After leaving the strange bird, Qin Feng came to a cave, which was wider than any other place he had walked before. There was a large furnace in the middle, and the flames were still burning in the furnace, which made people feel a little hot. Qin Feng guessed that there must be no shortage of elixirs in the furnace. Unfortunately, the restrictions around the furnace were stronger than any other place he had encountered before! Qin Feng's attainments in the way of restrictions were not dared to be said by the master, but it could be said that he had already entered the room. However, he was not sure that he could break the restrictions in front of him and seize the elixir. "It's more important to save people!"

Qin Feng was about to move forward when he caught a glimpse of some flowers and plants growing on the edge of a wall.

He walked over and saw a trickle of water on the edge of the wall. Dozens of exotic flowers and plants were planted beside the water, but they didn't look very old.

"The flowers and plants with sufficient age should have been dug up... Could it be that Junior Sister Li has been here?"

Qin Feng was immediately refreshed.

After all, there were five caves at the bottom of the Fantasy Fairy Pond. He was afraid that he would be too embarrassed and find Li Yinqiu only when he found the last cave.

Qin Feng used the jade hoe to dig up all the seedlings of these spiritual flowers and plants along with the soil, put them into the storage ring, and planned to transplant them back to the Floating Cloud Cave.

Then, he found a small door that perfectly fit the wall with some kind of mortise and tenon structure. If you don't look carefully, you can't tell that it is a door.

Qin Feng spent a lot of effort to open the small door. After passing through a corridor of more than a hundred steps, the front suddenly opened up. It seemed that he was not in the cave. There were thousands of jade trees.

But when he looked up, the sky was gray and there was no sun, stars or moon. It was uncertain whether he had really reached the outside of the cave.

In the places he had been to before, all the entrances to the caves were very hidden, as if they were afraid of being discovered.

But here, at a glance, it was obvious that there were more than ten open doors on the left.

If it were another cultivator, he would definitely choose one of the doors to enter at this time.

But after Qin Feng looked around with his wisdom eyes, his eyes fixed. He did not walk towards those doors, but turned around and walked towards the thousands of trees behind.

As soon as he approached the woods, a strong wind suddenly blew, causing thousands of trees to squeeze and grind against each other, and bursts of angry roars came from the forest, as if they had come alive and did not like outsiders to approach.

Qin Feng frowned and continued to walk forward a few steps.

His action seemed to anger the trees. In an instant, thousands of branches overlapped and surged towards him endlessly!

Qin Feng was well prepared. He held the Hunyuan Banner, chanted the spell, and waved it forward several times.

Before, Qin Feng only used the Hunyuan Banner to escape.

But in fact, this magic weapon also has offensive means, but Qin Feng has never used it.

At this time, a black and white Hunyuan Qi flew out from the banner, as fast as the wind, passing over the thousands of branches and leaves that surged, and hit the tallest tree among them.


A thunderous sound rang out, and green smoke rose and flames shot up into the sky.

In the blink of an eye, all the trees in front of him disappeared, and then there was another dizzy moment.

When he came to his senses, he saw that the place in front of him was not a vast space, but still in a stone room of thirty or forty feet long and wide!

The stone room was extremely simple, except for a wooden screen of five or six feet long placed in front, there was nothing else.

It turned out that Qin Feng had used his wisdom eyes to see that the trees were a bit psychedelic, and seemed not entirely real, so he tried to break it with the Hunyuan True Qi, but he didn't expect that there was indeed something else going on!

Qin Feng walked over and saw wisps of green smoke rising from the screen from time to time, and there were some immortal caves and forest scenes painted on it.

Suddenly, Qin Feng glimpsed somewhere on the screen, painted with hundreds and thousands of large trees, jade-like, just burning, which was basically the same as what he had seen before!

Qin Feng was surprised and suspicious:

"Could it be that the scenery painted on this screen is the scenery of the five caves at the bottom of the Fantasy Immortal Pond?"

He looked back along the thousands of trees and saw many familiar scenes, even the strange bird he had encountered before, which was vividly depicted on the paper!

Afterwards, Qin Feng also found that all the places with restrictions were marked with talismans.

It suddenly dawned on him that this screen was actually a collection of the various forbidden ambushes in the Fantasy Immortal Cave!

Qin Feng was overjoyed and immediately put the screen into the storage ring.

There is

With this thing in hand, it was like a blind man regaining his sight, and it would surely allow him to move freely in this cave!

Next, Qin Feng followed the instructions of the screen and hurried on his way, saving a lot of unnecessary troubles and moving faster...

The interior of this Fantasy Immortal Cave was surprisingly large.

Two days later, Qin Feng barely managed to walk through the cave in the middle, but found nothing and did not see any trace of Li Yinqiu.

So he went through a secret passage and went to another cave.

After several hours, Qin Feng was suddenly startled and heard a voice coming from the front!

"Junior sister, I'm back. How's the ban going?"

Another female voice replied:

"It's almost broken. It will take at most three to five days to complete the task and kill that bitch!"

Qin Feng held his breath and walked forward. He saw a tall cave in front of him. The first thing that caught his eye was a large bronze lamp hanging upside down, emitting seven stars of fire, illuminating the whole cave as bright as day.

Under the bronze lamp, there was a lotus-shaped pond with a radius of one hundred acres. The water in the pond was turquoise and the waves were green.

It was unknown what kind of ban was set up in this pond, so people could not see the situation inside clearly. They only vaguely saw that someone seemed to be sitting cross-legged in the middle of the lotus pond.

And by the pond, there stood two cultivators, a man and a woman, both of whom were in the early stage of the Nascent Soul. The man was wearing a Taoist robe, tall, thin and sinister, and the woman was wearing a red robe and had an ordinary appearance.

At this time, the tall and thin monk laughed:

"Li Yinqiu, who has been able to hold out for so long under the hands of our Linquan Twin Demons, is also a figure.

After hearing this, the female monk was a little unhappy.

"After successfully breaking the ban, I will immediately cut this bitch into pieces and extract her soul to refine the Blood Demon Banner. Don't even think about doing that cruel thing!"

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

The tall and thin monk retreated to the side in a huff, not daring to refute at all.

Qin Feng, who was hiding in the dark, finally felt relieved when he learned that the figure in the lotus pond was indeed his junior sister Li Yinqiu, whom he had been looking for for a long time.

Although there were two Nascent Soul monks who were not easy to mess with blocking the way, at least he didn't have to worry about what kind of danger Li Yinqiu was in all the time!

Qin Feng glanced at the "Linquan Twin Demons" and began to think about how to trick them and save people.

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