Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 973 Heavy Treasure

Shangguan Pengfei suddenly felt like he was sitting on wax after discovering that Wang Chen's identity tag was genuine.

The Xueyi Guards, Jinwu Guards and Yulin Guards are collectively known as the Three Emperor's Guards. They are the guards directly affiliated with the Emperor of Daliang. Wang Chen's status as the Xueyi Guard Qianhu is no worse than that of his school captain.

Not to mention that Wang Chen still has the title of Chief Guard!

Therefore, even if his official position in Beijing is one level higher, Shangguan Pengfei is not qualified to give orders to Wang Chen, let alone use his power to overpower others.

And how could it be possible for such a young blood-clad Wei Qianhu to have no ability and background?

The problem is that Shangguan Pengfei and Mr. Mu have teamed up to deceive outsiders more than once or twice. This time, such a big conflict broke out between the two parties. How will it end?

The thought of killing and silencing flashed through Shangguan Pengfei's mind.

He was immediately suppressed.

Putting aside whether Wang Chen can be killed or not, the sudden disappearance of a blood-clad guard from Qianhu is not a trivial matter. Moreover, there are many people here and Shangguan Pengfei cannot bear the consequences if the news leaks out.

It may even involve your own family!

With his thoughts turning, Shangguan Pengfei showed a kind smile: "It turns out to be Wang Qianhu. This is really a flood that has washed away the Dragon King Temple. One family does not recognize the other family. There is a misunderstanding!"

In fact, although the Xueyi Guards and the Jinwu Guards both belong to the Emperor's Guards, they are completely incompatible with the family, and the relationship between the two parties has never been truly friendly.

If the two families really become one family, they will not be able to sit on the dragon's throne that day!

Wang Chen smiled and said, "It's easy to talk about."

Shangguan Pengfei turned his head to look at Mr. Mu, and suddenly his face sank: "Shopkeeper Mu, you actually slandered Mr. Wang, what crime do you deserve?"

Mu Laocheng was horrified: "I know I'm guilty, but I don't dare to do it anymore. Please forgive me, sir!"

"Just admit your guilt."

Shangguan Pengfei frowned and said, "Why don't you clean this place up quickly? What will it look like!"

Mr. Mu hurriedly summoned his servants and sent the man in gray lying on the ground to the backyard for treatment.

He also ordered people to clean the floor.

Although he wanted to cut Wang Chen to pieces with a thousand knives, Shangguan Pengfei, his last supporter, chose to compromise. So what other minions could he show?

He could only knock out his teeth and swallow the blood in his stomach.

Wang Chen watched from the sidelines without interfering.

Shangguan Pengfei and Mr. Mu performed hard in front of him, just to turn a big thing into a trivial matter, and their intention to perfunctory was very clear.

After the hall was cleaned up, Shangguan Pengfei said: "Master Wang, what happened today is really a misunderstanding. I will ask Shopkeeper Mu to come up with a charter to apologize to you, and give him a way out for my sake." Bar."

Wang Chen smiled and said, "That's easy to say."

Shangguan Pengfei's smile was a little more sincere: "That's great, Mr. Wang, I'll treat you to Tianxiang Tower for a drink. I'll take care of this matter. I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!"

"Don't be in a hurry when you drink."

Wang Chen waved his hand and said, "Shopkeeper Mu and I still have an unsettled account. Let's settle it more clearly."

Shangguan Pengfei was stunned: "What account?"

Mr. Mu was also puzzled.

Wang Chen smiled and said: "The thing is like this, I just spent one million silver to buy three 500-year-old ginseng plants from Shopkeeper Mu. These things are still on the table. Shopkeeper Mu, what do you think? Is it right?"

One million taels of silver!

Shangguan Pengfei's eyes suddenly changed, revealing a look of uncontrollable greed.

He is a captain of the Jinwu Guards School, and his annual salary is only a few hundred taels of silver. Without the support of his family, he cannot even meet his daily expenses, let alone practicing martial arts.

The Shangguan family has a great business and a large number of children, so it is impossible to devote all resources to him.

In fact, there are many direct members of the clan who are better than Shangguan Pengfei.

In order to cultivate resources and enjoy themselves, Shangguan Pengfei colluded with Mu Laohang and did a lot of deceptive business.

Today he was invited to slaughter a big fat sheep!

Shangguan Pengfei didn't expect Wang Chen to be so fat, and he easily took out a million taels of silver.

He was jealous, resentful and could not help but be greedy. His heart was on fire and his eyes were red.

The blood-clad guards who often ransack homes can really make money!

Mr. Mu didn't notice Shangguan Pengfei's eyes. He was confused by Wang Chen's question and nodded subconsciously: "Yes."

"But the five-hundred-year-old wild ginseng you sold me is all fake!"

Wang Chen said in a deep voice: "According to Taizu's law, merchants who sell counterfeit goods will chase ten for one!"

The Taizu Law is a law personally established by Emperor Taizu of Daliang. There are as many as seventy-two in total, of which nine are specifically for merchants, which are called the Nine Laws of Shang.

It is said that this is because Emperor Taizu was severely cheated by unscrupulous merchants when he was young. After the establishment of Daliang, although merchants were not severely suppressed, they were severely punished for unscrupulous merchants.

This plan means chasing ten for a false plan!

Wang Chen stared at Mr. Mu: "You have to pay me ten million taels of silver!"

Ten million taels of silver!

Mr. Mu suddenly felt like he was struck by thunder, and his whole body was stunned.

He finally realized that Wang Chen's trap was here!

Mr. Mu hurriedly looked at Shangguan Pengfei and said hurriedly: "Sir Shangguan, there is no such thing, he is talking nonsense!"

Even if all his old bones were torn apart, the compensation would not be ten million taels of silver.

In desperation, he could only place his hope on Shangguan Pengfei.

Shangguan Pengfei cursed secretly in his heart, but he still said bravely: "Master Wang, I think there is also a misunderstanding here. How about this. Shopkeeper Mu returns the silver to you and compensates you another hundred thousand taels?"

"Okay, I'm willing to compensate!"

At this time, Mr. Mu was completely confused and nodded immediately.

"One hundred thousand?"

Wang Chen chuckled and said, "I'm sending the beggar away!"

Shangguan Pengfei met his eyes, and a chill suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart, as if his whole body was immersed in an ice cave.

Wang Chen's eyes were full of indescribable contempt and ridicule, looking at him was like looking at a clown.

Logically speaking, Shangguan Pengfei should be furious, but he just couldn't muster up his energy.

The momentum was completely suppressed, so suppressed!

I heard Wang Chen say to Mr. Mu again: "If you can't pay ten million taels of silver today, then pay with your life."

Wang Chen's tone was very calm, but in Mr. Mu's ears, it sounded like thunder.

He couldn't help but kneel on the ground and begged: "Sir, I really don't have so much money!"

"If you want money rather than life, then die."

Wang Chen expressionlessly raised his right palm and slapped it hard on Mr. Mu's forehead.

The shadow of death instantly enveloped the profiteer. He was so frightened that he almost wet his pants and immediately howled: "Spare your life, sir, sir. I also have a valuable treasure. I am willing to give it to you as compensation!"

Heavy treasure?

Wang Chen's paused right palm was only an inch away from Mr. Mu's forehead.


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