Gou Zai Xianwu Marries a Wife and Lives Long

Chapter 158: Under Li Feiyu, Han Li's conditions! (seeking subscription

  Chapter 158 It's raining heavily, Han Li's conditions! (seeking subscription)

  Yuanzhou, the capital.

  Han Li is now pretending to be an elegant middle-aged man, dressed in green, with a piece of green jade hanging from his waist, and holding a folding fan in his hand, like a romantic scholar.

  He was sitting in a private room on the ninth floor of the famous Zuixian Que in the capital, drinking wine, listening to music, and watching dances.

In front of him, there are two little beauties, one is playing the qin sonata, plucking the strings with bare hands, the sound of the qin is melodious and light, as if a thousand years has passed by; People are pleasing to the eye.

  Both women are good-looking, but they have no qualifications, and Han Li doesn't even have the idea of ​​accepting them as concubines.

   "Good job, reward!"

  Han Li applauded and threw out a bag of spirit stones, which contained dozens of low-grade spirit stones.

   "Thank you for your kindness."

   The two women received the reward, thanked them, and retreated.

  Han Li picked up the wine glass from the sapphire case, took a sip of Zuixianque's signature fine wine, and felt that the taste was really good.

  Originally, he wanted to go to the famous Fengyue Towers in the capital to have a meeting, but when he thought that the oirans there were all early and had no Yuan Yin, he suddenly lost interest.

  This time, if he forms an alliance with Chu Zhenxiong in his capacity, as long as he thinks, he can get any princess, queen, princess or lady.

  Han Li walked to the window and looked at the palace. Before coming, he had planned it out, and he even considered the price. As for whether Chu Zhenxiong would agree?

  Chu Zhenxiong could only agree.

  In the imperial palace, in a large hall, Emperor Qian was reporting the current situation to Chu Dinggan, an old man in gray.

   "Old Ancestor, Yinyang Dao, Kurong Temple, Dajing Dynasty, and Fengbolou are all temporarily inactive, and the situation has stabilized a little. As long as the interior is stable, we still have a chance to go big."

"The national teacher, the grand teacher and others have led the army to retreat to the six central states for defense, and a large number of sects and families from the twelve outer states have also migrated here. Although most of the territory has been lost, the background of my great work has been preserved. "

   "Yin Yang Dao, Kurong Temple"

  Emperor Qian picked out the important part of the intelligence fed back to him by the important ministers in the court, with mixed feelings in his heart.

   King Wu'an is dead, he doesn't need to be a puppet Emperor, and can continue to hold power, which is good news.

   Both King Wu'an and Emperor Taishang died, but it was a huge bad news, which caused the situation of the Dagan Dynasty to collapse, and the territory was annexed by two-thirds of the four major forces, leaving only the six central states of the Dagan Dynasty.

  Even if he can continue to be Emperor Qian, his power will not be as good as before. What's more, Daqian is still in crisis. Two years later, the Jiaosheng Secret Realm will be born, and the real martial arts realm of the four major forces will come out. Will they continue to invade Daqian?

  Even if he won't get involved in Dagan for the time being, the ancestor of Zhenxiong will not have much lifespan. Can he guard Dagan for fifty years?

  In this case, Emperor Qian would rather step back and let others take the position. The pressure in this position is too great for Emperor Qian to bear.

  The gray-clothed old man didn't speak, and Emperor Qian didn't dare. He could only wait silently. He was used to the slowness of the ancestor Zhenxiong.

  After a long time, Chu Dingqian raised his eyelids, and said slowly: "How many monks and forces in the Vientiane Realm are there in Dagan?"

  Emperor Qian replied immediately: "There are still many."

  "In this crisis, all high-end combat forces were dispatched, some of them were sacrificed, but most of them were still alive."

   "One supervisor of Qin Tianjian, two supervisors of Jingye Division, three Jiedu envoys, a general, champion marquis, three pillars of the country, and two of the Hidden Vientiane Realm also died, a total of thirteen."

   "National Teacher, Grand Master, and Zuo are equal to the Myriad Phrases Realm, counting me and Mr. Cao, and the two hidden Myriad Phrases Realm, there are seventeen more."

  Emperor Qian paused, and then said: "Only two of the top ten sects have moved into the six states in the central region. Counting the two in the mainland, there are only four forces in the Vientiane Realm."

  Emperor Qian's heart was full of bitterness. The Dagan Dynasty at its peak had a profound foundation, sitting in 18 prefectures, with three true martial arts fighters and more than forty grand masters of the Vientiane realm.

  Now the territory of the Daqian Dynasty is only in the six central states, only the ancestor of Zhenxiong is left in the Zhenwu Realm, there are only seventeen in the official Vientiane Realm, and only four or five in the private Vientiane Realm.


  Chu Dingqian sighed, he also thought of what Emperor Qian could think of.

  The Dagan dynasty he created with one hand can only linger on now, even if he insists on it, he will have a lifespan of forty or fifty years at most.

  If he can't find the Martial King of the True Martial Realm to sit in charge, then he will flee from Daqian before he is born in the Jiaosheng Secret Realm, and the Dagan Dynasty will be destroyed sooner or later.

  Chu Dingqian can't help it. When the Jiaosheng Secret Realm is born, the four major powers trapped inside the Real Martial Realm will appear. If he launches a siege at that time, even if he can kill two or three with his strength, he will die in the end.

  But Chu Dingqian doesn't want to die yet, he wants to live out the third, fourth, or even more lives, he wants to cultivate to the Shenyuan state or even the Tongxuan state.

   As long as one life succeeds in cultivating to the Divine Origin Realm and becoming a Martial Emperor, he will have a lifespan of five thousand years. He will truly stand on the top of Qianyuan Shenzhou, and he will have enough time to cultivate the next magic embryo.

  If things go on like this, life after life, he will eventually cultivate to a higher level in one life, and he may not be able to challenge the Four Sacred Grounds.

   But if there is a helper in the real martial arts realm, the situation will be different. The deterrent power of the Daqian Dynasty will be greatly increased, and the four major forces will have more scruples. They can buy him a lot of time to cultivate the magic embryo and re-cultivate to the real martial arts realm.

  Unfortunately, during this period of time, he contacted two old friends. They were unwilling to stand up for the Daqian Dynasty and dare not offend the four major forces.

  Chu Dingqian planned to wait for the Dagan Dynasty to stabilize for another month before leaving for other places to seek help. He even considered moving to Tianxuan Mountain, which is within the scope of Qitianjiao.

  Although Tianxuan Mountain is weak, there is also a powerful True Martial Realm Martial King behind him. If he can win over, the Daqian Dynasty will be stable.

  Suddenly, Chu Dingqian frowned slightly, and his heart stirred up waves. He said to Emperor Qian: "You should make arrangements first, and the internal affairs of Dagan must be stabilized quickly."

  Emperor Qian got the order and left the hall.

  As soon as he left, Chu Dingqian's figure disappeared, and then he appeared on the sky. His spiritual consciousness swept towards Zuixian Que, and after finding that there was no ambush, he appeared in the private room on the ninth floor of Zuixian Que.

  After seeing the face of the other party clearly, Chu Dingqian was overjoyed, but he held back and didn't show it. He pretended to be calm and asked:

   "I don't know why the friend sent the old man to come out? The old man and the fellow Taoist don't know each other."

  Chu Dinggan had his hands behind his back, and in the palm of his right hand was holding a small stove covered with runes, but it didn't emit any breath. It seemed like an ordinary incense burner.

  He didn't use his spiritual consciousness, and the power of the soul was blessed on his eyes, trying to see the true face of this person, but he didn't succeed.

   While guessing the purpose of this person coming to the capital to find him, he was thinking about where this person came from.

   "Fellow Daoist Chu is really fast, and his strength is so profound that he really lives up to his reputation."

  Han Li didn't get up, but his body and He Qingyu's case were suspended, level with Chu Dingqian.

  Han Li chose Zuixian Que because he wanted to meet Daqian, the ancestor of the True Martial Realm, here.

Although he is very confident in his own strength and knows that Chu Zhenxiong will not fight him during this period, Han Li still does not want to take risks. The Dagan Palace must have a real martial arts formation, which is stronger than the formation in the capital many.

  The guardian array in the capital couldn't stop him, but the palace's was hard to say, and the meeting here was the same. Under the cover of his spiritual consciousness, the outside world couldn't hear or see anything at all.

  At the same time, Han Li raised his vigilance to the highest level, and quickly prepared to arouse his senses, urging the Zhenjun sword on the Qingyu case to kill Chu Zhenxiong.

   "Where is it? Compared with fellow daoists, Chu's strength is still a bit weaker. Fellow daoist swordsman Dugu Bing, the demon leader of Yin and Yang, is now famous all over the world and has attracted the admiration of countless creatures." Chu Zhenxiong praised.

   This elegant middle-aged man seemed easy-going, but he had a terrifying record. Chu Zhenxiong didn't dare to underestimate him at all. He didn't even dare to be superior when he spoke, but communicated in a more equal tone.

He has read the detailed information of the Leizhou War. This person was very talkative at the beginning, and he kept persuading Dugu Bing of the Yin-Yang Dao that peace is the most important thing. People, with a few swords, Dugu Bing was severely injured. If Dugu Bing hadn't escaped with the blood escape method, he would have died in Leizhou with a high probability.

   "I can't count this as a proud record, but fellow Daoist Chu." Now that Chu Zhenxiong gave him face, Han Li also exchanged business bragging with him.

   While flattering each other, the two are wary of each other, wary of each other's sudden murder.

   After a while, Chu Dingqian asked, "What's your name, Fellow Daoist?"

  He had vaguely guessed the intention of the other party. This person must be aware of Dagan's plight. When this time comes, he will maintain goodwill throughout the process, and his purpose is obvious.

   It's just that he has a lot of doubts in his heart. What is the origin of this person? And why do you want to help Dagan? What conditions will be issued?

  Chu Dingqian was thinking about the price he could pay, and also how much the other party's appetite was.

   "It's raining heavily." Han Li said calmly, he had already thought of the name of this vest.

   "It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Li."

  Chu Dingqian nodded slightly. He knew it must be a fake name, but it didn't matter, as long as the other party's cultivation was real and his willingness to help Dagan was real, then that would be fine.

   After thinking for a while, Chu Dingqian said, "What is the purpose of coming here, Fellow Daoist Li?"

   "The purpose is very simple, to help you get out of trouble." Han Li said lightly.

  Han Li didn't want to chat with Chu Zhenxiong any more, so he just spoke directly.

  Chu Dingqian's pupils shrank slightly, and he was overjoyed, but he didn't show it. He asked calmly, "What are the conditions for you, Fellow Daoist Li?"

   "It depends on what kind of help you need from me." Han Li said casually.

   "You Daoist Li is very strong, can you kill the ancestor Yu Wenhua of the Dajing Dynasty for me?" Chu Dingqian tentatively asked.

  The royal family of the Dajing Dynasty is the Yuwen family, and Yu Wenhua is another ancestor of the Dajing Dynasty, who is at the fifth level of the True Martial Realm, and now sits in the capital of Dajing.

  There is a magic gate behind the Yin-Yang Dao, a Buddhist gate behind the Kurong Temple, and even a big force behind the Fengbo Tower, at least at the Shenyuan level, Chu Dingqian can't afford to provoke them all.

  Of the four major forces that invaded the Dagan Dynasty, only the Dajing Dynasty can be provoked, and it is best to be careful, because the Dajing Dynasty has no background.

  If Li Feiyu really killed Yu Wenhua of the Dajing Dynasty, then the Dagan Dynasty would be saved.

   Yinyang Road, Kurong Temple and Fengbo Tower will definitely take the opportunity to destroy the Dajing Dynasty, and the Dagan Dynasty will be able to get a respite, and even take the opportunity to take back the three northern states, and enter the Dajing Dynasty, biting off a large piece of meat.


   "What about the conditions?"

"Three heaven-level top-rank exercises or martial arts, ten heaven-level mid-low-rank exercises and martial arts, the number and grade of heaven-level magic weapons are the same as above, plus five million top-grade spirit stones, and ten bottles of third-rank spirit pills," Han Li said faintly. road.


  After listening to Han Li's conditions, even Chu Dingqian gasped, and said with a wry smile, "You Daoist Li, this is really a lion's mouth. The Daqian Dynasty can't produce so many rare treasures."

  The heaven-level top-grade kung fu, martial arts and magic weapons are all at the level of the Shenyuan realm. Although there are some in the Dagan Dynasty, there are not so many.

  Ten martial arts and martial arts of the middle and lower ranks of the heavenly level, ten magic weapons of the middle and lower ranks of the heavenly rank, and ten bottles of third-rank panacea, Chu Dinggan could still produce them by gritting his teeth.

  Five million high-grade spirit stones is an astronomical figure, and Chu Dingqian can't get it out.

A high-grade spirit stone is worth 10,000 low-grade spirit stones, five million high-grade spirit stones, that is 50 billion low-grade spirit stones, Chu Dinggan can't get it out, even if he can, he won't take it, this will Hollowed out the entire Daqian Dynasty.

  Tianxuan Mountain has been accumulated for thousands of years, and after excluding the consumption of spirit stones, there are only less than 30 million low-grade spirit stones, which is twice as much as the power of the normal Void Realm.

The general spirit stone reserve of the Vientiane Realm forces is only 100 million to 500 million low-grade spirit stones. The Daqian Dynasty is a power at the level of the True Martial Realm. There are only three to four million top-grade spirit stones.

   "Yu Wenhua is the Martial King of the Fifth Realm of True Martial Realm, and he has been sitting in the capital of Dajing. The palace is densely covered with arrays. How can it be so easy to kill?"

   "If I go to attack and kill him, I might lose this life, so the condition is not high." Han Li said lightly, trying to fool around.

  He knew that Chu Zhenxiong was probing, so Han Li directly opened his mouth. It was impossible for Chu Zhenxiong to agree to such a condition, so what if he agreed?

   At worst, he can just wait for a few years, break through the real martial arts realm, and then attack and kill Yu Wenhua. Will Chu Zhenxiong dare to renege on his debt?

  Dare to rely on his account, Han Li directly suppressed and killed him.

Of course, this is only limited to the Dajing Dynasty. If Chu Zhenxiong asked him to attack the real martial arts realm of Yinyang Dao, Kurong Temple, Fengbolou and other forces, Han Li would not give any conditions. Before his strength was insufficient, he would not dare to be too provocative these powerful forces.

  Although he was wearing a vest that experienced rain, Han Li couldn't guarantee that the two holy places behind Yinyang Dao and Kurong Temple would never be found on Han Li's head.

   At that time, it will not be possible to get rid of it by saying "Li Feiyu did this, it has nothing to do with me, Han Li, you go to Li Feiyu".

  Chu Dinggan nodded slightly, agreeing with Li Feiyu's words, it is not easy to kill a true martial arts king, let alone a mid-stage true martial arts king in his lair.

   "If I need Fellow Daoist Li to help me guard Daqian for five hundred years, what conditions does Fellow Daoist Li have?"

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  (end of this chapter)

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