Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 131: Netherworld White Tiger (Part 1)

Wang Xiaofeng organized the manuscript of the last experiment and put it into the soul guide. As a result, he turned around and saw Oscar, who had a sausage stuck in his throat because he was eating the sausage too quickly. He quickly handed him the water glass and pulled him out of the hell.

"Okay, Oscar, practicing successfully for the first time will consume a lot of body energy. Just eating sausages is not enough. It happens to be lunch time now, so let's go eat first."

With the successful experience of winning the Oscar, Wang Xiaofeng is more confident. It will be easier to promote the simplified version of Gluttony in the future.

Of course, the more mice, the better, otherwise how can we find out the flaws. Moreover, Wang Xiaofeng is planning to let Wang Daniu and He Li also study together. Of course, they must be careful. At the very least, safety must be guaranteed. There are no healing soul masters in Hulu Village.

As soon as you open the dormitory door, you can faintly hear the rhythmic and rhythmic knocking sound coming from the distance.

Wang Xiaofeng said in amazement: "Xiaosan is really working hard. This state has lasted for a month."

Oscar rolled his eyes and said, "Aren't you the same? Apart from eating and practicing, I have never seen you leave the dormitory door. You have been tinkering with that soul skill."

While walking, Wang Xiaofeng suddenly saw someone walking in front of him. He pursed his lips and said, "My mistress and I are different. At least we don't have such a good sister."

"Hehe, I'm jealous." Oscar secretly smiled and shouted to the person in front of him: "Xiao Wu, go give food to the mistress again."

"It's you, I'm about to deliver something to Mistress." Xiao Wu raised her head and glanced at Wang Xiaofeng and Oscar, and said doubtfully: "That's not right, you two usually go to the cafeteria in time for meals, why are you here so early today? .”

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said: "Hey, of course it's because I accomplished my small goal."

Xiao Wu said happily: "Xiao Feng, have you figured out the soul skill?!" Wang Xiaofeng had talked with them about his holiday plans before, and set a small goal to simplify gluttony during the holiday.

However, Xiao Wu was not happy for long. She seemed to have thought of something, and her bright eyes dimmed again. Even Wang Xiaofeng has created a soul skill. When will Yang'er, whom she has been dreaming about day and night, come out of the stone house.

Wang Xiaofeng saw that Xiao Wu was sometimes happy and sometimes worried, so he knew that he must have said something wrong, and said quickly: "Xiao Wu, don't you still want to send something to Mistress? Go quickly, and we won't disturb you anymore." After saying that, he took Oscar and left in a hurry.

"Yes, the food is getting cold." Xiao Wu hurriedly walked towards the outer edge of the academy.

When Wang Xiaofeng and Oscar walked into the cafeteria, everyone was eating lunch except Tang San and Xiao Wu. No wonder he didn't see them every time he ate. It turned out that everyone ate so early.

"Isn't this Xiaofeng? Why are you here so early today?" Dai Mubai looked up and found that Wang Xiaofeng had come for lunch early, so he joked.

In this month, no matter which meal it was, Wang Xiaofeng always came to the cafeteria at the last moment. After finishing the remaining food in silence, he silently returned to the dormitory alone. According to Wang Xiaofeng, Obsessed with learning and unable to extricate himself.

Wang Xiaofeng scooped up a large bowl of broth, sat down next to Ma Hongjun, picked up the steamed buns and ate them, and said: "You guys have the nerve to say that I don't see anyone every time I eat, tell me! Are you secretly training?" "

"How do you know? I specifically asked them to give you a surprise." Dai Mubai's expression changed and he glared at Oscar. In his opinion, Oscar must have accidentally leaked the information.

Seeing that Dai Mubai was targeting him, Oscar didn't care about the chicken legs snatched away by Ma Hongjun, and said quickly: "Boss Dai, you are wronged, I didn't say anything."

Wang Xiaofeng didn't expect that he would casually say, "No, you really have something to hide from me."

"Ahem, it's okay. You finish your meal first." Dai Mubai said lightly. No matter how Wang Xiaofeng asked, Dai Mubai would bring up other topics.

"Oh my God, Oscar, are you possessed by Xiaofeng? You actually ate so much food." Ning Rongrong stared blankly at Oscar as he ate all the dishes around him until his belly was as bulging as a six-month pregnancy. The pregnant woman stopped.

"Don't worry, Oscar will be fine once he starts overeating." Wang Xiaofeng said that this is because Oscar has just learned the simplified version of overeating and failed to control it well. He ran it too many times for the first time, which resulted in excessive consumption of most of the energy in the body. The brain goes crazy signaling to eat.

Now that Oscar is full, he only needs to activate his gluttony for a little bit, convert the food in his stomach into energy and replenish it into his body, and achieve a balance, and everything will be fine.

Dai Mubai said: "This soul skill you created can really improve your physical fitness while eating?"

Take Dai Mubai as an example. Ordinary training has no effect on his body now. Even extreme training takes a lot of time. The price/performance ratio is too low. If he has this kind of time, he might as well cultivate his soul power.

"Well, although the improvement is very small, it does have an effect." Although the simplified version of gluttony can only double the digestion and absorption capacity of the stomach, it is safe and easy to learn.

Seeing the others impatiently, Wang Xiaofeng said in a funny tone: "Don't worry, I'll teach you after dinner."

Facing the scorching eyes of everyone, Wang Xiaofeng was not in the mood to chew carefully. After hastily finishing the food in front of him, he taught everyone step by step how to simplify gluttony.

With Oscar's example in front of them, the four of them would naturally not starve themselves to death like Oscar did.

"It does work. Although I don't feel any increase in strength, the food in my stomach is digested faster, and my body also feels warm." Dai Mubai felt it, and it did have a slight effect, but it was different from the soul that Wang Xiaofeng originally described. The technical effect seems to be different.

Wang Xiaofeng said angrily: "Please, you are learning the simplified version. It will take at least a day before you can feel the changes in your body."

"Simplified version? What's the normal version like?" Ning Rongrong asked curiously.

"Here you go." Wang Xiaofeng took out the book of Baji-Gluttony without caring. Ning Rongrong took it and took a look. It was filled with dense meridians, involving a total of twelve main meridians, one hundred. Thirty-four small meridians. Although it was clearly written on it and even marked the order of soul power movement, it still made everyone feel dizzy after reading it.

"I suddenly felt that the simplified version was quite good." Ma Hongjun quickly closed his eyes, as if he had returned to the days when he was a child in school.


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