space.

He spends money like water in order to practice. No matter how much gold and silver he has, he can make it all. If he doesn't take the opportunity to make a fortune, he will be stupid.

But Wang Chen won't take them all away. As the saying goes, you can't gain weight by eating alone. If he eats everything, he will inevitably cause some unnecessary trouble and even attract the attention of some caring people.

After sorting things out, Wang Chen left the secret room and returned to the ground through the secret passage.

As a result, as soon as he came up, he saw a white-haired old man wearing a county magistrate's uniform standing next to Duan Yongfeng, as well as some county police officers and others.

As soon as the old county magistrate saw Wang Chen, his face immediately darkened: "My lord, was it you who killed me, the Guangping County Lieutenant?"

It was actually the one who raised an army to question the crime?

Wang Chen was surprised and calmly replied: "That's right. What do you have to say?"

"I am Zhou Hongming, the magistrate of Guangping County!"

The old county magistrate blew his beard and glared, with an angry expression on his face: "Although you are the captain of Baihu, you kill me, the captain of Guangping County, and also mobilize troops to blockade the Peony Building. You are simply arrogant!"

Wang Chen smiled, then his face darkened: "County Magistrate Zhou, I have been ordered to investigate the matter of demons. This Peony Building is harboring demons. If your county lieutenant wants to stop my search, who will die if he doesn't?"

The old county magistrate was furious: "Then let me ask you, where is the monster?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a baggage hit him in the face!

The old county magistrate was caught off guard and staggered, almost falling to the ground. His face turned red and tinged with blue.

And the baggage thrown by Wang Chen fell on the ground, and another demon head rolled out! ——

The second update is sent.

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