Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 122 Shrek vs. Royal Fighter Team (Part 1)

Oscar was naturally not as good as Ma Hongjun, who had used Shunpo. He waited until Ye Lingling had cured Yu Tianheng, and then he arrived belatedly. Seeing that Wang Xiaofeng had many wounds on his body, Oscar silently recited a spell to conjure sausages and sausages and quickly handed them to Wang Xiaofeng, "Xiao Feng, eat them quickly."

"Thanks, Oscar." Wang Xiaofeng ate it, and the numbness in his body immediately dissipated a lot, and the wounds, large and small, began to slowly recover.

When two fighting spirit teams appear under the ring at the same time, the leaders of both teams will not be absent. When the team members were confronting each other, Masters Flender and Zhao Wuji naturally saw Qin Ming, the leader of the opposing Huangdou team.

Flanders saw Qin Ming, who was a hundred meters away, and his expression suddenly changed, and then he gradually relaxed. His original nervousness seemed to be relieved a lot, and he secretly said to Zhao Wuji: "It seems that I don't need to do it this time." I’m worried, Wuji, look who’s on the other side?”

Zhao Wuji also saw Qin Ming, and his eyes suddenly widened, "How could it be him..."

The master was not far from the two of them, so he naturally heard the conversation between Flanders and Zhao Wuki. He looked at the two of them doubtfully and said, "Do you know the other party's leader?"

Flender chuckled and said, "Keep it a secret and wait until this soul fight is over before we talk about it. Anyway, with his restraint, we will definitely not be able to fight."

Manager Ao hurriedly hurriedly arrived at the scene. He ran to the center of the two teams and begged: "Everyone, everyone, it's not the start time of the team battle yet. If you have any grievances, you can settle them in the team battle spirit. It's still... Please go back to the box and take a short rest."

Qin Ming naturally saw Flanders and Zhao Wuji opposite him, his eyes lit up, and he followed Supervisor Ao's words and said, "Okay, let's go." After that, he left with the Huangdou Team.

The master saw that Flanders knew the team leader opposite and seemed to have some friendship. Director Ao's words just gave the teams on both sides a chance to step up, so he nodded and said: "Since Director Ao said so, let's go back first. Bar."

Naturally, everyone didn't want to let the Royal Dou Team go so easily, but since the master had spoken, no one would refute. And they also agreed with Director Ao that the grievances would be resolved in the team battle later.

But Xiao Wu looked very angry, so Tang San quickly pulled her away before she exploded.

After returning to the box, Xiao Wu became more and more angry as she thought about it. She couldn't help shouting: "That girl is so shameless. She dares to sneak attack. I'll beat her into a pig head later."

Tang San nodded, "That Dugu Yan's Jade Phosphorus Snake Venom is nothing to worry about. When I break her venom later, you can use the opportunity to teleport to eliminate her."

Xiao Wu suddenly turned from gloomy to sunny, "My mistress still understands me."

Flender saw Wang Xiaofeng sitting in the corner and closing his eyes to rest as soon as he returned to the box. He thought he had suffered some internal injury and asked with concern: "Xiaofeng, are you injured?"

"Fortunately, only half of the soul power has been consumed. It's just that the mind has been used up too much and I'm a little tired." Wang Xiaofeng rubbed his temples and cheered up.

After eating Oscar's sausages and sausages, his body recovered a lot from the paralysis and injuries caused by the thunder and lightning attached to the Yutian Henglan Electric Tyrannosaurus Spirit. However, it took a lot of effort for him to cover his fists with soul power and control the soul power to invade Yu Tianheng's body while fighting.

You must know that without the use of martial arts, it is difficult to release soul power under normal circumstances. Even the auxiliary soul masters who are the best at carefully controlling soul power are very few who can do this.

After all, the soul power is too active, especially after the soul power in the body is released, the soul power exposed in the air will be more difficult to control. In other words, Wang Xiaofeng often trained in the hands of Zhao Wuji, and often released his own soul power to resist the pressure brought by Zhao Wuji's soul power, so he developed this meticulous soul power supercontrol.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Wang Xiaofeng quickly asked: "By the way, why did you come just now? I remember you were discussing tactics, weren't you?"

Ma Hongjun said: "You said you were trying to find out the enemy's situation, so after we discussed the tactics, we came to watch your game. As soon as we arrived, we saw that the opponent was about to attack, so I blocked him."

Dai Mubai smiled and said, "Xiao Feng, you won so quickly. You guys decided the winner in less than ten minutes. It seems like the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus is nothing more than that."

In Dai Mubai's view, although Wang Xiaofeng is very powerful in terms of intelligence and combat, his attack power is not as good as theirs in a real fight. Although Yu Tianheng's injury was cured by the Jiu Xin Hai Tang soul master, his soul power still remains. It wouldn't appear out of thin air, so what they faced was just a half-disabled Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Dragon Soul Master.

Wang Xiaofeng saw that Dai Mubai was a little unimpressed, "Hey, don't underestimate him. If I hadn't found a way to restrain his thunder and lightning, I wouldn't have won or lost this match. One-on-one you and him would only be 50-50. It looks like it’s open.”

Wang Xiaofeng stretched out three fingers and analyzed: "His first soul skill is to condense a lightning dragon claw, his second soul skill is to use lightning all over his body to form arrows to attack, and his third soul skill is an amplification soul skill. The specific amplification effect is It’s hard to say, but it must have the effect of enhancing lightning and attack power.”

"Strategically, we must despise the enemy, and tactically, we must pay attention to the enemy."

After hearing the enemy's soul skills, Dai Mubai put away his contempt. According to Wang Xiaofeng, the opponent was indeed worthy of fighting.

Wang Xiaofeng asked curiously: "By the way, Xiaosan, how are you going to deal with the Royal Dou Team?"

Tang San took the information given by the master and explained his plan.

Wang Xiaofeng was a little confused after hearing Tang San's entire plan, "Tactic No. 3? The one that lures the enemy deep? I think it's a bit difficult. After the battle with me, Yu Tianheng will definitely not be arrogant enough to attack you alone."

Tang San also considered this issue, but with the Blue Silver Grass, he could move the positions of everyone in the team at will. "He doesn't need to take the initiative. We can invite you to the urn. If it doesn't work, we can also use the No. 6 tactic."

"Found in the east and attack in the west!"


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