Gou Cultivates Immortals In the Chaotic World of Demons and Martial Arts

Chapter 881: The Body of Chasing the Moon (congratulations to the leader of the Heshang Gong allianc

Chapter 881: The Body of Chasing the Moon (Congratulations to the Leader of the Heshang Gong Alliance)

 “beat away…”

The Supreme Prince of the Feng family looked at the circle of family disciples and lamented in his heart.

These family disciples all have at least earth-level or heaven-level spiritual root qualifications, and they have even awakened spiritual bodies.

It is the true essence of the Feng family.

As early as when he discovered that the enemy was invading, he was taken to the ancestral hall by the clan elders and entered the treasure of the cave to protect him.

 What we are prepared for is that if things are not harmonious, we can immediately run away with them and save the last flame of the family.

 Because he is still young, he is a bit naive.

 This is probably the only shortcoming.

"That's all...Yingyue, you come with me, and the others retreat."

The Feng family’s Taishang sighed and walked deeper into the valley.


 A girl in green clothes came out.

 She has a pure temperament, like a green lotus, and there is a crescent mark on her forehead.

 Seeing the girl following the Supreme Elder into the Valley of the Wind, the other family members did not feel much jealousy.

 Because this is the ‘Feng Ying Yue’, not only has the heavenly wind spirit root, but also awakened the ‘Chasing Moon Body’, and is known as the genius of the Feng family who only emerges in ten thousand years!

  When the difference between you and another person is not visible to the naked eye, but a huge difference, then you can no longer even be jealous.

 “Supreme Elder…are the enemies strong?”

Feng Yingyue followed the Supreme Elder quietly and suddenly spoke.

"That's right... Taoist Namu's cultivation is unfathomable and he is proficient in formations. I am absolutely no match for him."

The Supreme Elder of the Feng Family sighed and held up a cyan light shield.

This place is already located deep in the valley, and countless wind blades are sweeping in, each of which can easily kill low-level monks.

 But at this moment, the astonishing wind-attributed spiritual power was like an admiring child, playfully surrounding Feng Yingyue, forming a circle of cyan halo.

The wind blade was melted by the halo before it even got close.

"Yingyue...you are born with a spiritual body and have heavenly spiritual roots. Not to mention the formation of a baby and the transformation into a **** in the future, even the big hurdle of returning to the virtual world and merging may not be able to stop you. I have already determined that you will be the future head of the family. At this time, Just tells you a lot of things..."

Looking at the silent Feng Yingyue, the Feng family's Taishang said in a calm voice: "Today I am no match for that man, so I promise to hand over the family's most precious treasure - the Dingfeng Immortal Pearl!"

Hearing this, Feng Yingyue suddenly raised his head, with a look of determination on his face: "Ancestor, do you want to tell me that when I grow up, I can avenge my family?"

 The Supreme Elder of the Feng Family slowly shook his head.

"Or..." Feng Yingyue tilted her head and suddenly showed a strange smile: "As our family reproduces from generation to generation, and the blood is passed down, the combined monk can live for tens of thousands of years at most... Sooner or later, one day, we can Suffer the other party to death and then take revenge on the other party's descendants?"

"The way of the family, the inheritance of blood, is indeed the truth..." The Supreme Elder of the Feng family was a little helpless: "But that's not it. I just want to tell you the real secret of the Feng family... This place is the treasure of the cave, and it is in the cave. In this heavily restricted 'Tianfeng Valley', let me tell you the truth, my Feng family has been knocked on the door more than once because of its coveted treasures..."

 Even if it is a combined family, there are times when it is forced into helplessness.

 “More than once?” Feng Yingyue seemed to be thinking of something.

"Exactly... Although our Feng family is a combined family, it is difficult to resist some real strong men and has to compromise. Fortunately, there are very few such people. There may not be one in tens of thousands of years... It is recorded in the family tree, and Afterwards, our Feng family all came back with revenge."

There was a hint of coldness in the Feng family's voice.

"Then my family's most precious treasure...could it be that it has been lost many times and found again?" Feng Yingyue was a little confused.

 The Supreme Elder of the Feng family smiled brightly but did not answer.

 The two of them entered the depths of the wind tunnel one after the other.

 Inside the huge cave.

 A cyan bird of prey statue fluttered its wings and was about to fly, its feathers glowing with a cold luster.

"This is…"

 Feng Yingyue was startled by a bird.

That expression and the faint aura carried on the statue almost made her dare not breathe, thinking that she had met a seventh-level demon bird.

“This is the phantom of the fairy raptor that our ancestors saw in the fairy mansion... the Nine Original Birds!”

The Supreme Leader of the Feng Family explained: "Later, our ancestors found the 'Nine Lives Soul Stone'. This material can perfectly reproduce the inner charm of the carver... Our ancestors were originally masters of stone carving, so the stone carvings left behind also carry this trace." The power of birds in the fairy world!”

“After taking photos and rubbing stone carvings twice, it still has such power... Could it be that the original body of the Nine-Primary Bird is... a true spirit?"

Feng Yingyue looked at the nine primitive birds of different shapes and murmured.

“The blood of the Nine Original Birds has been refined into my clan, but it is already very thin…”

Tai Shang of the Feng Family said: "Occasionally, among the younger generations, there will be outstanding people who return to their ancestors, such as me, and you..."

 She came to the middle of the many birds, made a seal with one hand, and a jade pendant flew out.

 A drop of bright red blood flew out from the fingertips of the Feng Family Taishang and landed in the middle of the jade pendant.

 The jade pendant suddenly erupted into a ball of red light, which suddenly shot out in all directions.

The birds' eyes were suddenly stained with a trace of scarlet color, and they began to move.

"Today... I am going to hand over some of the family's secrets and the core restrictions of the formation to you." The Feng Family Master said as he quickly made a series of seals.

As the formations flashed, the giant birds suddenly flapped their wings, bringing up gusts of wind.

In the misty green light, a void was opened, and a cyan ball could be faintly seen.

Inside this bead, countless breezes are entangled and coiled... and seem to carry wisps of indescribable power.

"This is the most precious treasure of our clan - the Dingfeng Immortal Pearl."

Seeing this scene, the Supreme Prince of the Feng Family had a smile on his face: "This bead is mysterious and was specially refined by our ancestors with a special bloodline restriction. If you want to use this bead's power, you must have enough blood from our Feng family. There are also two conditions for special secret skills...otherwise, it will be useless."

“What did those strong men take away before?” Feng Yingyue said in confusion.


The Supreme Master of the Feng Family changed his seal, and next to the fist-sized Fengfeng Immortal Pearl, several thumb-sized cyan beads suddenly appeared.

These green round beads are the same as the Dingfeng Fairy Beads, but they appear much smaller.

“This is an imitation of the Wind-fixing Immortal Bead, or a child bead...it also has the ability to fix the wind, but it’s a little weaker..."

The Feng Family Taishang sneered: "What's more important is that its aura is exactly the same as the Dingfeng Immortal Pearl... When those strong men came to my house, my family really couldn't resist, so they handed over this pearl... This kind of pearl is also very precious, and it will last for thousands of years." Only by condensing one piece of talent can there be no problem at all..."

 “A little weaker, by how much?”

Feng Yingyue said curiously.

“Some of the strange winds in the Immortal Palace’s restrictions and formations should be able to resist..."

“But there was once a peak-fit monk who borrowed the ‘Wind-fixing Bead’ and wanted to survive the Mahayana Immortal Tribulation… In the end, he fell to the Wind Tribulation.”

Taishang Fengjia said: "This is a great thing! If my family's orbs can resist the Great Wind Tribulation, I am afraid that these treasures will no longer be in our hands, and they will be taken away by the ethnic group with excuses..."

“I see. Could it be that our ancestors also wanted to use a pearl to deal with that evil man?” Feng Yingyue said thoughtfully.

"Exactly... Hey, almost no one knows this secret. I guess that person can't tell the difference between mother-of-pearl pearls... I will give you the restriction of this place. In the future, you can practice in this Qingxun secret realm. You will never return to the void until you return to the void." Don’t leave seclusion!”

The Supreme Leader of the Feng Family murmured: "Although that man calls himself Taoist Mu, his magic power is unfathomable, and he can easily see the flaws in my family's formation. His formation method is simply the best in the human race... Hehe, these monks, How many are there in the world? More importantly, my family cannot afford to offend anyone, so we can only adopt this expedient measure."

“In other words, are you planning to fool me?”

At this moment, a third clear voice suddenly sounded in the secret realm.


 Feng Yingyue was startled.

The Feng family’s Supreme Being was even more surprised as he looked at Fang Xi walking out of the void: "Impossible...why can you sneak here?"

This is the treasure of the Feng Family Cave, and there are even more restrictions near the valley!

 “You are too confident in your own formation.”

Fang Xi put her hands behind her back and smiled lightly.

Having the ‘Treasure Mirror of All Heavens’, his attainments in the void are now ranked number one among all the realms. It is not too troublesome to sneak into a treasure of the heavens.

 “How brave!”

The Supreme Prince of the Feng Family roared angrily and made a seal with one hand. Countless runes flew out from the 'Wind-fixing Immortal Pearl', forming an illusory blue bird.

Looking at the shape, it is vaguely similar to the Nine-original Bird.


With just a few moves, the green Nine-original Bird flew towards Fang Xi with an astonishing momentum!

This ‘Fixing Wind Fairy Pearl’ actually has the ability to fight, and its power is almost comparable to those incomplete fairy treasures!

  ‘Sure enough, we cannot underestimate any immortal cultivating family. Who knows what trump cards they have? ’

Fang Xi’s expression was cold, a dark seal appeared in his hand, and a ferocious demon head roared to greet the Nine Original Birds.

The cyan Nine-Primary Bird and the demon head with snake-dragon hair are entangled with each other in mid-air, and the cyan and black lights are flickering on the cliff.

 This seal was naturally obtained from Meng Laogui, and it is an eighth-level semi-immortal weapon.

 Although it has been somewhat damaged, it can still be used after repairs.

  More importantly, the gap in manpower between the two sides is too large.

Fang Xi has already reached the advanced stage of integration, but the Feng Family Taishang is only at the early stage of integration.

With a move of his sleeves, two jet-black light pillars fell onto the seal. The demon head quickly grew in size and suddenly bit the cyan Nine Original Bird.

The Nine-original Bird screamed sadly, and many blue and illusory feathers fell...

Fang Xi continued to make secrets, and the demon opened its mouth and swallowed the Fengfeng Immortal Pearl in one gulp!


The Feng family’s wife turned pale and immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood.

 “The Supreme Elder…”

Seeing this scene, Feng Yingyue's eyes turned red and she stood in front of Fang Xi: "Wicked man, what are you going to do?"


Fang Xi glanced at the woman's forehead and couldn't help but show interest: "The body of Chasing the Moon?!"

 (End of this chapter)

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