Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 976 Face to Face (Part 2)

For Wang Chen, this experience of meeting the saint was quite interesting.

Emperor Shaowu was not the majestic king that people generally thought of him. He didn't even have much aura of aloof emperor. He was more like a Confucian master who taught and educated people in a private school.

To be honest, Wang Chen suspected that the man in front of him was a fake emperor!

Emperor Shaowu was quite talkative, and it was obvious that he had a good impression of Wang Chen and chatted with Wang Chen for a long time.

Interestingly, the content of the conversation did not involve any national affairs or anything related to the blood-clad guards.

The emperor asked about Wang Chen's life experience, and sighed after learning about his past. He also listened with interest to the stories he told about how to get rid of demons, and even learned about the customs and customs of the local prefecture.

After listening, I looked satisfied.

"If I have the chance, I really want to travel around and see the magnificent mountains and rivers of Daliang and the common people."

Emperor Shaowu sighed and said: "It's a pity..."

Unfortunately, he didn't say anything. He just shook his head sadly, as if something was arousing in his mind.

But the emperor's mood changed quickly, and he immediately smiled and said: "Wang Chen, it is not easy for you to make so many contributions at such a young age. Do you want any reward?"

Wang Chen suddenly became energetic.

It's a rule that you will be rewarded if you meet the Holy Spirit. He had been chatting with Emperor Shaowu for such a long time, and this was what he was waiting for!

"Your Majesty, I am very interested in Taoism. I wonder if I can refer to the Taoist scriptures stored in the Imperial Palace?"

Yesterday, he got the thousand-year-old ginseng, which contains rich spiritual energy. This made Wang Chen have a strong interest in the Taoism of this world, and he was interested in trying the path of Taoism and martial arts.

Under normal circumstances, he would have the idea that entering a certain Taoist palace to study would be the best choice.

But the law is not passed down lightly, and it is impossible for the Taoist palace to give Wang Chen the true secret method all at once.

Wang Chen didn't have time to waste on this.

Therefore, he chose the most direct way, which was to study and realize himself by reading a large number of Taoist books.

As a Jindan master from the upper world, even if the rules of the two worlds are incompatible, Wang Chen believes that with his own understanding, he will be able to find a path to Dharma power that best suits him.

And if you want to ask about the largest collection of books, there is no better place than the palace!

Asking Emperor Shaowu for the opportunity to consult the Imperial Palace Collection was also the result of Wang Chen's careful consideration.

His request obviously exceeded the expectations of the Liang Emperor. The latter was shocked at first, and then said with a smile: "Since Aiqing likes Taoist and Dharma books, I will allow you to read them in the inner library for three days." .”

Wang Chen was overjoyed and immediately saluted: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Flat body."

Emperor Shaowu stretched out his hand to hold Wang Chen, and looked at him with a hint of admiration in his eyes: "When you are young and eager to learn, you are like the rising sun; when you are strong and eager to learn, you are like the light of the sun; when you are old and eager to learn, you are like a candle Ming."

"It's a good thing that you like to study. I am a great country that embraces all rivers. Whether it is martial arts, Taoism, military, Confucianism, law, or Mohism, there is endless knowledge. There is no harm in knowing more about the same lineage."

As he spoke, the Emperor Liang took a dragon-shaped jade pendant placed on the table: "This is for you, keep it with you from now on."

Wang Chen took it respectfully with both hands: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the generous reward!"

This dragon-shaped jade pendant is not a treasure. Although the quality is excellent, it is at best an expensive accessory.

But the reward from Emperor Shaowu had a completely different meaning.

It represents the Emperor Liang's appreciation and favor for Wang Chen, which is equivalent to putting a stamp on Wang Chen.

【Luck +99】

An eye-catching message flashed across Wang Chen's vision instantly.

His luck suddenly skyrocketed.

But Wang Chen also knows very well that this means that the causal bond between himself and Daliang is deeper. The stronger the luck is now, the greater the backlash will be if it is cut off in the future!

There is no pie in the sky, and there is no free lunch in the world.

He calmly tied this dragon-shaped jade pendant that brought great luck to his belt.

Emperor Shaowu was even more satisfied when he saw this, and suddenly asked: "Wang Chen, are you seventeen years old this year?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Wang Chen replied: "According to the actual age, I am already eighteen years old."

Emperor Shaowu nodded: "Not bad."

"What's good?" Emperor Liang didn't say anything, he just rubbed his eyebrows.

Wang Chen understood that this meeting was over.

He confessed his crime to Emperor Shaowu and resigned. After receiving permission, he left the imperial study under the guidance of Eunuch Yu.

After walking a few steps outside, I heard Eunuch Yu say quietly: "Master Wang, Your Majesty is so kind to you. Our family has never seen His Majesty chat with a newcomer for such a long time."

This guy's tone was sour. Wang Chen smiled and said, "Your Majesty loves you so much, but Wang is so frightened."

Eunuch Yu glanced at him meaningfully, his eyes were quite complicated.

The eunuch took Wang Chen all the way across the corridor and across the bridge, and walked for a long time in the huge palace, and finally came to the Ducheng Library.

The Da Nei Cang Shu Pavilion is a pavilion composed of many buildings. It stores classics and books of different genres in different categories. Its status is equivalent to the National Library in Daliang, and there are countless treasures in it.

However, this huge library is not open to the public, and only those with permission and grace can enter to read books.

And the time is still very short.

Eunuch Yu said that Emperor Shaowu was very good to Wang Chen, which was not an exaggeration or flattery.

Because Wang Chen can read it for three days!

All the Taoist scriptures and Dharma books in the Ouchi Library are stored in the Taoist Hall. There are hundreds of densely packed bookshelves inside, and the collection of tens of thousands of books is collectively called the "Ten Directions Taoist Collection".

It is obviously impossible to read all the books in three days.

"This father-in-law."

Wang Chen quietly stuffed a banknote into the eunuch responsible for managing the Taoist Hall and asked in a low voice, "Do you have the catalog index of the Shifang Taoist Collection?"

With so many Taoist classics, it is very difficult to find the books you need, let alone reading them in three days.

The young eunuch quickly glanced at the denomination of the bank note stuffed into his hand, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face: "Wait a moment, my lord."

After a while, Wang Chen had a thick Taoist catalog in his hand.

This self-compiled catalog records the names of all the books in Shifang Daozang, as well as the locations of the bookshelves where they are stored.

Under normal circumstances, it should be placed in the most conspicuous place for people who come to read the book to see.

But there is nothing so simple and clear in this world!

For Wang Chen, spending one hundred taels of silver in exchange for this Taoist catalog was a great deal.

For the next three days, he stayed in the Taoist temple without eating, drinking or sleeping, concentrating on reading carefully selected Taoist scriptures.


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