What appeared in front of Wang Chen was a huge cave.

This cave is not exquisite. The walls on all sides, including the dome, look like they were dug out by dogs. The surface is covered with deep claw marks, as if they were made in a rough way and rushed.

There are ever-lasting lamps hanging on the walls, and their dim light shines on the blood pool in the middle of the cave!

This blood pool is three feet square, and there is half a pool of dark red plasma in it.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air.

What is even more horrifying is that there are dozens of corpses hanging above the blood pool!

These corpses were tied to ropes, their limbs and bodies were almost strangled into cicadas, with their heads down and their feet on top, with bloody holes in their foreheads.

Each corpse had a hideous face, with incomparable despair and pain in its bulging eyes.

And the bright red blood overflowed from the wounds on their foreheads, falling drop by drop into the blood pool below.

Such an evil scene will give people nightmares!

"Big, my lord."

A trembling voice came from behind Wang Chen.

The person who came was none other than Duan Yongfeng.

The blood-clad guard had just lowered his flag, and his original intention was to follow Wang Chen to show off. Anyway, with the powerful Wang Chen at the front, he felt that he was still very safe.

I never expected that I would see such a horrific scene when I came down here!

Duan Yongfeng is not a timid person, but this scene is still beyond the bottom line of what he can bear.

Wang Chen didn't look back and said calmly: "Those missing people should be here."

He was ordered to come to Guangping to investigate the disappearance case, and now the case can be concluded.

"It's a pity that a few of them ran away."

Wang Chen looked to the right. There was a hole there, and it was so dark that he couldn't see what was inside.

But you don't need to explore to know that this must be the exit of another secret passage.

As the saying goes, there are three cunning rabbit caves. It is normal for the demons entrenched here to create multiple secret passages to escape.

The three demons that Wang Chen encountered just now were obviously just abandoned children.

The real BOSS has escaped!

Although Wang Chen felt a little regretful, he had no intention of chasing after him.

He turned around and said to Duan Yongfeng: "Send a message to Fucheng immediately and report the situation here."

Duan Yongfeng bowed his head: "Yes!"

Wang Chen nodded, and then left this devil's cave full of blood and evil.

What happened next is undoubtedly something that the people of Guangping City can tell about for the rest of their lives.

The fact that the famous Peony Building was found to be a demon spread quickly throughout the county as if it had grown wings.

Martial arts are popular in this world, and those who practice martial arts are much bolder. Even if they only know three punches and two kicks, they are more courageous than ordinary people.

So after hearing the news, people came to watch the excitement in droves!

Then countless people saw a scene they would never forget.

One after another, the headless snake bodies were carried out of the Peony Building by the blood-clothed guards. One of the black pythons looked particularly shocking, and the aura it exuded made people inexplicably frightened.

In fact, Wang Chen specifically asked the blood-clothed guards to do this to prove the crimes of Mudanlou and prevent the forces behind the scenes from causing trouble.

Not only that, the treasures hidden in the secret room under the rockery were also carried out one by one.

Send them to the guardhouse together for storage.

These are all evidence!

Originally, for such delicacies to be confiscated, the county government and the army guards who participated in it had to eat the meat in pieces.

After all, they also contributed.

However, both the county magistrate and the generals remained silent, pretending that nothing happened.

Such a big thing happened in Guangping County. It would be unreasonable for them to say that they had no responsibility at all.

If you continue to compete with the blood-clothed guards who organized this matter for the spoils, you will be destroying yourself!

But Wang Chen still asked Duan Yongfeng to send a box of gold and silver to the guard.

In addition, the detective who discovered the secret passage was rewarded heavily!

At Duan Yongfeng's suggestion, the detective was directly recruited into the Blood Guard.

The response from the capital city was accelerated. On the night of receiving the news, the governor Yao Peng rushed to Guangping City with his people and took over the case from Wang Chen.

It's not that Yao Peng wants to take credit, but that the matter is too big and Wang Chen is no longer powerful enough to take charge of it.

Anyway, Wang Chen’s credit cannot be lost!

Under normal circumstances, Yao Peng, as the head of the palace guard, cannot leave his station lightly to avoid unexpected disasters.

But this case was so serious that he had to come!

The first thing Yao Peng did when he arrived in Guangping County was to go to the underground cave of Mudanlou. Accompanied by Wang Chen, he examined the corpses hanging on the blood pool to determine their identities.

"well done!"

The governor said to Wang Chen solemnly: "Thankfully you discovered it in time this time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!"

The blood pool in the Demon Cave is not just for fun. It has a name called "Demon Ascension Pool". Simply put, it is used by demons to increase their level strength.

The raw material of the Ascension Demon Pond is the blood of warriors, but it is not suitable for all warriors. It is said that it has special requirements, involving blood and bones and other physical constitutions.

The Shengmo Pond is also a taboo name, and those who know the inside story must not let it out easily.

Fortunately for Yao Peng, this Demon Ascension Pond has not yet been fully formed.

In other words, it was not used by the demon who built it.


Yao Peng handed Wang Chen another official document: "This is the reward order issued by the Duwei Yamen. Congratulations, Wang Qianhu!"

Wang Chen was promoted again!

Relying on the great achievement of killing Huang Jue, the soul-breaking gun, Wang Chen was once again promoted to the blood-clad guard Qianhu.

Bounty of one thousand taels!

This promotion made Wang Chen the youngest member of the Qianhu family since the establishment of the Blood Clothes Guard.

It can be said to be unprecedented!

Yao Peng looked at Wang Chen and felt a lot of emotions in his heart.

The sixteen-year-old Qianhu was like an explosion even in Daye, the imperial capital!

The problem is that Wang Chen has now made a new contribution, and it is not less than the contribution of killing the soul-breaking gun Huang Jue.

So what kind of reward will he get?

Yao Peng estimated that after this matter was reported, the Duwei Yamen would definitely have a huge headache.

Their rewards are not as fast as Wang Chen's meritorious service!


Wang Chen was also very happy.

Because being promoted to Qianhu means that his luck will greatly increase again.

"Let's go."

Yao Peng patted Wang Chen on the shoulder and said, "I'm not qualified to take care of this matter. Let's wait until someone is sent from above."

When it comes to the Demonic Ascension Pond, his role as a governor is far from enough.

The blood-clothed guards from the Duwei Yamen arrived at dusk the next day.

Moreover, a team of elite troops came, including two fifth-level martial arts masters!

At this time, Wang Chen had completely given up. His only task was to report the details of the case to the higher-ups.


The second update is sent.

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