"Wang Qianhu, do you have any idea?"

Princess Qingyun opened her big innocent eyes like a deer, nervously looked at Wang Chen who had just withdrawn his hand, and asked expectantly: "Can I open up the Dantian?"

Wang Chen hesitated.

The princess in front of her fully meets the symptoms of "urgent medical treatment". Regardless of whether Wang Chen has such ability, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he is willing to place high hopes on her.

This made Wang Chen a little confused.

It’s rare to meet such a silly person!

In fact, Wang Chen believes that if there is anyone in this world who can help Princess Qingyun enter Qi and achieve Taoism, it must be him!

Because this princess actually has an innate body of pure yin, the reason why her eight extraordinary meridians are blocked is because the innate qi is so abundant that there are signs of solidification in the meridians.

It can also be inferred from this that Princess Qingyun's mother took some kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure when she was pregnant with her, and then most of the spiritual energy gathered into the fetus' body, which caused such a result.

Under normal circumstances, the fetus would not be able to bear it, but Princess Qingyun's special innate constitution prevented her from being stillborn.

With a physique like hers, placed in a major sect in the Haotian Realm, she would definitely be a top disciple, a true seed of the Dao, and worthy of investing all resources in cultivating her.

However, Princess Qingyun was born in the Cangqing Realm, where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is weak and the level of Tao channels is very low, so it is impossible to solve her problem.

And Wang Chen's question is, should he help Princess Qingyun?

With his mind spinning, Wang Chen sighed and said, "Your Highness, I am temporarily unable to do anything because of my shallow cultivation. Please forgive me."

After thinking about it, he didn't think it was a good thing for him to dredge the meridians and open up the Dantian for Princess Qingyun now.

First of all, there was no way to explain her abilities. Secondly, Princess Qingyun's status was too noble. Even if she agreed, others could not agree to let Wang Chen treat her.

It was a thankless job that even carried the risk of beheading. How could Wang Chen get on the pole and do it after he was so full?

But Wang Chen had an inexplicable fondness for the princess in front of him, so he left a little room in his words. If Princess Qingyun could understand, it would be her good fortune.

Forget it if you don’t understand.

"That's it."

Princess Qingyun pursed her lips, showing a look of pitiful disappointment.

But she still said to Wang Chen politely: "Thank you for bothering you."

Wang Chen smiled: "Your Highness is serious."

Princess Qingyun nodded, then turned and left.

It wasn't until her back disappeared around the corner of the stairs that Wang Chen withdrew his gaze.

Even though Her Royal Highness the Princess is alone, there are actually many experts around her monitoring and protecting her in the dark. Just like Wang Chen met the saint before, if there is any abnormal movement, it will inevitably attract a thunderous strike.

This was one of the reasons why Wang Chen politely rejected Princess Qingyun.

A member of the royal family and a born noble, she is like a big whirlpool. If she gets close, she will easily get sucked in and unable to escape.

It's better to keep some distance.

Reaching out and picking up a thick Taoist book, Wang Chen continued to read and comprehend with all his concentration.

Princess Qingyun was soon forgotten.

There is not much time left for Wang Chen, and there are still many selected Taoist scriptures that he has not read. He must hurry up!

"Wang Qianhu, the time has come."

A young eunuch in yellow quietly came to Wang Chen and said softly: "It's time for you to leave."

Wang Chen, who was immersed in the lines of the book in his hand, suddenly woke up.

He reluctantly put down the "Nanshan Theory Collection" in his hand, then stood up and clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, father-in-law."

With that said, Wang Chen stuffed in another banknote.

The eunuch in charge of managing the Taoist Library had been diligently helping Wang Chen find books for the past three days, and also personally delivered three meals to him every day, saving him a lot of effort.

Although it was for the sake of the banknote, this little money was nothing to Wang Chen.

Now I am giving you another one, mainly to form a good relationship, so that I can get the greatest convenience from reading books in the library again in the future.

The palace is home to the wealth of the world, and the Taoist collections in this library are all-encompassing, and are of great reference value to Wang Chen.

Although the level of Taoism in the Cangqing Realm is very low, countless monks have painstakingly studied it through the ages, and the many wonderful ideas they have produced are eye-opening to Wang Chen.

Not only did he open up the path to Dantian, but he also gained a deeper understanding of the rules of this world.

Unfortunately, three days was too short. Even if Wang Chen had the ability to remember photographs, the Taoist books he had read were very limited.

I will be back!

He muttered silently in his heart, and then left the palace.

The first thing Wang Chen did after leaving the palace was to go to Yiluan Foreign Affairs Bureau to meet with the deputy commander Liu Chaozong.

This was specifically explained by Liu Chaozong before meeting the saint.

When seeing Wang Chen, the smile on the deputy commander's face was much more sincere than before: "I heard that you were rewarded by His Majesty and read Taoist books in the library for three days?"

Now that the other party has received the news, Wang Chen naturally has nothing to hide: "Yes, thanks to His Majesty's love, I have allowed you to fulfill your wish."

Liu Chaozong was obviously not concerned about Taoism. He couldn't wait to ask: "Wang Chen, what are your plans for the future?"

Wang Chen was stunned for a moment: "Isn't there any arrangement from above?"

He thought that this time he went to Beijing to meet the Holy Spirit, which would be regarded as a layer of gold. The Yiluan Division must have made corresponding arrangements, so he made plans to stay in Daye.

Unexpectedly, the deputy commander actually asked for his opinion.


In response to Wang Chen's rhetorical question, Liu Chaozong's smile showed a trace of embarrassment: "Well, your Holy Family is in full swing. What the internal affairs department wants to do is to listen to your opinion first and then make arrangements."

This sounded absolutely correct, but Wang Chen felt something was wrong.

He replied calmly: "In this case, I'd better go back to Donglu."


Wang Chen's answer obviously exceeded Liu Chaozong's expectations: "Don't you want to stay in Daye?"

Daye is the imperial capital, the ancient capital of six dynasties, and the core of Daliang. I don’t know how many people dream of it.

To put it bluntly, the dogs in Daye are taller than ordinary people when they run out.

Wang Chen was rewarded by Emperor Shaowu and actually wanted to return to the local capital. Such a choice was really unbelievable!

Wang Chen smiled and said: "Sir, I have no relatives or friends in Daye. It is not good to rise too quickly. It is more appropriate to settle down for a few years."

Liu Chaozong was suddenly speechless.

Because there is nothing wrong with what Wang Chen said!

After a while, he said: "Well, don't leave in a hurry, stay in the post house for a few more days, and wait until the internal affairs department makes a decision, so as not to run around."

"It's rare for you to come to Daye, so it's good to appreciate the scenery of the imperial capital."

Wang Chen nodded: "What you said is true."


The first update is sent.

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