The 800-li Baimang Mountain runs from east to west. At a glance, it is full of mountains and ridges, and tigers and leopards are rampant. Qin Feng pretended to be a farmer who collected herbs, carrying a backpack and a medicine hoe, walked through the ancient trees of Hanqiao, jumped over several winding streams and ice springs, and climbed a mountain. On this ridge, Qin Feng walked and stopped, sometimes picking herbs, and sometimes planting some spiritual plants in the right place, and was not in a hurry to get on the road. After walking for a long time, he finally reached the top of the mountain, but he saw the beautiful scenery around him, but there was no road ahead. Most people would have to turn back when they got here. Qin Feng pushed aside the dense old vines in front of him and passed through a cave shaped like a stone turtle. The front suddenly opened up, and the mist surrounded him. There was a different world!

This place is called Fuyun Cave. It is a place that Qin Feng carefully selected after thinking that he should "have three burrows".

This 800-li Baimang Mountain is located to the east of the Nether Mountain Range. It takes five days to fly to it by flying sword. It is a place that is not far or near for Qin Feng.

The most important thing is that this place is famous for producing various poisonous insects. Qin Feng also has a longing to find the Queen of Gu here.

As for the Fuyun Cave where Qin Feng lives now, it seems to be a cave abandoned by the predecessors. If he hadn't accidentally discovered the cave entrance hidden behind the vines when he was picking herbs, he would never have found such a secluded place.

After passing through the entrance of the vine cave and walking up more than a hundred cloud steps, it is the real gate of the cave.


A tiger and a bear suddenly jumped out of the cave, but were knocked to the ground by Qin Feng, who angrily shouted:

"Evil beast, don't you see who I am?"

The tiger and the bear, who were originally extremely ferocious, wilted like eggplants hit by frost after seeing Qin Feng clearly, and hid aside obediently.

The bear was the Ice Winged Bear, which was the little bear that Qin Feng had brought out of the Falling Demon Valley. Now he brought it here to guard the cave.

As for the tiger, it was an ordinary white tiger.

When Qin Feng discovered the Floating Cloud Cave, the white tiger lived in the cave.

It was difficult for Qin Feng to drive it away, so after subduing it, he also let the white tiger stay and help him guard the cave with the Ice Winged Bear.

Entering the cave, it was very bright, with a total of nine cave rooms, with stone tables, stone chairs, and stone beds.

Unfortunately, this place seemed to be a secluded place for ordinary people before. Qin Feng had already searched it inside and out, but did not find any Taoist treasures of any cultivators.

Behind the cave, there was a valley. Qin Feng had opened up a spiritual field in the valley and planted many spiritual plants.

The ginseng and Polygonatum in the courtyard of Xuanyin Mountain were all transplanted by Qin Feng.

Although the spiritual energy here is far less than that at the foot of Xuanyin Mountain, plants such as ginseng and Polygonatum are the least demanding of spiritual energy, as long as the environment is suitable.

As for the others, they have not been moved for the time being.

After all, this Floating Cloud Cave was just a place to live, and Qin Feng had no intention of moving all his assets here...

At noon, Qin Feng sat in front of a tree and practiced his skills. After a long time, he formed a seal with his hands, stretched out his five fingers, and grabbed the tree.

The essence of the plants on the tree surged.

After a while, a verdant green bead floated in front of Qin Feng.

Qin Feng put the bead in a wooden box, walked to another big tree, cast spells one by one, and obtained dozens of green beads in a row before returning to the spiritual field.

He threw all the plant essence beads into the air, and then his ten fingers emitted a faint light, changing rapidly, drawing a series of spiritual silks, and crushing the green beads one by one.

A strong breath of plant spirits instantly dissipated from the air like a fairy scattering flowers, and scattered in the soil of the field, nourishing each spiritual plant.

The technique Qin Feng had just used was called "Xuanming Grass and Tree Technique", which was a unique technique for spiritual plants of the Nether Ghost Sect. It could directly extract the essence of plants and then use it to irrigate other spiritual plants.

This technique was considered to be the most powerful among the spiritual plant techniques. Qin Feng had already practiced it to the third level, and the effect was very significant.

At this time, Qin Feng suddenly had an idea:

"If this "Xuanming Grass and Tree Technique" is modified, can it be changed from extracting the essence of plants to extracting the true essence of cultivators, and then use it for oneself?"

He was immediately shocked by his own idea,

"Why did I suddenly have such an evil idea?"

Qin Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head, and continued to take care of the spiritual plants in the field.

At sunset, Qin Feng was about to pick up the hoe and return to the cave, when he suddenly saw a plant emerging from an open space,

Instantly, a strange fragrance filled the air.

This was not the first time Qin Feng had seen such a situation, otherwise he would not have left the land empty without planting anything.

These plants are called Pi Xie grass, with sword-shaped leaves. They are usually hidden deep underground and only unearthed sixteen times a year. They are the main ingredients for refining the Resurrection Pill.

The color of Pi Xie grass varies with the age.

Those under five hundred years old are all green, and those over five hundred years old will turn white, called white Pi Xie.

And if they are over a thousand years old, they will turn into scarlet, called red Pi Xie.

Moreover, according to legend, the 10,000-year-old evil-repelling grass is white with red, hence the name Red and White Evil-Repelling. It is said that it can be used to refine the Evil-Repelling Pill. Eating just one pill can make you immortal.

Of course, this is just a legend circulated in ancient books. No one has ever seen the Red and White Evil-Repelling, let alone how to refine the so-called Evil-Repelling Pill...

Most of the evil-repelling grasses in front of Qin Feng are white, and they should be more than 500 years old.

However, Qin Feng does not plan to pick them immediately. He wants to wait until they turn red before picking them to refine the Resurrection Pill, which is an excellent healing pill.

Since the evil-repelling grass will reduce its spiritual energy once it is in the hands of people,

Therefore, Qin Feng did not rush to check it out. He just looked at it from a distance for a while, and then went back to the cave...

That day, Qin Feng was about to leave the Floating Cloud Cave and return to the Nether Mountain.

Suddenly, a baby's cry came to his ears.

Qin Feng lowered his flying sword and soon saw a wooden basin in a mountain stream, which was blocked by a stone. Inside was a crying baby!

At this time, a hungry wolf happened to come and pounced on the baby with its bloody mouth wide open!

"Evil beast, don't hurt anyone!"

Qin Feng shouted, and the Juying Sword turned into a green light and flew out, instantly cutting the hungry wolf in two!

After Qin Feng landed, he walked over and picked up the baby. It was a baby girl with a longevity lock hanging around her neck. The lock was engraved with the words "Le Yao" and nothing else.


The baby's cry was so loud that Qin Feng felt his eardrums were about to pierce, and his brows were furrowed for a moment.

He had no intention of raising this baby!

However, Qin Feng was not a heartless person and he could not just abandon her.

So he put the baby back on the wooden sign, picked up the baby and the basin, and rushed along the stream to see if he could find her parents...

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