The old man was in trouble, but he was still alive.

Facing Qiu Changhe's vicious threat, Qin Feng said:

"The reason why Jiuyou Peak became a ruin is because someone in the sect became a traitor. My Xuanyin Peak has no such worries, so Elder Qiu doesn't need to worry about it."


Qiu Changhe was so angry at Qin Feng's words that he had nothing to say.

Everyone knows that the "traitor" Qin Feng just mentioned is him, Qiu Changhe, right?

He stared at Qin Feng with a cold look, snorted, and turned to flee towards the Blood Prison Peak...

After Qin Feng returned to the sect, he thought:

"The Blood Prison Demon Lord has not shown up for hundreds of years. It is said that he secretly fought with Uncle Ghost again at some point, and both sides were injured. He should not be a threat to my Xuanyin Sect.

However, the Blood Prison Sect has nine Yuanying cultivators after all, so we have to be on guard against their real attack."

After pondering for a long time, Qin Feng looked at the scenery around Xuanyin Peak and murmured:

"Maybe it's time to set up a real mountain protection formation by myself."

The current mountain protection formation of Xuanyin Peak is still the magic sound bewitching formation.

This formation is okay for people with cultivation below the Yuanying stage, but it is basically useless for those with cultivation above the Yuanying stage.

Qin Feng wanted to set up a formation that even a Divine Transformation cultivator would feel a headache when seeing it,

Just like the three thousand weak water formation set up by the old ancestor Xiankong of Wuding Island in the North Sea,

Since the successful formation, Wuding Island has never encountered any war in the North Sea, and it feels safe.

When Qin Feng saw it at that time, he was so envious.

After making up his mind, Qin Feng studied it for several days, called Chen Changgeng, made a long list for him, and ordered him to mobilize the entire sect immediately to collect the items on the list as soon as possible.

Chen Changgeng glanced at the list and was shocked for a while.

"Master, to collect all the resources on the list, I'm afraid all the spirit stones in the sect will have to be cleared out... I don't know what to do?"

Qin Feng said:

"Now the Nether Mountain Range is becoming more and more uneasy. I want to set up the Xiantian Hunyuan Yiqi formation on Xuanyin Peak.

This formation is the most powerful formation in the "Hunyuan Sutra", the sect's key technique. If it is set up, even a Divine Transformation cultivator will find it difficult to enter.

The list The materials can only complete a small half of the framework of this innate Hunyuan Yiqi formation. "

Since Qin Feng has decided to arrange this mountain protection formation himself, he will choose the most powerful one directly.

He has been choosing and choosing for the past few days, and finally chose the innate Hunyuan Yiqi formation in the "Hunyuan Sutra".

This formation is very peculiar.

Even if a cultivator of the Divine Transformation Realm is in it, he may not be able to exert 30% or 40% of his full power. And the materials required are not too outrageous, and they can be arranged.

When Chen Changgeng heard that he was going to arrange the mountain protection formation, he knew that this was a major event related to the survival of the sect. Even if it emptied his family's assets, it was worth it.

So he immediately cheered up and went out to arrange the sect's tasks.

The entire Xuanyin Sect started to work at full capacity.

Some went to various cultivation markets to buy a lot, and some received sect tasks to kill monsters in the mountains and swamps, or collect various kinds of magic sand and crystals. They were all very busy.

However, the most important thing to set up this formation is to have a high-quality Xiantian formation diagram.

With the Xiantian formation diagram, it is like a high-rise building with a solid foundation, laying a solid foundation for the Xiantian Hunyuan Yiqi formation.

However, formation diagrams are easy to obtain, but there are very few that can be called Xiantian formation diagrams, and it is not so easy to find.

Qin Feng himself searched everywhere and asked people everywhere, but unfortunately there was still no whereabouts.

He even issued a bounty order to the sect disciples and vassal cultivation families:

Anyone who provides information about the Xiantian formation diagram will be rewarded with 2,000 points of sect merit,

And those who directly provide the Xiantian formation diagram will be rewarded with 15,000 sect merits and five opportunities to enter and exit the Xiantian Pavilion!

This reward is very generous.

When the six sects invaded, Qin Feng won a victory for the Nether Ghost Sect that was related to the sect's honor and survival, and was only rewarded with 10,000 merits, plus five opportunities to enter the Sutra Library...

In the blink of an eye, nearly half a year has passed.

After the unremitting efforts of the Xuanyin Sect, most of the things needed to arrange the Xiantian Hunyuan Yiqi Great Array have been collected.

But the most important Xiantian Array Diagram is still missing, so the array has not been arranged yet.

Qin Feng's face is full of helplessness:

"If the Xiantian Array Diagram cannot be found, we can only use the ordinary array diagram.

But in this way, the power of this array will inevitably be greatly reduced, and it will have a great impact on the God of Transformation.

The cultivators should not be threatened. "

This is really a mistake.

He originally thought that although the Xiantian formation diagram is rare, it should be sold in major markets, especially in the Lingbao Pavilion. It's just that the price is expensive.

At most, he can show off his wealth and exchange it with some magic weapons and thousand-year-old spiritual plants.

Who knew that in the end, he couldn't buy it even if he had money. It was really depressing...

A few days later, Chen Changgeng came to report that Li Tongya, the head of the Li family in Xuanyue Mountain, wanted to see him.

Nowadays, the Xuanyin Sect also has many vassal cultivation families.

Especially in Baimang Mountain, the Xuanyin Sect is the undisputed overlord there.

There are no less than a hundred cultivation families of varying strength in the 800-li Baimang Mountain, and now they have basically become vassals of the Xuanyin Sect.

The Xuanyin Sect provides these cultivation families with a certain amount of protection,

and these cultivation families provide supplies to the Xuanyin Sect every year.

In addition, those with outstanding spiritual roots in the cultivation families can also be sent to the mountain since childhood to become disciples of the Xuanyin Sect.

The sect continuously "draws blood" from various cultivation families in this way.

And the cultivation families also enhance their influence by having their members stand out in the Xuanyin Sect...

The Xuanyue Mountain Li family is a cultivation family in the Baimang Mountain. Its strength is below average, and only the head of the family, Li Tongya, has the cultivation of the early Jindan stage.

However, it is said that the Xuanyue Mountain Li family has existed for a very long time, similar to the Xue family that was destroyed by the Xuanyin Sect, and has thousands of years of heritage.

The Li family once had a Yuanying ancestor, who was very glorious for a while, but in the past thousand years, it has begun to go downhill all the way until it has fallen to the current level...

"Xuanyue Mountain Li Tongya, pays homage to the founder."

The white-haired Li Tongya came to Qin Feng and immediately knelt down respectfully.

"Get up. "

Qin Feng didn't even raise his head, just looking at the book in his hand, and asked casually:

"I heard that you insisted on coming to see me?"

Although Li Tongya is the patriarch of a cultivation family, he is only a Jindan cultivator after all, and generally cannot easily meet Qin Feng.

If he can't give a good reason for this matter, his end will definitely not be good.


Li Tongya felt a strong pressure coming from Qin Feng, took a deep breath, and took out a book from his sleeve,

"I heard that the founder is looking for the innate formation diagram, and I am willing to present this formation diagram..."

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