The years passed like water, and time flies like an arrow.

In the blink of an eye, nearly fifty years have passed.

On this day, the sun was setting and the clouds were bright.

At this time, the sky above Baimang Mountain and Fuyun Cave was suddenly covered with clouds and mist, and the spiritual energy around them kept surging, startling the tired birds that had just returned to the forest and flying away.

In the cave, Qin Feng, who had been sitting in meditation for an unknown period of time, opened his eyes. He felt his mind was clearer than ever before, and his eyes were more determined than ever before.

"I have been cultivating for more than 200 years, and my old friends have passed away one after another. Only the green mountains remain, and the sunsets are red for several times.

In my life, whether I will be 'all right and wrong, success and failure, nothing at the end', or can I continue to 'laugh at the vast ocean with a pot of muddy wine', it all depends on today!"

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he took out the Jinfu Dan and Guiyuan Dan that had been stored for 50 years, closed his eyes and swallowed them in one gulp.

After cultivating to the perfection of the Tao Entry Stage, the true essence in the body has become extremely mellow and almost sticky. It is somewhat similar to the state of the essence of the herbs in the Dan furnace when Qin Feng was refining the Baicao Dan before, and no longer needed to input spiritual power into the Bagua Plate.

After Qin Feng swallowed the Jinfu Dan, the three flowers on his head gathered at the top of his head, and the five internal organs in his body rose.

Then his whole body gradually became hot, and there was even some burning pain in the Dantian Qi Sea, which completely turned into a Dan furnace.

At this point, Qin Feng had to keep transferring his skills to attract the Qi, "fan the wind and light the fire", using the true essence that he had cultivated for hundreds of years as the material for alchemy, constantly compressing the essence, and began to condense the golden elixir!

This process is extremely long and dangerous.

When refining elixirs, if you are not careful, there is still the danger of the furnace exploding, not to mention the furnace made of mortal flesh.

The tens of millions of meridians in the body, every breath, must be straightened out, and there must be no mistakes, otherwise it will be a case of going crazy at the least, or even directly dying!

It is no wonder that most of the cultivators in the world of cultivation will fall in front of this natural chasm...

This went on for three days,

It was another sunset,

Suddenly, a dark green light came out from the floating cloud cave and shot into the gorgeous sunset, making this world more dreamy and blurred.

The dark green light flashed and then disappeared. A cloud of mist formed in the space around Qin Feng in the cave. It was bright and transparent, and echoed with the three flowers above.

The spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth gathered immediately, gradually forming a spiritual energy vortex, all of which flowed into the dark green cloud, and then poured into the dantian!

Compared with three days ago, Qin Feng's dantian had expanded more than ten times.

After the spiritual energy of heaven and earth poured in, the whole dantian immediately became misty and rainy, and it really looked a bit like a sea of ​​qi.

However, at this time, the sea of ​​qi in the dantian had nothing but the smoke transformed by the spiritual energy. The abundant true essence before had disappeared, and it seemed empty.

The pouring of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth lasted for more than an hour before it gradually stopped.

At this time, the three flowers on Qin Feng's head returned to his soul, and the dark blue clouds around him seemed to be a strange phenomenon of heaven and earth, but they did not dissipate at this time, but directly entered the Dantian Qi Sea.

For a moment, the Dantian Qi Sea, which was originally a little gray, suddenly became colorful and shining.

After a while,

When the last sunset outside the cave also disappeared in the sky,

I saw a dazzling golden light suddenly rising slowly in Qin Feng's Dantian, like a rising sun, hovering in the center of the clouds.

The light gradually weakened,

Finally, the "sun" showed its true form, which was actually a round and flawless golden pill!

A sword spans the world, and the pill is completed and travels through the nine heavens!

Almost at the same time, the Duobao Liuli Demon Suppression Tower, which had disappeared for a while, also broke through the Danhai fog and reappeared above the golden elixir...

Qin Feng continued to sit cross-legged like an old monk, and after nine days, he frowned and opened his eyes.

Early stage of golden elixir!

"I'm still alive, I... I succeeded?"

Qin Feng sat there in a daze, still feeling a little unbelievable,

Just because he had paid too much hardship in the past hundred years to break through the golden elixir stage,

About forty years ago, Qin Feng finally cultivated to the perfection of the Tao after eating countless Baicao Pills, and was ready to break through the golden elixir stage at any time, just waiting for the opportunity to come,

However, this wait lasted for several years.

Seeing his lifespan consumed bit by bit, the blood and qi in his body were about to decline, not to mention how much Qin Feng was tormented in his heart.

At this time, Qin Feng could no longer bear it, so he picked up the Hunyuan Banner again, disguised himself as a wandering doctor and went out to travel, collecting

Gathering the blood of the most yang and the most yin, while looking for a breakthrough opportunity.

This continued until the tenth year after he entered the Dao perfectly.

Qin Feng's footprints have spread across dozens of mortal kingdoms of varying sizes, leaving behind many legends of saving the dying and the wounded, but there is still no sign of any breakthrough.

So, Qin Feng, exhausted, returned to the Floating Cloud Cave in Baimang Mountain, and stayed in front of the cave in despair, watching the floating clouds.

At that moment, Qin Feng suddenly felt something in his heart, and the spiritual energy between heaven and earth was also shocked. He hurriedly entered the cave and began to impact the Jindan stage. Unexpectedly, he really succeeded in one fell swoop!

After breaking through to the Jindan stage, his life span increased by 400 years, and he could live for 700 years!

After the long-cherished wish was fulfilled, Qin Feng felt an unspeakable sense of unreality, which made him unable to recover for a long time...

A month later, Qin Feng finally stabilized his realm completely.

It is said that cultivators who have just broken through to the Golden Core stage will emit bursts of elixir fragrance from time to time.

If the realm is not stabilized as soon as possible and the elixir fragrance is restrained, it will easily attract the devil to spy.

At that time, as long as one is not careful, he will be devoured by the devil and fall into an irreversible situation.

Qin Feng packed up the things in the cave and planned to move to the cave where he killed the demon Fu Chong before.

After all, the spiritual energy here in Fuyun Cave is still a little poor.

When entering the Dao stage, you can barely live here. After breaking through to the Golden Core stage, if you continue to live in such a place all year round, it will hinder your practice.

Qin Feng had already taken a fancy to the cave of the demon Fu Chong, but he was worried about hidden dangers and put it aside for the time being.

But after observing for so many years, Fu Chong seemed to be a lone man. Qin Feng was relieved when he heard that no one wanted to avenge him.

Just after he walked out of the cave and was about to call the double-winged bear and the white tiger to leave, two rays of light suddenly flew in the sky. They were Xue Jiong and another middle-aged cultivator who were poisoned by Qin Feng's Lianxin Gu.

The middle-aged cultivator had perfected his cultivation and looked at Qin Feng with a proud face:

"Are you Lin Yidao who poisoned my seventh brother with Lianxin Gu?"

"So what?"

Facing the person who was looking for trouble in front of him,

Qin Feng said in a calm tone while releasing his spiritual sense to check if there were any other people following behind them.

After confirming that there was no one else, he immediately felt relieved.

"If that's the case, then die obediently!"

As the middle-aged cultivator said, he raised his hand and instantly appeared hundreds of golden stars and thousands of silver lights, flying towards Qin Feng aggressively!

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