After a few days, the busiest autumn harvest of the year finally came to an end.

Large quantities of goods like spiritual rice were stored in the warehouse, while the more precious spiritual plants were stored in the courtyard where Qin Feng lived, waiting for the people from the Reward and Punishment Hall to count and count them tomorrow.

In the evening, Qin Feng sat in the courtyard to regulate his breathing. There were two little monkeys lying at his feet in front of him, not making any noise or noise, and seemed very quiet.

After a long time, Qin Feng finished his practice and slowly opened his eyes. He felt hungry, but because of the hot weather, he didn't want to eat much.

So he took out the exotic fruit he had gotten from the mother ape from his storage bag, cut a small piece with a knife, and threw it to the two little monkeys to share.

After seeing them eating happily and without any discomfort, Qin Feng took a bite with confidence.

The fruit tasted sweet, a bit like a pear, but it did not increase his power at all after eating it, which disappointed Qin Feng, who had been looking forward to it for a long time.

After wolfing down the "pear", Qin Feng burped, looked at the fruit core in his hand, and buried it in the middle of the courtyard...

At three o'clock in the evening,

Qin Feng, who had been meditating in the house, moved his ears, and immediately came out of meditation quickly, got up and hid by the window.

After breaking through to the Soul Purification Stage, his ears became extremely sensitive, and he clearly heard a sneaky sound of footsteps coming!

Looking through the cracks in the window at the courtyard, he saw two figures appear under the moonlight. They were the "thin bamboo pole" and "scarface" who had made a lot of money from him before!

Qin Feng's eyes were cold: "Okay, this is really what others say: if there is a road to heaven, you don't take it, and there is no door to hell, you break in. It saves me a lot of effort."

After a while, "thin bamboo pole" and "scarface" went through the wall silently, one holding a bone spear and the other holding four ghost nails, and slowly walked to the bed.

Then, the bone spear was surrounded by black mist and suddenly stabbed forward.

Almost at the same time, the four ghost nails turned into green light and flew towards the four meridians of the figure on the bed!

At this time, Qin Feng, who had no power to resist, was already a dead body in the eyes of the two.

However, the next moment, they noticed something was wrong. They stepped forward and lifted the bedding. There was only a pillow inside and no one!

"Not good!"

They were worried that Qin Feng would be alert and escape in advance.

But they never expected that Qin Feng did not leave at all. He had been hiding in the dark. He took advantage of the moment when the two were surprised and attacked!

The flaming dragon scale whip spun out from his sleeve like a dragon, and immediately pierced the body of the "thin bamboo pole" closest to him, and then swung his arm back, and instantly blood and bones flew all over the sky.


Scarface was stunned, and it was even more incredible when he saw Qin Feng's face clearly.

"This breath, could it be the cultivation of the Pure Soul Stage? This... This is impossible!"

Scarface's mind was racing, and then he broke through the window and wanted to get away, but the dragon scale whip came flying and wrapped around his arm.

In an instant, Scarface's hand was like a raging fire, which made him hopeless and painful.

Scarface gritted his teeth, then swung his knife to cut off his arm, and at the same time used the magic door secret method to escape a hundred steps away!

Qin Feng was also shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly chased after him.

At this time, Scarface, regardless of the blood flowing from his body, had released the cloud boat and soared into the sky, and was about to fly away.

Qin Feng hurriedly whipped the whip to meet it, and the dragon scale whip, which was only a few feet long, stretched infinitely and flew towards Scarface!

Scarface held a ghost-head knife in his hand and swung it to resist, immediately making a series of teeth-grinding sounds.

The dragon-scale whip immediately entangled the big knife, and the two sides pulled each other and competed in arm strength for a while.

But not long after, the whip tip suddenly kept spinning, like a long snake, biting towards Scarface along the blade. Scarface was caught off guard, and his throat was finally pierced by the dragon-scale whip, and he died on the spot!


Qin Feng exhaled a foul breath, carried Scarface's body into the yard, and cleaned up the battlefield. Then he began to touch the corpse and "lick the bag", looking at the two storage bags in his hand.

After taking out all the things inside, it occupied a full corner, with all kinds of things,

First of all, the spirit stone,

He was extorted of thirty first-level spirit stones before, and now he has got five hundred and thirty with interest, plus interest and interest!

Qin Feng couldn't help but sigh: "Working in the Reward and Punishment Hall, it's so oily.

It's so big?"

He didn't know that "Thin Bamboo" and Scarface were ruthless and bold, and would do some no-cost business from time to time. Naturally, their wealth was far beyond that of ordinary Reward and Punishment Hall disciples.

Then there were a large number of various spiritual plants.

Perhaps someone directly used spiritual plants as "mouth money". Among the spoils in front of him, spiritual plants accounted for half. Qin Feng estimated that the value could be about three or four hundred spiritual stones.

In addition, there were several magic tools with obvious personal imprints. Qin Feng was going to deal with them all. I didn't intend to keep any of the pills I dropped.

Finally, there were some pills.

Most of the pills from Scarface were for healing and improving skills, which Qin Feng happily collected.

Most of the pills from "Thin Bamboo" were Hehuan Pills and Qiyin Powder, no wonder he was so thin!

Qin Feng sneered at these pills and pushed them aside subconsciously.

But he soon felt warm in his heart again.

"Well, let's keep them for now. Who knows when we can use them? "


After licking the bag, Qin Feng took the flesh and blood of the corpse to the spiritual field behind the house and burned it to ashes with a fire talisman.

Then he performed the Spring Breeze and Rain Art to disperse all the strange smells left in the air.

"Thin Bamboo Pole" and Scarface disappeared from the world and turned into fertilizer to nourish the spiritual field behind the house.

After carefully handling all the aftermath, Qin Feng just returned to the house and sat down. The glazed pagoda in his dantian flashed with strange light again, and a palm-sized bronze heart-protecting mirror flew out.

Qin Feng was overjoyed.

"There is also a pagoda reward this time? "

Since Qin Feng did not survive this disaster by hiding, he thought there would be no reward.

Like the last trip to the Abyss Demon Cave, the pagoda remained silent for a month, but this time it was.

Qin Feng thought that the difference between the two seemed to be that this time the disaster was coming, and he couldn't avoid it.

Although the trip to the Demon Cave was difficult to disobey the master's order, there was still a way to refuse it, but Qin Feng didn't want to...

The disappearance of "Thin Bamboo Pole" and Scarface did not cause any waves in the Nether Ghost Sect,

After all, in the Demon Sect where private fights are not prohibited, such things happen from time to time, and it is not surprising.

Moreover, no one suspected Qin Feng of the disappearance of these two people,

Because the two of them were not the people sent by the Reward and Punishment Hall to inspect the harvest of spiritual plants in Xuanyin Peak this year. They just wanted to kill Qin Feng on the eve of the inspection and then plunder everything here.

So they acted in secret, and no one knew that they had been to Xuanyin Peak a few days before they disappeared, and there was no connection with Qin Feng...

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