"Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

Liu Chaozong patted the long box on the table and said with a smile: "What's inside is the magic word gun barrel of the gun king Zhao Changping. I spent a lot of effort to get it!"

"Sorry, sir!"

This is really a big surprise for Wang Chen!

Although Wang Chen had a premonition on the way to Yiluan Foreign Affairs Bureau and guessed that Liu Chaozong had obtained the barrel of the Taihao Demon-Slaying Spear, but when this treasure was actually placed in front of him, his feeling was completely different.

To be honest, Wang Chen didn't really have much hope in the deputy commander before, and he even considered sneaking into the Yiluan Division's secret warehouse to steal.

Liu Chaozong's energy was obviously greater than he expected!

"Let me tell you first..."

Liu Chaozong waved his hand and said: "If you take this magic word gun barrel, all your achievements will be wiped out. From now on, you will stay in Yiluan Foreign Affairs Division as the general guard of demon suppression, responsible for investigating demon-related matters in the capital."

Wang Chen nodded: "Okay!"

In other words, he exchanged all his merits for this gun barrel. In addition, there was no change in official position, neither promotion nor demotion. He was only officially promoted from the local area to the imperial capital.

Wang Chen is very satisfied with this result!

It was not in vain that he gave Liu Chaozong one hundred thousand taels of silver.

"Then take it."

Liu Chaozong pointed to the box and said, "Come back to Waisi in half a month to order Mao."

The deputy commander had previously given Wang Chen half a month's leave, and his promise was still valid.

"Thank you, sir!"

Wang Chen took the box and said goodbye.

The box containing the gun barrel is made of metal and is very heavy, making it difficult for most people to pick it up.

Wang Chen opened it after taking it back to his home.

I saw a black-gold gun shaft as thick as an egg, lying quietly among the blood-red silk cloth, glowing with a deep luster.

The surface of the gun barrel is engraved with fine and complex talisman lines, which gives people a mysterious feeling.

Not only that, this gun barrel carries an evil aura, as if it contains a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, which no ordinary warrior can suppress.

Wang Chen reached out and grabbed the gun barrel, and suddenly felt a cold and sharp breath pouring into the tiger's mouth, trying to penetrate into his body!

Unruly, violent, fierce, bloodthirsty...

The magic weapon has a spirit and cannot be easily tamed!

Wang Chen finally understood why no one had used this magic weapon after it was put into the Yiluan Division's secret vault, and why he could exchange it for it.

To Yi Luan Si, it is like a chicken rib, tasteless and a pity to throw away. No one can control it, so it can only eat ashes. It is just used to solve Wang Chen's problem.

Maybe the person who made the decision had other motives for exchanging this gun barrel for Wang Chen!

But no matter what, it's all dust now.

The next moment, Wang Chen simultaneously stimulated the power of the six evil wheels of Corpse Dog, Fu Ya, Bird Yin, Swallowing Thief, Non-Poison and Elimination of Evil, and injected the spirit of suppressing the divine weapon into the gun body!

The black-gold gun barrel suddenly glowed with light, and the evil energy contained in it exploded.

However, under Wang Chen's forcible suppression, these evil spirits were eliminated, melted, and assimilated bit by bit, just like peeling off an onion, peeling off the armor of the divine weapon spirit layer by layer.

These "armors" are not actually owned by the gun itself, but are absorbed and accumulated in battles.

Wang Chen doesn't need it, only retaining its innermost parts.

At this point, he was truly convinced by this magical weapon.

But it's not over yet.

Wang Chen withdrew his evil energy and instead injected mana, his own breath under the core imprint of the spirit of the divine weapon.

Complete the final sacrifice.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Chen took out the gun head from the storage space and inserted it into the top of the gun barrel.

Only a "click" sound was heard, and the two were connected together tightly, as if they had never been separated.

The talisman lines on the surface of the gun barrel instantly lit up, and a powerful, deep, and pure aura poured into Wang Chen's body, strongly resonating with his soul.

The magic weapon recognizes its master!

Wang Chen took a deep breath and suddenly raised the Taihao Demon-Slaying Spear high in his hand.

His own power and the aura of this divine weapon were completely integrated!

At this moment, Wang Chen had a strong desire to fight in his heart, and he wanted to go out and find someone to fight with immediately.

But his incomparably strong will forced him to suppress this desire.

This is the influence of the instinct of the divine weapon spirit on Wang Chen. If he cannot control it, he will become a puppet of the gun.

And now Wang Chen is the real master of the Taihao Demon-Slaying Spear!

He weighed the weapon and smiled lightly.

Although Wang Chen doesn't know who brought this magical weapon into the Cangqing Realm, the Taihao Demon-Slaying Spear is 100% not a creation of this realm, and its rank is definitely very high.

If it were placed in the Haotian Realm, it would be difficult for Wang Chen, who was a golden elixir cultivator, to sacrifice it.

However, the laws of the Cang Qing Realm greatly suppressed the power of the Taihao Demon-Slaying Spear, allowing Wang Chen to truly use it for his own use.

If it were other strong men in this world, even if they could use the power of divine weapons, they would sooner or later suffer backlash!

The next morning, Wang Chen left home and headed to Medicine Master's Palace.

The Medicine Master's Palace is a famous existence in the imperial capital. Everyone knows about it. No matter the dignitaries or ordinary people, if they encounter difficult and complicated diseases, they often go to the Medicine Master's Palace to seek elixirs for treatment.

This Medicine Master's Palace has the banner of bringing relief to the world, and never refuses help from poor people. Since its establishment, there have been countless people alive, so it has a very high prestige among the people.

Although it is also a Taoist palace, it is very different from the lofty Taoist palaces such as Yuntaishan, Qianyuan, and Changhe.

It's a people-friendly approach.

Medicine Master's Palace is located on Dongxu Mountain in Daye City. To reach the foot of the mountain, you need to go up a long staircase step by step, and finally pass through the Tianmen to enter this Taoist palace.

When Wang Chen went up the mountain, he saw many civilians kowtowing on the stone steps step by step. Some were holding children in their arms, and some were so swollen and bleeding that their foreheads were bruised. They all looked very pious.

Such a scene is quite shocking!

After walking up the stone steps and passing the Tianmen, a majestic palace appeared in front of him.

Wang Chen bought a note of high-quality incense outside the Taoist Palace, and then stepped into the main hall.

The Pharmacist Palace enshrines the statue of the Glazed Pharmacist. This incarnation of the god has countless stories and legends in the Ming Dynasty. It is similar to the collection of Shennong, Hua Tuo and Bian Que in Wang Chen's previous life, and its incense is extremely strong.

According to the previous agreement, Wang Chen placed a note of incense in front of the statue of the Glazed Medicine Master.

After a while, a middle-aged Taoist nun with an ordinary appearance quietly appeared beside Wang Chen and said softly: "This layman, please come with me."

Wang Chen nodded and followed the other party out of the hall and into an elegant courtyard at the back.

He immediately saw Qin Qingxuan sitting under the plum blossom tree.

The latter smiled brightly, causing the plum blossoms on the tree to lose their color! ——

The first update is sent.

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