Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 994 The storm is coming

On an unknown mountain peak, Wang Chen overlooked the vast land in the distance.

The strong wind whistled past Wang Chen's ears, but it didn't move a single strand of his hair.

An invisible force is covering Wang Chen's whole body, isolating the influence from the outside world, but the distance between him and this world has never been so close.

Wang Chen, who has entered the seventh level, has already touched the source of the laws of the Cangqing Realm!

This feeling was extremely wonderful. When his consciousness spread in all directions, everything around him responded.

Wang Chen's seven soul consciousnesses were all opened, and his whole body seemed to be integrated with the world.

If someone were watching Wang Chen at this moment, they would be surprised to find that he seems to be both virtual and real, elusive, unable to be locked or detected, existing in the world but independent of the outside world!

This is the legendary realm of heaven and man!

After a long time, Wang Chen quietly withdrew his consciousness, and his breath instantly solidified, without any strangeness at all.

The next moment, Wang Chen jumped off the cliff in front of him.

His body was as light as a feather, riding the wind and flying quickly into the distance, like an eagle soaring in the sky, galloping freely on the earth.

At this time, Wang Chen caught a trace of energy coming from the upper world.

Haotian Realm!

Intuition told Wang Chen that as long as he wanted to, he could return to the Haotian Realm with just one thought, and his soul could return to his true body!

But Wang Chen suppressed this tempting idea, because his exploration of the Cangqing Realm was just the beginning. Although he had touched the source of the world, he was still far away from mastering it.

Wang Chen needs to get at least a trace of the source of the world to complete his mission!

"Sir, you are back."

As soon as he returned home to Daye City, a beautiful woman stepped forward and took off Wang Chen's coat.

Wang Chen smiled slightly, hugged her and kissed her.

The other party was Xiyun, who was escorted to Daye to reunite with Wang Chen two months ago.

After Xijun came, Wang Chen left all the big and small affairs in the house to her to manage, and his life became much more comfortable.

Although she is a concubine in name, she is actually the mistress of the family!

"grown ups…"

Xiyun shyly pushed Wang Chen gently, but her big eyes were full of spring.

Wang Chen laughed and hugged her whole body: "Let's go take a bath with the master!"

Xiyun buried her blushing face in Wang Chen's arms, but she was a little curious in her heart.

Because Wang Chen felt very different to her today.

But Xiyun couldn't tell what was different about it, but it was very special anyway.

But she soon ran out of time to think about it.

After a lot of love, the exhausted Xiyun fell into a deep sleep on the brocade couch, while Wang Chen, who was still energetic, put on his coat and quietly left the bedroom and went to the study.

He took out the talisman paper and spread it on the table. He also took a talisman pen and cinnabar ink and started making talismans.

Due to the different laws of the world, Wang Chen's original knowledge on Talisman Dao cannot be directly used in the Cang Qing Realm.

But by referring to the Taoist secrets of Shifang Daozang, he comprehensively analyzed the Taoism of this world, and then mastered the mysteries of Taoism. Now, let alone making magic talismans, even refining magic weapons and arranging magic arrays can be done at his fingertips. .

In fact, Wang Chen is not only at the pinnacle of the Cang Qing world in martial arts, but his Taoist cultivation is also definitely at the top.

But compared to my golden elixir cultivation, there is nothing much to say about being at the peak of Qi training.

Wang Chen knew very well that the ultimate martial arts in this world could shatter the void and ascend to the upper world.

But it is absolutely impossible to practice Taoism!

Of course, although the level of Taoism is very low, it still has many practical uses. For example, these talismans are not used by Wang Chen himself, so they are also very good for giving to others for self-defense.

Considering that he was about to accompany Princess Qingyun to Dayan, Wang Chen made more.

In the following days, the atmosphere in Daye suddenly became tense.

Da Qi once again entered the territory of Kou Bian County!

Daqi, which dominates the north, is undoubtedly Daliang's inner enemy. This country with strong folk customs is mainly nomadic. Every summer and autumn, it will harass Daliang and plunder people and money.

Over the years, Daliang has struggled to cope with Daqi's harassment and invested countless resources in border defense and border troops.

But treating the symptoms rather than the root cause has always meant taking a defensive stance.

This year, Daqi's attack was extremely fierce. It not only broke through Yanyunguan, an important town in the north of Daliang, but also drove straight into and swept through most of the northern county, causing heavy casualties to the frontier troops in Daliang and the displacement of countless people.

Some local wealthy families ran to Gyeonggi to seek refuge!

After the news spread, people in the imperial capital could not help but panic. Although the singing and dancing remained peaceful, the dark cloud of war always shrouded everyone's mind.

As a blood-clothed guard of Qianhu, Wang Chen got more information than ordinary people.

In order to resist Da Qi's invasion, Daliang has already dispatched two elite legions from Zhongzhou to rush north for reinforcements, and three other legions are also on the way.

The trouble is that the barbarians in the south of Daliang have also made changes. The Huanglian Sect is fanning the flames everywhere, making Daliang very anxious.

But all this has nothing to do with Wang Chen for the time being, because the team accompanying and escorting Princess Qingyun has been formed, and he is about to embark on a distant journey to Dayan!

The day to leave always comes very quickly. At the beginning of autumn, Wang Chen joined the team as a marriage envoy.

As Emperor Shaowu's most beloved sister, Princess Qingyun's marriage to Dayan this time was of great significance, so the configuration of the send-off team was also extremely luxurious.

One hundred carriages, three hundred honor guards, and three thousand elite Yulin Guards left Daye City in the early morning.

For some reason, Daliang did not publicize the marriage with great fanfare. However, when leaving the city, many members of the royal family came to see them off.

But not including Emperor Shaowu!

It is worth mentioning that the person who serves as the commander of the Three Thousand Feather Forest Guards is Uncle Sun who usually follows Princess Qingyun!

Only now did Wang Chen know that this fifth-level martial sect had another identity, that of the deputy commander of the Yulin Guards.

His real name is Sun Zhengheng.

"Wang Taibao."

Sun Zhengheng glanced at the eight-passenger luxury carriage in the middle of the team and said in a deep voice, "I'll have to work hard for you again this time."

Others don't know it, but the deputy commander of the Yulin Guards knows very well how strong Wang Chen is!

Wang Chen noticed the other person's eyes and asked, "Are you worried about danger on the road?"

There was clearly a hint of worry in Sun Zhengheng's eyes.

This is very unusual.

Not to mention how strong this escort team is, how important the marriage alliance between Daliang and Dayan is. Who in the two countries dares to come and cause trouble?

Sun Zhengheng was stunned for a moment, probably because he didn't expect Wang Chen to be so direct.

He hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Maybe, I always feel like this journey is not easy."


The first update is sent.

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