Three years later,

"Boom boom boom!"

The lone peak was straight, and the water vapor was like clouds and mist. Surrounding a white dragon-like waterfall, there was a thunderous sound.

After the waterfall fell, it hit several boulders, splashing water a few feet high, which looked very spectacular.

If someone had good eyesight, they would find that under such an amazing waterfall, there was someone sitting cross-legged, closing his eyes to practice, and there were bursts of dark fire on his body!

He started to meditate and practice under the waterfall at dawn, and practiced until the sunset, then jumped ashore, without a drop of water on his body.

This person is naturally Qin Feng.

The place where he is now is the cave he chose on the top of Xuanyin Peak. He lived there for a few years before being driven down the mountain.

However, after Qin Feng became a Taoist monk, Master Xuanyin no longer prohibited him from going to the top of the peak, and he would occasionally come back here to stay for a few days.

Especially in the past three years, Qin Feng practiced here every day and hardly left the house because he was worried that the matter of taking Xuanpin Pearl from Twenty-Eight Valley Village would be leaked.

However, Qin Feng has now confirmed that although the appearance of Xuanpin Pearl has caused a lot of noise, no one has associated this treasure with him, so he should not have to be so worried in the future.

In the past three years, Qin Feng has been concentrating on practicing hard every day without paying attention to anything outside the window, and his cultivation has improved a lot.

In addition, Qin Feng also took the time to visit the Sutra Library.

More than a hundred years ago, the six sects of Taoism invaded. After Qin Feng defeated Lin Wan'er, he got five free chances to enter the Sutra Library, and there were two left.

This time, he recorded a sword formula in the Sutra Library to practice.

Qin Feng reflected that when he encountered an enemy, he always relied on the power of magic weapons and poisonous insects to win. He only practiced some magic formulas related to escape, and only mastered some superficial skills in sword formulas. It was really a bit unreasonable.

So this time, he specifically asked his senior brother Li Xiaoshan for advice. After getting his advice, he went to the Sutra Library to record the "Nether Water Sword Formula".

This is one of the three existing sword formulas of the Nether Ghost Sect, which is extremely profound and powerful...

After resting on the shore for a while, Qin Feng jumped into the pool under the waterfall with the Juying Sword in his hand.

For a moment, the whole world seemed to be quiet, making Qin Feng's state of mind extremely peaceful.

The pool looked small, but it was bottomless, with many undercurrents and whirlpools. If you didn't have some cultivation, you would be easily swept away.

Qin Feng then began to practice the "Sword Art of Dark Water" under this pool with undercurrents.

The biggest feature of this sword art is that it can lift heavy objects with ease. It is said that when you practice it to a high level, you can swing a sword as heavy as Mount Tai and crush your opponent directly!

But if you want to "lift heavy objects with ease", you must first start with "lifting light objects with ease".

And when practicing swords in water, every swing of the sword is a hundred times more difficult than on the water surface.

A set of sword moves that are very familiar on the water will become stumbling in the water.

As for flying the sword in the air in the water, it is also affected by the suction of undercurrents and whirlpools, which is even more difficult.

However, although the difficulty is great, there is often no progress after a day.

But Qin Feng was not discouraged. He started with the most basic, holding the Juying Sword in the water, and wielding the sword moves in the "Nether Water Sword Art" in an orderly manner.

Only when he holds the sword in the water and uses the "Nether Water Sword Art" as if he were using his arm, will he turn to practice flying the sword in the water to kill the enemy, and then begin to study the more exquisite moves in the "Sword Art"...

After a few days,

Qin Feng rarely left Xuanyin Peak and went to the Juying Cave in the Great Wilderness Mountain. He tested the homework of Le Yao, Yuan Ming, and Chen Changgeng, and chatted with Shen Sanniang for a while. He stole half a day of leisure before returning to Xuanyin Peak.

Just as he was about to drop his sword from the sky, Li Xiaoshan's mount, a giant red-scaled python with four wings, flew over.

On the giant python, besides Li Xiaoshan, there were also some of his disciples, including Xiong Lie, Lu Youwei, etc., who were aggressive and didn't know what they were going to do.

"Big Brother, where are you going?"

Li Xiaoshan said with a smile:

"Master has a good friend, called the Red Haired Ancestor, who had been staying on the coast of the East China Sea as a casual cultivator, but recently he suddenly changed his mind and wanted to conquer Tiangou Cliff in Hongmu Ridge to gather disciples and preach. Master asked me to bring some disciples to help him."

"Oh." Qin Feng nodded, "Do you want me to help too?"

Before Li Xiaoshan answered, his eldest disciple Lei Peng muttered:

"Everyone says that the Sixth Uncle is good at escaping, but not good at fighting with others.

, it’s useless to go there. "

As soon as these words came out, all the disciples on the four-winged red-scaled giant python couldn't help but chuckle.

"Uh... Is this what my reputation at Xuanyin Peak is like?"

Qin Feng was secretly happy.

"No matter how old or young you are, if the elders are talking, you won't be able to interrupt!"

Li Xiaoshan scolded Lei Peng angrily, and then said to Qin Feng:

"We are just here to repay a favor to the red-haired ancestor for our master. We should click on the knot and just deal with it for a few days before returning. Junior brother, we should stay and practice hard... You have mastered the "Dark Water Sword Technique" How's it going?"

Li Xiaoshan didn't seem to be in a hurry, and was still in the mood to give some pointers to Qin Feng's "Dark Water Sword Technique" before flying up to the clouds with the four-winged python...

More than a month later,

Qin Feng was practicing under the waterfall when he suddenly heard two bells ringing from Xuanyin Peak. He did not dare to neglect and immediately left with his sword.

After a while, Qin Feng saw his master, Master Xuanyin, standing under the ancient pine tree where he usually taught and preached. He held a letter in his trembling hands and looked extremely sad.

Qin Feng and Lu Youwei looked at each other in surprise.

They have been following Master Xuanyin for nearly two hundred years.

In their impression, Master Xuanyin was calm and composed even if the six sects of Taoism came to invade him.

But I have never seen such a gaffe like this before.

Xiong Lie stepped forward and asked:

"Master, I wonder what happened?"

Master Xuanyin seemed to have realized that all the disciples were in front of him. He regained his cold expression and handed the letter in his hand to Xiong Lie:

"Your senior brother unfortunately died in the battle at Tengu Cliff in Hongmu Ridge."


Everyone present, including Qin Feng, was so shocked that they could hardly believe their ears!

"This is impossible!"

Xiong Lie unfolded the letter with trembling hands, glanced at it hastily, and stood there blankly.

Lin Yidao took the letter, sighed after reading it, shed a tear from the corner of his eye, and passed the letter to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng looked at the letter blankly and saw that it said that Li Xiaoshan had already secured victory against a monk who was in the early stage of the Golden Elixir.

Unexpectedly, before he died, the man detonated a Nine-Fire Yin Thunder, directly blowing up dozens of acres of nearby land, including mountains, rivers and trees, into ashes.

Li Xiaoshan and some of his disciples couldn't even escape their souls and died on the spot...

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