After a long rest, Qin Feng drank a pot of wine in the forest restaurant and was about to leave.

But at this time, Wan Shizhi suddenly told the story of the last demon king who killed people everywhere after getting the Qingming Sword, which made people stunned.

Someone asked in disbelief:

"Is this Qingming Sword really that powerful?"

Wanshizhi shook his folding fan and said:

"Is this true? The Qingming Sword was the founder of the Nether Ghost Sect. It was cast with the divine iron from the Nine Netherworld. It is rare in the world... Do you know who finally got this sword?"

Everyone shook their heads.

This place is quite far from the Nether Mountains, separated by many rivers and lakes, so it is normal not to know.

Wanshizhi seemed to know it clearly:

"The final owner of the Qingming Sword is none other than the first Master Xuanyin who has ascended to heaven in the past few hundred years in our cultivation world."

After these words fell, the tavern was instantly noisy.

Someone said in disbelief:

"Now it is the time of the 49th calamity. Who is this Master Xuanyin? How could he ascend to heaven?"

All Things Know suddenly said with some melancholy:

"This 49th calamity seems to be a joke played by the heaven on us cultivators. Many things are the opposite.

In the past, if we committed less murder, the thunder calamity of ascension would be reduced. Now, the more people we kill, the easier it is to ascend.

The Qingming Sword was a token of the successive leaders of the Nether Ghost Sect.

Now, Master Xuanyin has used it to kill hundreds of disciples and tempered it with the blood of countless fellows. As a result, he opened the door to ascension and ascended easily..."

After hearing this, everyone sighed.

"This is really a decline in morals and people's hearts are not as they used to be..."

After a while, someone suddenly asked:

"Scholar, since you are known as the Master of Everything, do you know that the Nether Ghost Sect After the demise of the Ghost Sect, why didn't it revive like the Shuyuan Demon Palace you mentioned before? "

Someone immediately agreed: "Yes, as far as I know, there are quite a few disciples of the Nether Ghost Sect who are scattered all over the place, and they don't want to rebuild the sect."

Wanshizhi smiled proudly:

"Of course I know this, because the Nether King of Hell did not completely perish, but turned into the vengeful spirit of the ancestor, and still exists in the world at this time.

Before, the Blood Prison Demon Lord originally wanted to rebuild the Nether Ghost Sect,

Who knew that hundreds of disciples in the sect died and injured overnight, which frightened him to flee back to his old nest overnight and changed the name of the sect back to the Blood Prison Sect, so that he did not return to peace..."

This secret, let alone the other people in the tavern, even Qin Feng heard it for the first time,

It seems that Wanshizhi is really a bit of a stuntman, not the kind of swindler.

At the same time, Qin Feng was also very glad that he had named his sect Xuanyin Sect for the sake of safety, instead of rebuilding the Nether Ghost Sect as Lu Youwei said. Otherwise, if he was targeted by the vengeful spirit of the ancestor, he would not know how he died! At this time, someone else asked: "Scholar, since you claim to know everything, do you know where the immortal palace Taoist treasure has appeared recently?" These people seemed to enjoy asking questions to stump the know-it-all, and the more they asked, the more outrageous they became. Who would have thought that such an obviously difficult question, Wan Shizhi actually waved his paper fan calmly and said:

"Speaking of the Taoist treasures of the Immortal Palace, within ten years, the Immortal Coffin Mountain will appear nearby. Eighty years later, the Demon Cave will reappear on the Qi Jue Ridge. Two hundred years later, the Feilei Immortal Palace in the Falling Demon Valley will reappear..."

Everyone was stunned when they heard it.

"What Immortal Coffin Mountain? I have lived here for hundreds of years and have never heard of it. I'm afraid you, a poor scholar, made it up!"

For a while, there was a constant noise in the wine shop...

Qin Feng walked out of the wine shop and walked in the woods. He saw the pomegranate flowers in full bloom in the woods, and the red was dazzling. The scenery was very pleasant.

After enjoying the scenery for a while, he was about to walk out of the flower forest when someone shouted from behind:

"Daoyou, wait a minute!"

Qin Feng turned around and saw Wan Shizhi coming from a distance.

This person was mysterious, and Qin Feng didn't want to deal with him, so he said indifferently:

"What's the matter?"

Wanshizhi stared at Qin Feng for a while, opened his folding fan, and said with a smile:

"If I'm not mistaken, you are the head of the Xuanyin Sect, the 'Gentleman Sword' Qin Feng?"

This person is really a bit weird!

When the two met for the first time outside the Feilei Immortal Mansion, Wanshizhi was the one who attracted everyone's attention, while Qin Feng hid behind the crowd and was ordinary.

Although Qin Feng did not change his face with the Demon Lord at this time,

But he was in disguise, and his image was completely different from that of the past.

How could he recognize him even in this way?

Qin Feng couldn't help wondering, could this person also have the same dog nose as Wu Lei Zhenren?

Of course, it is more likely that this Wan Shi Zhi has learned some secret technique of calculating all kinds of things, or has some kind of magic weapon that defies the heavens...

Qin Feng still looked at Wan Shi Zhi with indifference:

"I don't know any Qin Feng, just tell me what you want to say."

Wan Shi Zhi put away the folding fan,

"This flower forest is the location of the Immortal Coffin Mountain that will appear in the world in ten years. Are you interested in coming here to hunt for treasures together in the future?"

In addition to Fei Lei Xianfu, Qin Feng was not very interested in treasure hunting in other secret realms,

but he still asked casually:

"What is the origin of this Immortal Coffin Mountain , what treasures are there in it? "

Wanshizhi's eyes lit up, thinking that he could persuade Qin Feng,

"Xianguan Mountain is said to be the burial place of ancient immortals. It is usually hidden deep in the underworld. It will only appear on the night of the Seven Stars in a few hundred years.

And the ancient treasures, immortal pills and Taoist methods inside are all available. You must not miss them!"

After listening, Qin Feng nodded,

"Sorry, I'm not interested."

After saying that, he continued to move forward,

Wanshizhi was stunned for a moment, obviously he didn't expect that someone could resist the temptation of the secret treasure of Xianguan Mountain.

He quickly stuck to Qin Feng like a dog skin plaster and persuaded him a few more times, but Qin Feng was still indifferent and refused with a firm attitude.

In desperation, Wan Shizhi had to say:

"To be honest with you, this secret realm of Xianguan Mountain is indeed quite dangerous,

but a few years ago, I spent an epoch of my life to calculate that I would meet an acquaintance in this pomegranate forest tavern.

As long as I follow this person, I can escape danger and get the treasure I want from the secret realm..."

Qin Feng asked him:

"You have been here for several years, and the acquaintance you met is not me, right?"

"That's right!"

Wan Shizhi said with shining eyes:

"So please rest assured, as long as we enter the Immortal Coffin Mountain together, we will definitely be able to turn danger into safety and take all those ancient treasures and immortal elixir secrets into our pockets!"

Qin Feng was a little moved after hearing this,

But the experience of Feilei Xianfu last time was really bad, so he chose to refuse,

"It's a pity that you recognized the wrong person, I am not Qin Feng."

After saying this, in order to avoid Wanshizhi continuing to chatter in his ears, he simply flew up on his sword and rushed into the sky...

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