The old man was very angry.

"My master, Grandma Sang, has three most powerful treasures, namely the Heart-Capture Bell, the Red Glory Ball, and a magic talisman..."

Inside the ice cave, Taohua Xianni continued to talk incessantly.

Qin Feng fell into deep thought.

The Heart-Capture Bell of Grandma Sang, which was mentioned by the Golden Needle Saint Mother before, is said to be not only able to capture people's souls, but also to drive away monsters for her use. It is the most powerful magic weapon of Grandma Sang.

So Qin Feng gradually came up with an idea and took out a half-cut hairpin as thin as a silver needle.

"You are infected with my Lianxin Gu. Your life and death are all in my mind.

If you can use this hairpin to penetrate the Heart-Seizing Bell and destroy this magic weapon, I will remove the Gu for you. Otherwise... I will make you die in pain for 49 days!"

"Yes! Please rest assured, Taoist, I will definitely destroy the Heart-Seizing Bell!"

Taohua Xianni didn't dare to question it at all and agreed immediately.

Qin Feng said again:

"Don't try to play tricks. In three days, I will go to the island to check. If I find that the Heart-Seizing Bell is not destroyed, you know the consequences!"

After threatening Taohua Xianni fiercely, Qin Feng sent her away.

After Taohua Xianni fled back to Shensang Island, she thought:

"It's really miserable. How could I have offended such an evil Taoist priest!

But although all I said to this evil Taoist priest just now was a lie,

I didn't tell him that the most powerful thing of Master is not the Heart-Captivating Bell or the Red Gui Ball, but the 'Three-Star Beauty Boa, Nine Ghosts Devouring Living Souls'.

I just hope that the evil Taoist priest doesn't know the inside story and rushes to the island in three days. Master will extract his soul and bones, and he won't be able to die.

By then, he will naturally not be able to recite the Gu curse anymore..."

Thinking of this, Taohua Xianni calmed down a little and walked into a temple on the island.

"Sister, you are back. Have you caught the snow mouse?"

"I caught it. Where is the master?"

Taohua Xianni said to her fellow junior sister with a normal expression.

Although she was extremely humble in front of Qin Feng before,

Taohua Xianni has the cultivation of the middle stage of the Golden Core. In this Xiantian Divine Sect, she is already one of the few masters. There are not many people whose status can surpass her.

"The master is feeding the medicine to the 'medicine pot' she caught. I am afraid that I will not be able to see my sister for a while."

After hearing this, Taohua Xianni suddenly had an idea:

"This is a great opportunity to destroy the Heart-Capturing Bell..."

So she made an excuse to send the others away and walked towards an underground secret room.

After a while, Taohua Xianni passed through the many restrictions of the underground secret room and came to the entrance of a cave full of demonic energy.

In the middle of the entrance of the demonic cave, a black bell was suspended, which was constantly absorbing demonic energy.

This is the Heart-Capture Bell.

Since the more demonic energy this magic weapon absorbs, the more powerful it will be when used, so Sang Xianpo did not carry it with her, but usually placed it here.

Taohua Xianni was deeply trusted by Sang Xianpo, and had come here to help her get the Heart-Capture Bell several times before.

Therefore, she just cast a few spells with ease and took the Heart-Capture Bell in her hand.

After struggling for a moment, Taohua Xianni finally took out the half hairpin that Qin Feng gave her and destroyed the most important crystal pill in the bell!

Although she was sure that Qin Feng would not get any good if he dared to come to Shensang Island,

but she was worried that if Qin Feng was dying, because she failed to destroy the Heart-Capture Bell as promised, he would be angry and desperately recite the Gu curse to drag her down with him. That would be a disaster!

Of course, Sang Xianpo has great magical powers. In fact, Taohua Xianni could also choose to tell her master about the matter and let Sang Xianpo remove the poison for her. However, Sang Xianpo is insidious and vicious. Taohua Xianni knows that if she tells the truth, she will be killed in an instant. Therefore, she would rather make a deal with the evil Taoist priest she calls than hope that her master will be kind! —— Three days later,

A strong wind and snowstorm blew again on the ice field, making it difficult to move.

With the cooperation of Taohua Xianni, Qin Feng quietly broke through the formation surrounding Shensang Island.

As soon as he entered Shensang Island, the strong wind and snowstorm that had been whistling in his ears disappeared in an instant.

Instead, there was warm sunshine, birds singing and flowers blooming everywhere, just like spring.

The most abundant thing on the island is various tall mulberry trees, and there are also many other fairy herbs.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that there would be such a paradise in the snowy north!

A female disciple of the Xiantian Divine Religion

Holding a bowl of medicine, he walked into an ancient room and said to Sang Huan, whose feet were tied by iron chains:

"Fellow Daoist Sang, it's time to eat."

He put the tray on the table, then squatted in front of Sang Huan holding the hot medicine, and said gently and considerately:

"Today's bowl of medicine was made by my master himself using thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum, thousand-year-old Xiang bamboo and pearl powder from the deep sea for several hours..."

He said, he scooped a spoonful with a spoon and used She blew cold water from her mouth and put it to Sang Huan's mouth.

Seeing Sang Huan glaring at her with his mouth closed, the female cultivator who was so tender and affectionate a moment ago suddenly snorted coldly:

"Fellow Daoist Sang, I advise you to eat it obediently.

Otherwise, if my master comes, I'm afraid he will pour this boiling hot soup directly into your throat.

By then, it will be a bit ugly."

Sang Huan sighed and swallowed the bowl of soup mouthful by mouthful with a helpless look on his face.

The female cultivator clapped her hands and laughed:

"That's right, since it's a medicine jar, , you should just take the medicine obediently, why bother twisting your neck and making yourself unhappy? "

Sang Huan asked her hoarsely:

"Can you tell me how many days I can live?"

The Jindan female cultivator stared at him for a few times, thinking seriously for a while,

"It should take another three or four days for your body to reach its best condition.

By then, the master will activate the supreme profound skill and force your cultivation to the middle stage of the Jindan, and then you can enter the furnace to make the elixir."

After she finished speaking, she said to Sang Huan with a sneer on her face. :

"What? Are you still dreaming that someone can come to save you?

I advise you to give up this idea. My Shensang Island is as solid as a rock, and my master's cultivation is unparalleled in the world.

Unless it is really a Daluo Jinxian who has descended to the earth, who can save him..."

Before she finished her words, a sharp sword pierced through her abdomen, and her whole body was covered in blood in an instant.

The female Jindan cultivator turned around with difficulty and vaguely saw a Taoist priest in a Taoist robe with great momentum. Before she could see his face clearly, her eyes went black and she died!

Before he died, the last thing he heard was the ecstatic voice of "Medicine Jar":


These days, Sang Huan, who had been tortured physically and mentally, burst into tears of joy.

"I knew that Master would come to save me!"

Qin Feng waved his hand and first broke the talisman restriction on the chain on Sang Huan's feet, then took out a dark dagger and cut the chains in two strokes, saying to Sang Huan:

"Let's go back to the sect."

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