Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 127 Points Settlement (Revision)

Ning Rongrong asked cautiously: "Are you the senior Yan Emperor who killed three Soul Emperors in a row with his Soul King cultivation, and even broke through on the spot?"

Qin Ming touched his head in embarrassment, seeming to feel a little ashamed of his title, "Hahaha, I didn't expect that all the little princesses of Qibao Glazed Sect know me, but I can't be called a senior. You can call me Senior or Senior Qin. .”

Wang Xiaofeng wiped his sweat. Why did Senior Qin's experience feel like the hero of a fantasy novel?

"Senior?" The others at Shrek were shocked. They didn't expect the students who graduated from Shrek Academy to be so powerful.

It's no wonder that, except for Tang San and Xiao Wu, who were recommended to Shrek by the master, everyone else was tricked into Shrek for some reason, and they don't know much about the outstanding students Shrek has produced.

Of course, this also has something to do with the continuous suppression by the nobles of the Balak Kingdom, so that except for the area around Soto City, few people outside the kingdom have heard of Shrek's name. In comparison, it is almost the same as the Pheasant University where Wang Xiaofeng lived in his previous life.

Flanders said to the Shrek students: "You must be wondering why Qin Ming is here. In fact, it is very simple. Qin Ming is the first graduate of Shrek Academy, and he is also the most outstanding student ever. Mu Bai, Xiaofeng, Xiaosan, Xiaowu, the record for the fastest level 30 that you broke not long ago was held by Qin Ming."

Flanders raised his hand, patted Qin Ming's shoulder hard, and said: "Already have their own titles, but they are still as restrained as before. Come, let me introduce to you, this is the master, and besides You saw these eight little monsters on the Soul Fighting Stage just now."

Qin Ming first performed a discipleship ceremony to the master. Although the master did not accept it, he still bowed. His achievements today are inseparable from the book written by the master that records the skills of soul power operation.

Tang San saw the strange expression on the master's face, but he didn't ask any more questions, he just moved closer to the master.

Qin Ming smiled and said: "Vice Dean Zhao Wuji, the group of juniors and girls you have taught are much better than our generation."

Zhao Wuji laughed, "Of course, according to Xiaofeng, records are meant to be broken, otherwise they are meaningless. This is also the reason why we old guys still insist on staying at Shrek. The most important thing is to teach these last batch of outstanding students well."

Qin Ming was shocked. Zhao Wuji looked like this. He was not like Prince Fudo, who had been clamoring to found the first college in mainland China. He subconsciously asked: "Has the economic problem of the college not been solved yet?" As soon as the words came out, he Realizing that he had said something wrong, he looked at Flanders with an embarrassed expression.

Flanders sighed, "This is only part of the reason. The main reason is that after so many years, we are also tired. As we grow older, we no longer have the energy we had when we were young. After these children graduate, I think, We can also live some lives of our own. Look at Lao Zhao, he is almost fifty years old and is still a bachelor. This is not good. If word spreads, people think that I, Flanders, am abusing the teacher."

Zhao Wuji's eyes widened and he said angrily: "Hey, you Flanders, what are you talking nonsense in front of your children?"

Seeing that Zhao Wuji was angry, Flanders quickly changed the subject and said: "Okay, okay, this is not the place to chat. Let's go to the hotel where we are staying first. We haven't seen each other for so many years, let's have a good chat."

Flanders turned to the Shrek students and said, "Okay, you go and settle the points first, and then come back quickly. Master, Wuji, Qin Ming, let's go."

The four people from Flanders left, leaving only eight people from Shrek. With the help of Oscar's recovery sausage, they have recovered a lot of physical strength and some soul power.

The spirit battle that lasted for almost a month finally came to an end. After defeating the Imperial Fighter Team, the Shrek Team achieved a record of 28 victories in all 28 team spirit fights.

Moreover, according to the agreement between Grandmaster and Soto Spirit Arena, except for Oscar and Ning Rongrong, each of them will have a one-on-one victory record, and each of them will also receive a two-on-two victory record. After so many soul battles, everyone was curious about their own points.

Before the eight of them could go to the place where points were calculated, Director Ao had already taken the initiative to come to them and invited them to a point exchange office exclusively for senior soul masters.

Manager Ao handed a black card to Dai Mubai, captain of the Shrek team, "This is the 10,000 gold soul coins promised to your team leader by the Great Soul Fighting Arena. This black card is common to all banks in the mainland and can be directly exchanged for the corresponding Amount."

Dai Mubai was not polite and put the black card directly into his arms, "Director Ao, can you calculate the points for us now. We are also tired and want to go back and rest early."

"Of course, of course." Manager Ao was extremely polite and quickly motioned to the staff next to him to calculate Shrek's group's soul fighting points over the past month.

Wang Xiaofeng fell asleep listening to the crackling sound of the abacus. It wasn't until Supervisor Ao read his name that he became energetic.

"Colorful Gourd: Since the last time I participated in a spirit fight before this month was more than three months ago, and there were no more than five consecutive wins before, therefore, the spirit fight wins won before this month will not be counted with the number of consecutive wins this month. Cumulative calculation.

In one-on-one spirit fighting, he has achieved twenty-seven consecutive victories this month, including five games with five consecutive wins or more, and seventeen games with ten consecutive wins or more. Points gained, one thousand seven hundred and fifty five.

Two-on-two fighting spirit, a member of the colorful fire phoenix combination, has won twenty-six games in a row, including five games with five consecutive wins or more, and sixteen games with more than ten consecutive wins. Points gained, one thousand six hundred and fifty five.

Team fighting spirit, a member of the Shrek team, participated in eight-man team battles for thirteen consecutive victories, including five consecutive wins of five or more, and three wins of ten or more. Points earned, three hundred and fifty five.

The points at the beginning of the month were three, and the points gained this month were 3,765 points. The current total points are 3,767 points. The fighting spirit badge is upgraded to the silver fighting spirit level. "

Wang Xiaofeng was the last person to finish calculating the points. Looking at everyone's very calm appearance, it seemed that the points were quite high. Although I didn't know how many points they had, they should be about the same.

After registering the points, I received the latest fighting spirit badge, and also received the appearance fee mentioned by Director Ao. Everyone was very happy to get so much money, except of course Wang Xiaofeng, because he was the only one who got the least.

Ning Rongrong happily put the bag containing five hundred gold soul coins into a corner of the soul guide. In this month of fighting souls, she earned about seven or eight hundred gold soul coins. This was all due to her hard work. Every little bit you earn is of great significance.

Ma Hongjun held the heavy money bag and said happily: "With this money, I can go to Soto City Hotel for a big meal."

Oscar said angrily: "Look at your worthless look, isn't it just five hundred gold soul coins?"

Ma Hongjun glanced at Oscar with disdain and whispered, "Do you think anyone can fall in love with a rich woman as easily as you do?"

"What did you say?"


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