The stone turtle's scales were very lifelike, and the runes on its back were extremely complex and profound, and it was impossible to fully comprehend them in a few days.

After studying for several hours, Qin Feng was dazzled by what he saw, so he lay down and closed his eyes to rest.

After a long time, Qin Feng finally recovered his spirits. Suddenly, he saw a few white turtles in the pool and felt a little strange.

He had seen white carp and raised a pond under Xuanyin Peak, but after traveling all over the country for so many years, this was the first time he saw a white turtle.

So he took out his animal bag, jumped into the pool and caught some white turtles in the bag, intending to take them back to raise.

The water in the pool was icy cold, just like the feeling he had when he fell from a thousand-foot abyss and passed through the clouds. It was very uncomfortable.

He shuddered and quickly jumped back on the back of the stone turtle to continue studying the mysterious rune patterns and prohibitions.

These stone turtle prohibitions, like the "Thirty-six Prohibitions of the Great and Small Worlds", are also methods of setting and breaking prohibitions.

Their mystery is comparable to the last few prohibitions in the prohibitions of the heavens. Without decades of effort, it is probably impossible to comprehend them.

Because the stone turtle reflects light, Qin Feng looked at it for a long time and his eyes became sore.

So he took out the four treasures of the study from the storage ring and drew all the rune patterns and prohibitions on the back of the stone turtle.

Picking up more than 20 pieces of paper, just as he was about to lean against the neck of the stone turtle to take a closer look, his hand suddenly touched a scale armor by accident, making a "click" sound of triggering the mechanism.

Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, and then he slowly raised his hand. The stone turtle scales slowly opened to both sides, revealing a groove.

He looked down and saw an antique wooden box in the groove.

After opening the wooden box, there was a book inside, woven with silk, several inches thick, with the words "Inner Scenery Element Sutra" written on the cover.

Qin Feng was slightly disappointed.

He had the profound "Netherworld Record" and "Hunyuan Sutra" in his hands, which were enough for him to practice to the late stage of transformation, and he was not short of practice methods for the time being.

He picked up this "Inner Scenery Element Sutra" and flipped through a few pages casually. He saw that it was actually a practice method specially for monsters and aliens to practice, and it could be practiced to the late stage of transformation, which was very mysterious and profound.

Qin Feng had three monkey disciples who were currently practicing the "Moonlight Merit" he bought from the market.

The quality of this "Moonlight Merit" was only ordinary, not a profound practice method, and it could only be practiced to the level of the late stage of the Tao.

Qin Feng was thinking about when to sell a more powerful alien practice method, and now that he had the "Inner Scenery Element Sutra", he saved a lot of money...

After putting the "Inner Scenery Element Sutra" into the storage ring, Qin Feng saw that there seemed to be a mechanism button in the groove, so he reached out and pressed it.


The stone turtle instantly vibrated violently, making a huge noise.

Then, the stone turtle sank down and fell completely into the cold pool, and it seemed to come alive, carrying Qin Feng and swimming forward.

Qin Feng was delighted.

"Could it be that in addition to breaking the ban and escaping, there is another secret passage leading to the outside?"

The four legs of the stone turtle seemed to be just gently kicking in the water, but the speed of swimming was extremely fast. The icy water that kept flowing back around almost took Qin Feng away.

Qin Feng hugged the neck of the stone turtle tightly, worried that if he let go, he would miss the opportunity to leave.

After about a meal, the stone turtle finally floated to the surface of the water. It was unknown how far it swam.

Qin Feng looked around and saw that he was in a cave pool. There were hundreds of stone steps in front of him, and he didn't know where they led to.

When he jumped onto the steps, the stone turtle immediately sank into the pool, as if returning to the courtyard.

Qin Feng climbed up the steps and came to a rather wide platform. There were bursts of fighting and shouting sounds coming from below.

Qin Feng hid behind a huge stone pillar and looked down secretly.

He saw a spacious cave palace below the platform. Hundreds of monks were fighting each other in the palace.

On the other side of the platform, there were nearly a hundred stone steps. At this time, seventy or eighty monks were climbing up the steps.

But these dozens of people all looked solemn and had difficulty walking. It seemed that every step they took was a big price to pay.

Just when Qin Feng was confused, he suddenly heard the discussion of several people below.

"Who do you think can step over the ninety-nine steps of Xuanci Tianti, climb to the top of Shenniaotai, and take away the Jiutian Xuanci and Shenniao Egg?"

"It's hard to say at this time, but Ye Xinghe of Wuji Jianzong has reached the seventy-eighth step,

It seems that he has the best chance of reaching the top. "

"Otherwise, although Ye Xinghe is currently in the lead, he is sweating profusely and is obviously at the end of his strength.

On the other hand, Luochuan, Mingtian and others behind him all look normal. I think they will surpass Ye Xinghe sooner or later..."

These people quarreled with each other for a while.

From their words, Qin Feng finally understood that the steps where these dozens of people were located contained some kind of mysterious magnetic gravity.

People walking on the steps seemed to be carrying a thousand-pound burden, and the more they climbed up a step, the greater the obstacles and burdens they encountered.

And this mysterious magnetic sky step, Only those with cultivation below the Nascent Soul stage can climb up.

If a Nascent Soul cultivator insists on breaking in, the pressure on his body will increase by more than ten times, and he will be easily injured by the black magnetic gravity.

At this time, there were several old monsters in the Nascent Soul stage chatting below.

A strange color appeared on Qin Feng's face.

He felt like he was playing a game in his previous life and was confused and did a "reverse run".

He guessed that if he followed the normal route to explore the Immortal Coffin Mountain, he should have reached this hall, and then climbed the ninety-nine steps of the black magnetic sky step after going through untold hardships, and then passed through the cold pond below. Go to the Bronze Palace.

But he took a shortcut and fell directly from the abyss to the front of the Bronze Palace, and then came to the Xuanniao Platform...

Qin Feng took a deep breath, glanced at the platform, and saw a stone emitting colorful crystal light in the corner in front of him.

He walked over and saw a bird's nest on the stone, with two bird eggs as big as human brains in the nest.

Qin Feng first put the bird eggs into the storage ring, then held the stone and lifted it up, but he couldn't move it!

As a Jindan cultivator, Qin Feng could move even a thousand-jin boulder. He lifted it with all his strength,

But now he was surprised to see that the stone in front of him, which looked small, did not move at all.

Qin Feng guessed that this might be the so-called "Nine Heavens Mysterious Magnet"?

He tried a few more times, but still could not move it.

Finally, he could only use the method of "lifting heavy objects as if they were light" in "Nether Water Sword Art" to lift it up and put it into the storage ring.

Qin Feng did not know what the Nine Heavens Mysterious Magnet was for, but since it caused so many people to fight for it, it must be an extraordinary item. He felt happy and finally felt that the trip was worthwhile...

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