The two of them were in a mess, but the two of them were in a mess.

Jiang Xuejun said coldly:

"Your surname is Qin again, and your eyes are similar to that of the devil. Tell me, do you have a fellow tribesman named Qin Feng?"

Qin Feng was really shocked after hearing this.

You know, he is wearing a mask called Demon Lord Fu on his face.

This is a magic weapon that Master Xuanyin gave to Qin Feng for this mission. It can change multiple faces at will, making it difficult to distinguish the real from the fake.

Therefore, Qin Feng's current appearance is very different from his original self.

But he never expected that Jiang Xuejun would associate him with him through his eyes!

Qin Feng quickly explained:

"My family has lived in Meilin County, Yue State for generations. There are few people in the clan, and there is no one named Qin Feng."

Jiang Xuejun gritted his teeth and said:

"It's better this way."

Seeing this, the people nearby could see that Jiang Xuejun seemed to really hate the man named "Qin Feng" and guessed what Qin Feng had done to her.

After Jiang Xuejun left, Gu Ming whispered in Qin Feng's ear:

"Brother, do you think Qin Feng is the unfaithful lover of Jiang Senior Sister? Just like what is said in the opera, the two lovers who once swore to each other..."

"Shh! Shut up! This kind of words are not to be said casually, be careful not to ruin Jiang Senior Sister's reputation!"

Qin Feng quickly stopped Gu Ming who kept imagining the scene, and felt quite depressed...

On this day, Qin Feng and more than a dozen fellow disciples were sent to an island called Xiankong Island for garrison.

It must be said that he didn't know whether he was an outer disciple. Disciple, or because the Shuyuan Demon Palace is too powerful, there are many more similar mandatory sect tasks in the Qinglian Sword Sect than in the Nether Ghost Sect.

Xiankong Island has a quiet scenery. At night, a half-moon hangs alone in the sky.

Qin Feng is very bored and walks alone on the beach to relax.

"Alas, I wanted to be a Taoist quietly, but how come I became a Wujie?"

To be honest, Qin Feng used to yearn for the life of a Taoist monk, and even seriously considered defecting and joining the righteous path.

But now that he has been in the Qingyuan Sword Sect for more than eight years, he often feels a little uncomfortable, always thinking about how to find the Qingming Sword as soon as possible and return to Xuanyin Peak...

Looking at the sea under the moonlight, he saw the vast waves, the blue sea and the blue sky, and there was no end in sight.

Qin Feng used to live in the endless mountains and ridges for many years. At this time, listening to the sound of the tide like a drum, it was a different artistic conception, and he felt that the trip was worthwhile.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew up at the seaside, and the raging waves slammed towards the cliff, hitting the reefs on the shore, stirring up thousands of layers of snow.

Qin Feng was in doubt, and suddenly saw a huge sea clam floating on the sea. When the clam mouth opened slightly, a dazzling light flashed inside, and there should be a lot of pearls hidden.

If the quality of pearls is good enough, they can also be used for alchemy.

Qin Feng immediately wanted to capture the clam to get the pearls, but suddenly he saw a monster with a fish body and a bull head appear in the sea, holding a steel fork and stepping on the waves to chase the clam.

Just as he walked behind the clam and raised the steel fork to stab forward, Qin Feng waved his fingers, and the Juying Sword, which had not been seen for a long time, flew out and cut off the monster's arm in an instant.

The monster roared, but after looking at Qin Feng for a few times, he hesitated for a moment, picked up the broken arm, and "plop" dived into the sea and escaped.

Qin Feng flew to the sea surface and found that the clam was much bigger than when he saw it on the shore. It was probably more than a thousand years old, and he didn't know if it had become a spirit.

"The pearls inside must be of good quality!"

Qin Feng was overjoyed. When he was about to swing his sword to break the clam and take the pearls, the clam opened on its own. It was unknown whether it felt the killing intention or offered the pearls inside to thank Qin Feng for saving its life.

Qin Feng smiled:

"Since you are so sensible, I will spare your life."

After that, he carefully took out a few black pearls the size of eggs from it.

He lifted them up and put them in the moonlight for a closer look. He saw that there was a gas flowing in these black pearls, which was very strange.

At this time, the thousand-year-old sea clam made a strange sound, as if saying goodbye to Qin Feng, and then sank to the bottom of the sea to take,

"Have a good journey, don't be stared at by sea monsters again!"

Qin Feng smiled and waved his hand, flying back to Xiankong Island...

The owner of Xiankong Island is a cultivator in the late Jindan period, named Xiankongzi. This island is named after him.

Named after him,

Xian Kongzi is a very powerful alchemist, famous in the East China Sea. Therefore, even though Xian Kong Island is located in a remote area, Shuyuan Demon Palace has repeatedly tried to conquer this place and earn Xian Kongzi into the palace.

On this day, it was rare that there were several days of peace and tranquility. Xian Kongzi summoned his disciples and the people of Qinglian Sword Sect who helped to guard the island, and held a banquet to teach his alchemy experience.

This is a very rare and good thing.

Qin Feng also knows a little about alchemy, but at present, he can't make very good pills, and the success rate is terrible.

When he asked Xiong Lie, the second senior brother who is the best at alchemy in the Xuanyin lineage, he seemed to be hiding something and was not willing to teach.

And now, Xian Kongzi, the alchemy master, is willing to teach them, outsiders, his alchemy experience. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Therefore, in the following two-hour lecture, Qin Feng was fascinated and completely absorbed, and benefited a lot.

When the lecture came to an end, Qin Feng even asked a few questions, and was fortunately answered patiently by Xian Kongzi. The doubts buried in his heart for many years were gone, and he felt as if he had been enlightened.

Next, Qin Feng stayed in Xian Kong Island for more than three months. During this period, he often asked people about the art of alchemy, and even became friends with Ling Wei, a disciple of Xian Kongzi who was easy to talk to...

More than a year has passed.

It has been nearly ten years since Qin Feng came to Qinglian Sword Sect.

Qin Feng stood on the cliff of Honglian Peak, looking at the rolling sea of ​​clouds below the mountain, feeling quite melancholy.

Originally, he thought that he could go back at most three years after coming here.

Who knew that three years later, three years later, and three years later,

Now it has been ten years, but there is no trace of Qingming Sword!

Although Qin Feng had not wasted his time in the past ten years, and often practiced hard, his attainments in alchemy and sword techniques were deepening,

However, he still felt quite uncomfortable in the Qinglian Sword Sect, and the struggle between this sect and the Shuyuan Demon Palace was becoming increasingly fierce.

As the saying goes, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, Qin Feng naturally wanted to leave here as soon as possible, so as not to be affected by the disaster and sacrifice his life for the Qinglian Sword Sect like the grandfather of the person who pretended to be him.

Just as Qin Feng was staring at the sea of ​​clouds in a daze, he suddenly saw Heyi Sanren, who was flying towards the Qinglian Peak with a panicked look on his sword...

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