The most discussed topic at Mingtian's banquet was the Immortal Coffin Mountain. It seemed that overnight, the news that the Immortal Coffin Mountain was about to appear in the world spread throughout the cultivation world. After Qin Feng came to Zhong Hu on the pretext of something, he also heard Mingtian rubbing his hands and saying to everyone: "According to the elders in the sect, there is a kind of Hundred Herbs Nine Transformation Pill hidden in the Immortal Coffin Mountain, which can increase the chance of a cultivator to form a fetus by 20%. It must not be missed!" After hearing this, everyone's eyes became extremely hot. Even Qin Feng, who originally came to peek at Mingtian's cultivation, couldn't help but be moved. He knew about the Hundred Herbs Pill, and even refined it many times. It was an excellent pill for increasing cultivation in the Entry Stage, but it was useless for Golden Core cultivators.

Is the so-called "Hundred Herbs Nine Transformation Pill" really beneficial to forming a baby?

After all, he was a person of mixed spiritual roots, and it was more than ten times more difficult for him to break through this important level than for others.

If he had not swallowed the Guiyuan Pill and the Jinfu Pill before breaking through the Golden Core Stage, he would never have been able to advance so smoothly.

Therefore, the Hundred Herbs Nine Transformation Pill had a great appeal to Qin Feng!

When the banquet was about to end, Qin Feng took a last look at his enemies, turned around and walked out with the crowd.

Zhong Hu, Mingtian, Xiong Lie and others have all confirmed that they will go to the Immortal Coffin Mountain, so let's settle the grudge in this secret realm...

Since he has made up his mind to go to the Immortal Coffin Mountain, Qin Feng began to "prepare for war" with all his strength.

At this time, there are still more than nine years before the opening of the Immortal Coffin Mountain. If you make full use of it, you can still make your strength rise to a higher level.

The first thing Qin Feng did was to continue to pretend to be a wandering doctor, find the remaining few extremely yang and extremely yin boys, and refine the Hunyuan Banner.

According to the records in the fragments of the "Tianfu Secondary Book", this Hunyuan Banner has a miraculous effect of escaping hundreds of miles after being refined, which will undoubtedly greatly increase his ability to escape!

Eight years later,

Qin Feng, who was dressed as a wandering doctor, walked on the official road with a banner in his hand, his eyes were a little confused and tired.

He never expected that the last five boys would be so hard to find!

Over the past eight years, he has traveled thousands of miles and treated countless children, but he has only found two boys who meet the requirements.

As a last resort, Qin Feng mobilized the disciples of the sect to help find them, and finally found two more.

Seeing that the Immortal Coffin Mountain will be opened in less than a year, the last girl of the Zhiyin birthday is nowhere to be found, making it impossible to refine the Hunyuan Banner, which makes Qin Feng very anxious.

It is said that at this time, tens of thousands of cultivators have gathered near the flower forest, and there are even many Yuanying old monsters among them.

The Immortal Coffin Mountain has not yet been opened, and there has begun to be chaos and fighting.

If there is no Hunyuan Banner in hand, for the sake of safety, Qin Feng will have to reconsider whether he really wants to go to such a dangerous place.

Suddenly, I found that the scenery in front of me was familiar.

After a careful look, I found that I had walked to the vicinity of Meiyu Village without knowing it.

This is where he stayed for several months before he became a disciple. Later, he was promoted to the Dao Entry Stage here. It can be said that they have a lot of fate.

However, Qin Feng has never been to Meiyu Village since he was promoted to the Dao Entry Stage.

After so long, the mountain and forest scenery outside the village remains the same, but the village seems to be located more at the foot of the mountain.

Many farmlands have been abandoned and the population is sparse. It is no longer as prosperous as it was in the past. Qin Feng can't help but feel that things have changed...

"Old man, can I ask for a bowl of water?"

As a traveling doctor, Qin Feng rarely gets rejected when asking for clean water. He can use this to get close to people and find out why Meiyu Village has become so desolate.

Unexpectedly, the old man waved his hands and said:

"Doctor, go quickly, our village is suffering from a plague, don't let yourself be infected!"

Qin Feng said:

"Oh? When did the plague start? I am a doctor, maybe I can help."

The old man shook his head and sighed:

"It's useless. The plague has been going on for more than a month. I have invited several doctors to see it, but they are all helpless. You'd better leave quickly, don't give up your life in vain!"

If it was somewhere else, Qin Feng might have left,

but this is the Meiyu Village where he lived after all, and he still has some feelings for it, so he wants to take care of it.

So Qin Feng said confidently:

"Old man, have you heard of my name, the Nine Yang Divine Doctor?"

After hearing this, the old man's eyes instantly lit up with a little hope, and he was a little nervous.

Zhang said:

"Of course I have heard of him. He is the most famous living doctor in our Yu country. Could it be that... you are the Nine Yang Doctor?"

Qin Feng nodded.

It seems that he has traveled around for many years and his name is still very popular. Even in a remote place like Meiyu Village, there are people who know him!

After receiving Qin Feng's affirmative answer, the old man hurriedly opened the wooden door of the fence and welcomed him into the yard.

Qin Feng asked: "Old man, is there anyone infected with the plague in your family?"

"Yes, yes! My two grandsons are both bedridden. I hope the doctor can save their lives!"

After the old man finished speaking, he knelt in front of Qin Feng crying.

After Qin Feng helped him up, he went into the house and saw two children of five or six years old lying on the bed, dying.

Qin Feng will soon learn the breath-holding technique, and he has the true essence to protect his body. Naturally, he is not afraid of the plague. He walked forward calmly and checked carefully for a while.

When he came out of the house, the old man asked with concern:

"Divine doctor, can my two good grandchildren be saved?"

Qin Feng frowned and said:

"Yes, but they are not infected, but poisoned."

The old man was stunned for a moment after hearing this,

"This... this is impossible? There are more than a thousand people in our Meiyu Village, and nearly half of them have died in the past month, and the symptoms are similar. How could they be poisoned?"

Qin Feng took out a jade bottle from his arms, poured out two pills, and handed them to Father-in-law:

"Father-in-law, go boil a pot of hot water, throw these two pills into the pot, split them, and give half a bowl to your grandson and other people who are infected. They will be detoxified. I will go to check where the source of the poison is."

He first carefully checked the village, then flew a circle outside the village with his sword, and finally landed on a hilltop.

In a cave on this mountain, a trickle of water flowed out, and finally merged into a small river that passed by Meiyu Village.

In the cave, the corpse gas was soaring, it didn't look like a good place.

Qin Feng went into the cave and saw that at the source of the stream, there were two green-haired black corpses soaked, making the stream full of corpse poison.

Even if ordinary people don't drink the water in the stream, just smelling the water vapor is very easy to get sick.

Qin Feng was furious, knowing that someone deliberately let the people of Meiyu Village die of corpse poison so that he could perform the corpse refining technique!

He fished the black corpse out of the water and released the Yin Fire to burn it cleanly.

Just as he was about to leave, a loud shout suddenly came from the top of the mountain:

"How dare you destroy the corpse breeding ground of my Wanshi Sect?"

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