The old man was very happy.

This magic weapon shaped like a token was a treasure Qin Feng got from Feilei Xianfu that year.

Although in that house at that time,

Qin Feng got a total of iron rulers, white jade flute, red copper coins, black jade chain and other items,

But until he got this token treasure,

Although he didn't know what it was specifically, he finally had the idea that "the trip was worthwhile".

Later, he gradually learned that this treasure was actually an old item from Hongdu, called "Qianlong Fu".

This magic weapon was made by an ancient monk before the ancient times, when the human race had not yet multiplied.

It was carefully refined using the horn of a one-horned Qianlong in the sea of ​​earth. It can avoid water and prevent fire, and subdue demons and monsters.

Later, it was said that a certain emperor of the human race, after obtaining the "Qianlong Fu", relied on it to drive away demons and monsters, open mountains and valleys, and led the human race to grow and develop in the ancient times, and gradually multiply and thrive...

Therefore, this Qianlong Fu is actually the nemesis of demons!

At this time, it is just right to use it to deal with the nine demon babies that Sang Xianpo had made in a desperate manner!

There are eight orifices on the Qianlong Talisman, namely fire, wind, water, thunder, dragon, cloud, bird and beast, each with its own magical use.

However, after a hundred years, Qin Feng has only understood the wind and fire orifices, and is far from being able to bring out the maximum power of the Qianlong Talisman...

At this time, Qin Feng pinched the spiritual formula with his hands, recited the mantra he had comprehended from the talisman, and then stretched out his fingers and pressed on the wind orifice of the Qianlong Talisman.

The Qianlong Talisman suddenly made a slight "whoosh" sound and emitted a green light.

The originally light token immediately became extremely heavy, making Qin Feng almost unable to hold it!

Until the light on the token turned into a green gas more than ten feet long and flew out, the heavy feeling of the token suddenly disappeared.

Looking at the green gas again, when it first appeared, it was not very bright, and looked a little soft, without any surprise.

But wherever it went, whether it was the colorful smoke and cold flames, or the yellow light and blood flames shot out from the red ball, they were all swept away like a hurricane through the clouds.

Afterwards, the green gas of the wind cavity had already flown in front of the nine demon babies.

Sang Xianpo only heard one of the demon babies let out a shrill and strange roar, and then it exploded, turned into a wisp of white smoke, and escaped into the ground to reincarnate.

"This... This is impossible!"

Sang Xianpo shouted again with a face full of shock, and hurriedly took back the remaining eight demon sounds.

This same sentence, she seemed to have said it for the countless times today!

Qin Feng estimated that Sang Huan had already ridden the dragon far away, and Sang Xianpo was in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul after all.

Even if he continued to waste time, he was not sure if he could seriously injure her, let alone kill her. It was better to quit while he was ahead.

So he took this opportunity to display the Hunyuan Banner and fled into the distance like a meteor. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared in the sky of the vast snowfield...

Sang Xianpo did not chase him.

Although she was extremely angry that Qin Feng rescued Sang Huan, she wanted to capture him immediately and use the most vicious evil magic in the world to make Qin Feng never reincarnate.

But Sang Xianpo was not the kind of person who easily lost her mind.

After destroying the Heart-Stirring Bell, Qin Feng used the Taiyi Qingning Fan to break the beast Yin Fire, and even killed a demon baby,

Sang Xianpo The fairy also knew that Qin Feng was not easy to deal with.

Even if she caught Qin Feng now, she was not sure that she could control him.

"Hmph, I will find this guy after I get the treasure from the underground of the Demon Palace. After all, where can he move to with such a big sect?"

It was just a pity that she had fed Sang Huan so many elixirs in the past few days, which was completely wasted...

After Qin Feng fled hundreds of miles away in one breath, he was relieved to see that the fairy Sang did not catch up with him, and prepared to find a place to rest.

But at this moment, a girl with a rainbow as protection suddenly flew over the iceberg in front of him.

"You can fight against Xianpo Sang, the leader of Xiantian Divine Religion, with your cultivation of the early stage of Yuanying, and you are really admirable!"

Qin Feng couldn't see through the girl's cultivation, which should be at least in the middle stage of Yuanying. He couldn't help but be alert and secretly said:

"Who are you?"

The girl descended in front of Qin Feng and smiled:

"I am Ye Bin, the lord of the Extreme North Never Sleep City. I have a blood feud with Xianpo Sang, and I have no ill will towards you."

Qin Feng was shocked after hearing this.

"Are you the lord of the famous Extreme North Never Sleep City?"

Qin Feng had indeed heard the reputation of the Extreme North Never Sleep City for a long time.

In this extreme north, basically there are thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow all year round.

, not a single blade of grass grows.

However, because there are many sea fish living under the ice, and because there are few people, there are more monsters in the extreme north than anywhere else, and from time to time there will be a wave of beasts heading south.

And this Never-Sleeping City is a big city in the extreme north of human cultivators, famous for its rich products and no nights all year round...

Speaking of the contemporary Lord of the Never-Sleeping City in the extreme north, the first time Qin Feng heard of his name was from the Huangquan Patriarch.

At that time, with the help of Qin Feng, the Huangquan Patriarch successfully entered the Huayin Pool to heal his wounds.

He said that he had been hit by the Bingpo Shenguang Sword of the Lord of the Never-Sleeping City, Ye Bin. If he could not enter the Huayin Pool in time to heal his wounds, he would have to give up his physical body and turn to the ghost way after a few months.

The name "Ye Bin" is quite neutral, and Qin Feng once thought it was a male name... At least he should be a rather majestic person in appearance, otherwise how could he control this top cultivation force in the extreme north?

I never expected that it would be such a harmless-looking young girl...

After the two exchanged a few words, Ye Bin also knew Qin Feng's name, and then enthusiastically invited him to visit the Never-Sleeping City.

Qin Feng was immediately tempted.

The Never-Sleeping City is a place with unique regional characteristics.

Anyway, Sang Huan has been successfully rescued now, so there is nothing to do.

Besides, this extreme north is too far away from Xuanyin Peak. Qin Feng will not set foot here unless there is something to do in the future.

So after pondering for a moment, he accepted Ye Bin's invitation and flew northeast together.

After flying for several days, they passed through several violent snowfields. The surrounding ice fields gradually disappeared, and many unfrozen seawater gradually appeared, and many small islands appeared, which seemed to be in the North Sea area.

Gradually, they even passed several large islands with beautiful scenery, but the islands were all occupied by monsters and demons, making it full of smoke and miasma.

Ye Bin smiled and said:

"It is said that there are many warm jades hidden under the deep sea near here. Therefore, although the Far North is vast, 90% of the creatures gather in this area."

Qin Feng asked:

"I wonder if the Never Sleeping City is on which island here?"

Ye Bin shook his head,

"There are a total of 7749 large islands in this sea area, 48 of which are now occupied by demons,

and our Never Sleeping City is more than 3,000 miles away from these 49 islands, not here."

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