The old zither in front of him seemed to be a magic weapon, so Qin Feng put it into his storage ring without hesitation.

Seeing that the cave had been almost empty, Qin Feng left with satisfaction.

He wandered around for a while and saw that there was only one cave in Meiwu that was not blocked by the talisman ban.

The rest of the places could not be easily entered.

Qin Feng stopped in front of the cave with the plaque "Xiangxue Cave Heaven" hanging on it again, and pondered for a while.

The talisman ban here was too strong. If he insisted on breaking the ban, it would take at least fifty or sixty years to enter the gate.

Firstly, he didn't know whether the treasure inside was worth spending so much energy on.

Secondly, he was also worried that the Feilei Immortal Mansion would disappear again. If he couldn't get out in time, he would be trapped here for hundreds of years...

Just when he was feeling extremely entangled, a bird chirped.

Turning around, he saw the silver swallow flying towards him with a branch in its mouth. The branch was full of fruits.


The silver swallow chirped several times, as if it wanted to take the fruits on the branch as a gift and asked Qin Feng to accept them.

Qin Feng took the branch in his hand and saw that the skin of the fruit on it was as red as blood. Each one was only the size of a thumb, and he didn't know what kind of fruit it was.

He picked one of them, peeled off the skin, and inside was white kernel and green seeds. He ate it in one bite, and suddenly felt sweet and fragrant on his cheeks, and then his abdomen was warm.

Such a small fruit actually contains a lot of spiritual power!

Qin Feng immediately sat cross-legged, and after a while, he refined all the spiritual power of the fruit.

He asked Yin Yan with a happy face:

"Where did you pick these scarlet fruits?"

Qin Feng had almost visited the entire Meihuawu, and he didn't see any fruit trees other than plum trees?

Since this silver swallow knew how to pick up fruits as a thank-you gift, it must be extremely spiritual.

After hearing what Qin Feng said, it immediately flew away.

Not long after, Qin Feng saw a scarlet fruit tree growing in the crevice of a cliff on the edge of a cliff.

This tree is only half the height of a person's waist. It is more like a shrub than a tree.

Because it grows extremely hidden, Qin Feng didn't see it when he was just taking a quick tour.

He immediately flew into the crack of the cliff, thought for a while, and finally took out the jade hoe, dug up the whole shrub with its roots, and put it into the storage ring, intending to transplant it back to the sect to plant it, so that he could pick it often in the future.


Seeing Qin Feng shoveling the fruit tree, Yinyan seemed a little unhappy.

Qin Feng smiled at it:

"I see that you have no one to accompany you here, do you want to go back with me? Food and accommodation are provided!"

Yinyan ignored him and flew away angrily.

Qin Feng was also about to leave,

but suddenly, he glimpsed a small hole in the crack of the cliff,

he moved sideways, bent his body and drilled into the cave, only to feel that it was extremely cold inside, with cold wind blowing everywhere, making people unwilling to stay for a moment.

The cave was not big, and there was a skylight on the top that was as big as a wellhead, so that the cave was not too dark,

and in the innermost part of the cave, there was a skeleton with iron chains entangled in its hands and feet!

Qin Feng walked over and saw that the clothes on the bones had weathered away, leaving nothing useful behind.

A drop of icy cold water flowed from the protruding stone on the wall and dripped onto the skull of the bones.

People say that water drips through stone.

At this moment, a small hole had been made in the skull of the bones by the water droplets.

I don't know if it was made before or after the death of this person...

Qin Feng put himself in the situation of this person before his death, and couldn't help but shudder, his back felt cold.

What kind of hatred or grudge did this person have? He actually punished this person by dripping water through his skull!

Qin Feng shook his head and walked outside.

Before leaving the cave, he turned around and looked, then walked back and took the chains on the skeleton's hands and feet to look at them.

He took out the Firefly Jujian and chopped forward, sparks flew everywhere.

Qin Feng's Firefly Jujian could cut even black iron into two pieces as easily as tofu.

However, the chain in front of him was completely intact after being chopped by the Firefly Jujian!

Qin Feng's heart was immediately moved, knowing that this was definitely a good thing.

He took out the sharpest black dagger on his body, and finally pried the chain out of the wall with great effort. Then he pulled hard, and the skeleton turned into ashes and drifted away with the wind...

After a few days, Qin Feng unexpectedly found a plum blossom forest covered with weeds.

Found a teleportation array!

For a long time, teleportation arrays were only recorded in some ancient books, and the method of making them had long been lost.

In some places in the world, some severely damaged teleportation arrays can still be seen, but no one knows how to repair them.

It was not until a few decades ago that Lingbao Pavilion seemed to have obtained a method for arranging a small teleportation array from an ancient cultivator's cave, and barely brought the array back to the world.

However, the teleportation array mastered by Lingbao Pavilion has many shortcomings. It can only teleport one person at a time, the distance is short, and it is one-time, so its effect is limited!

It is said that the teleportation array arranged by the ancient cultivators can even teleport thousands of cultivators to another continent at once...

Qin Feng looked at the teleportation array in front of him for a while, and seeing that it was intact, he took out paper and pen from the storage ring and drew the array one-to-one on the paper fan.

In the end, he even copied a few points before putting away the paper and pen with satisfaction.

There is a groove for placing spirit stones on the teleportation array.

Qin Feng put a third-level spirit stone on it. Seeing no reaction, he took out a precious fourth-level spirit stone and put it on.

Instantly, this teleportation array, which had been sealed for who knows how long, emitted bursts of bright white light!

Qin Feng took a deep breath and glanced at the Xiangxue Cave Heaven behind him.

There are probably many magic weapons in the Xiangxue Cave Heaven.

But Qin Feng really didn't want to spend decades to break the ban.

Even after reaching the Nascent Soul stage, he can live for a total of 1,500 years, which seems to be a lot of time.

But his cultivation aptitude is too poor, and time is extremely precious and cannot be wasted at all.

After all, it usually takes one or two hundred years for a Jindan cultivator to break through a realm, while it takes three to five hundred years for a Yuanying cultivator to break through a realm.

Even if Qin Feng used the Xuanming Magic Art to devour the true essence of the Xue family's ancestor and gained a hundred years of power, he is still far from the perfection of the early Yuanying stage.

If he fails to break through the Shenhua stage due to a few decades of lifespan after practicing to the end, who can he cry to?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng finally made up his mind and was about to step forward.

Just then, he suddenly saw the silver swallow flying over from a distance, holding its nest in its mouth.

Inside the nest were its five hungry chicks.

Qin Feng smiled, spread his sleeves, let the silver swallow fall into his sleeve pocket, and then stepped into the teleportation array.

A dazzling white light flashed, and Qin Feng instantly disappeared from this world, as if he had never been there...

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